

词条 Tuba mirum (disambiguation)

Tuba mirum is a part of the Dies irae, a Latin poetic sequence used in Anglican and Catholic liturgies, especially the Requiem Mass:

Original Latin:

Tuba, mirum spargens sonum

Per sepulchra regionum,

Coget omnes ante thronum.

English translation:

The trumpet, casting a wondrous sound

In tombs,

Summons all before the throne.

It can also refer to:

  • Specific movements in the following musical compositions which use the Dies irae as part of their text
    • Requiem (Verdi)
    • Requiem (Mozart)
    • Requiem (Berlioz)
    • War Requiem (Britten)
    • Requiem (Henze)
    • Requiem (Dvořák)
    • Polish Requiem (Penderecki)
    • Messa per Rossini (a collective work by 13 composers)
    • Requiem Canticles (Stravinsky)
  • A musical instrument invented by the composer and parodist, Peter Schickele




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