

词条 Vladimir M. Shalaev

  1. Education and career

  2. Research

     Optical metamaterials  Random composites  New Materials for Nanophotonics and Plasmonics  Early research 

  3. Awards, honors, memberships

  4. Publications

  5. References

{{Infobox scientist
| name = Vladimir M. Shalaev
| birth_name =
| image = Professor Vladimir Shalaev.jpg
| image_size =
| caption =
| birth_date = {{birth date and age |1957|02|18}}
| birth_place = Krasnoyarsk, Russia
| death_date =
| death_place =
| residence = United States
| citizenship = United States, Russia
| field = {{Plainlist|
  • Physics
  • Optics
  • Photonics
  • Optical nano-/metamaterials
  • Plasmonics
  • Quantum optics
  • Nanotechnology}}

| work_institution = Purdue University
| alma_mater = Krasnoyarsk State University, Russia
| doctoral_advisor =
| thesis_title=
| thesis_year =
| thesis_url =
| doctoral_students =
| prizes =
| footnotes =
| website = {{URL|https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/}}

Vladimir (Vlad) M. Shalaev (born February 18, 1957) is a Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering[1] and Scientific Director for Nanophotonics at Birck Nanotechnology Center,[2] Purdue University.

Education and career

Shalaev earned a Master of Science Degree in physics in 1979 from Krasnoyarsk State University (Russia) and a PhD Degree in physics and mathematics in 1983 from the same University. Shalaev received several awards for his research in the fields of nanophotonics and metamaterials, including the Max Born Award of the Optical Society of America (OSA),[3] the Willis E. Lamb Award for Laser Science and Quantum Optics,[4] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Photonics Society William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award,[5] the Rolf Landauer Medal of the Electrical, Transport and Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Media (ETOPIM) International Association,[6] the UNESCO Medal for the development of nanosciences and nanotechnologies,[7] OSA and SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics - Goodman Book Writing Award.[8] Shalaev is a Fellow of the OSA,[9] IEEE,[10] SPIE,[11] American Physical Society (APS),[12] and Materials Research Society (MRS).[13] Prof. Shalaev has written three books, edited/co-edited 4 books, and authored over 500 research publicationsl.[14] His h-index is 91 with over 37,000 citations in total as of March 2018 (according to Google Scholar).[15]


Vladimir M. Shalaev is recognized for his pioneering studies on linear and nonlinear optics of random nanophotonic composites that had helped to mold the research area of composite optical media.[4] He also contributed to the emergence of a new field of engineered, artificial materials - optical metamaterials.[3][4]

Optical metamaterials

Optical metamaterials (MMs) are rationally designed composite nanostructured materials that exhibit unique electromagnetic properties drastically different from the properties of their constituent material components. Metamaterials offer remarkable tailorability of their electromagnetic response via shape, size, composition and morphology of their nanoscale building blocks sometimes called 'meta-atoms'.[16] Shalaev proposed and demonstrated the first optical MM that exhibits negative index of refraction and the nanostructures that show artificial magnetism across the entire visible spectrum.[17][18][19][20] (Here and thereafter, only selected, representative papers by Shalaev are cited; for complete list of Shalaev's publications visit his website.[21]) He made important contributions to active, nonlinear and tunable metamaterials, which enable new ways of controlling light and accessing new regimes of enhanced light-matter interactions.[22][23][24][25] Shalaev also experimentally realized negative-refractive-index MMs where optical gain medium is used to compensate for light absorption (optical loss).[24] He made significant contributions to the so-called Transformation Optics[26]

, specifically on optical concentrators and "invisibility cloaks".[27][28][29][30] In collaboration with Noginov, Shalaev demonstrated the smallest, 40-nm, nanolaser operating in the visible spectral range.[31][32] Shalaev also made seminal contributions to two dimensional, flat metamaterials – metasurfaces[33] – that introduce abrupt changes to the phase of light at a single interface via coupling to nanoscale optical antennas.[34][35][36][37][38] He realized extremely compact flat lens,[36] ultra-thin hologram[37] and record-small circular dichroism spectrometer[38] compatible with planar optical circuitry. MM designs developed by Shalaev are now broadly employed for research in sub-wavelength optical imaging, nanoscale lasers, and novel sensors.[33][39]

Shalaev’s work had a strong impact on the whole field of metamaterials.[3][4][5] Three of Shalaev’s papers - Refs. [17], [18], and [27] - remain among the top 25 most-cited out of over 580,000 papers included in the ISI Web of Science OPTICS category since 2005 (as of March 2018).[40]

Random composites

Shalaev made pioneering contributions to the area of random optical media, including fractal and percolation composites.[4][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51] He predicted the highly localized optical modes -'hot spots' - for fractals and percolating films which were later experimentally demonstrated by Shalaev in collaboration with the Moskovits and Boccara groups.[47][48] Furthermore, he showed that the hot spots in fractal and percolation random composites are related to localization of surface plasmons[41].[51] This research on random composites stemmed from the early studies on fractals performed by Shalaev in collaboration with M. I. Stockman;[52][53][54][55][56][57] a theory of random metal-dielectric films was worked out in collaboration with A. K. Sarychev.[42][44][45][49] Shalaev also developed fundamental theories of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and strongly-enhanced optical nonlinearities in fractals and percolation systems and led experimental studies aimed to verify the developed theories[41].[51][54][58][59] Shalaev also predicted that nonlinear phenomena in random systems can be enhanced not only because of the high local fields in hot spots but also due to the rapid, nanoscale spatial variation of these fields in the vicinity of hot spots, which serves as a source of additional momentum and thus enables indirect electronic transitions.[59]

Shalaev’s contributions to the optics and plasmonics of random media[41][51] helped to transform those concepts into the area of optical metamaterials[17][20][22].[31] Owing to the theory and experimental approaches developed in the area of random composites, optical metamaterials have quickly become a mature research field surprisingly rich in new physics.[19][6] Shalaev’s impact on the development of both fields is in identifying the strong synergy and close connection between these two frontier fields of optics that unlock an entirely new set of physical properties.[6]

New Materials for Nanophotonics and Plasmonics

Random composites and metamaterials provide a unique opportunity to tailor their optical properties via shape, size and composition of their nanoscale building blocks, which often require metals to confine light down to the nanometer scale via the excitation of surface plasmons.[41][25] To enable practical applications of plasmonics, Shalaev in collaboration with A. Boltasseva[60] developed novel plasmonic materials, namely transition metal nitrides and transparent conducting oxides (TCOs), paving the way to durable, low-loss, and CMOS-compatible plasmonic and nanophotonic devices.[61][62][63][64][65][66][67] The proposed plasmonic ceramics operating at high temperatures, can offer solutions to highly efficient energy conversion, photocatalysis and data storage technologies[63].[67]

In collaboration with the Faccio group,[68] Shalaev demonstrated ultrafast, strongly-enhanced nonlinear responses in TCOs that possess an extremely low (close to zero) linear refractive index – the so-called epsilon-near-zero regime.[69][70][71] Independently, the Boyd group obtained equally remarkable results in a TCO material,[72] demonstrating that low-index TCOs hold a promise for novel nonlinear optics.

Early research

Shalaev’s PhD work (supervised by Prof. A.K. Popov) and early research involved theoretical analysis of resonant interaction of laser radiation with gaseous media, in particular i) Doppler-free multi-photon processes in strong optical fields and their applications in nonlinear optics[73] spectroscopy[74] and laser physics[75] as well as ii) the (newly-discovered then) phenomenon of light-induced drift of gases.[76][77]

Awards, honors, memberships

  • The Optical Society of America Max Born Award, 2010[3]
  • The Willis E. Lamb Award for Laser Science and Quantum Optics, 2010[4]
  • IEEE Photonics Society William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award, 2015[5]
  • Rolf Landauer Medal of the ETOPIM (Electrical, Transport and Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Media) International Association, 2015[6]
  • The 2012 Nanotechnology Award from UNESCO[7]
  • The 2014 Goodman Book Award from OSA and SPIE[8]
  • [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/news_archive.php Honorary Doctorate from University of Southern Denmark], 2015
  • The 2006 Top 50 Nano Technology Award Winner for “Nanorod Material”
  • [https://www.purdue.edu/research/awards/herbert-newby-mccoy-award/past/shalaev.php The 2009 McCoy Award, Purdue University's highest honor for scientific achievement]
  • Fellow of the Materials Research Society (MRS),[13] since 2015
  • Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),[10] since 2010
  • Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS),[12] since 2002
  • Fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA),[9] since 2003
  • Fellow of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE),[11] since 2005
  • General co-Chair for 2011 and Program co-Chair 2009 of CLEO/QELS conferences
  • Chair of the OSA Technical Group “Photonic Metamaterials”, 2004 - 2010
  • Reviewing Editor for Science Science Magazine
  • Co-Editor of Applied Physics B - Lasers and Optics, 2006 - 2013
  • [https://www.osapublishing.org/josa100/topicaleditors.cfm Topical Editor for Journal of Optical Society of America B], 2005–2011
  • [https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/nanoph Editorial Board Member for Nanophotonics journal], since 2012
  • Editorial Advisory Board Member for Laser and Photonics Reviews, since 2008


Prof. Shalaev co-/authored three-[19][43][45] and co-/edited four[78][79][80][81] books in the area of his scientific expertise. According Shalaev's website,[82] over the course of his career he contributed 28 invited chapters to various scientific anthologies and published a number of invited review articles, over 500 publications in total, including over 300 research papers in refereed journals and 20 patents. He made over 300 invited presentations at International Conferences and leading research centers, including a number of plenary and keynote talks.[83][84]

The OPTICS category in the ISI Web of Science contains 94 journals; about 50,000 review articles, conference proceedings and book chapters are published each year in this category. Out of over 580,000 OPTICS publications in the Web of Science from January 2005 to March 2018, three papers from Shalaev research group – [17], [18] and [27] - are among the top 25 most cited publications and they are ranked (as of March 2018), in terms of the number of citations, as #13, #21 and #25.[40] According to Google Scholar,[15] as of March 2018 these three papers have been cited 2,497, 1,729 and 1,616 times, respectively, with more than 37,000 citations in total of Shalaev’s publications.


1. ^[https://engineering.purdue.edu/ECE/People/ptProfile?resource_id=3322 People, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University]
2. ^Birck Nanotechnology Center Faculty
3. ^[https://www.osa.org/en-us/awards_and_grants/awards/award_description/maxborn/ 2010 Optical Society of America Max Born Award]
4. ^2010 Willis E. Lamb Award for Laser Science and Quantum Optics
5. ^[https://www.photonicssociety.org/awards/william-streifer-scientific-achievement-award/william-streifer-scientific-achievement-award-winners 2015 IEEE Photonics Society William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award]
6. ^[https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/ETOPIM%20Landauer%20Medal.pdf 2015 Rolf Landauer International ETOPIM Association Medal]
7. ^2012 UNESCO Medal for the Development of Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies
8. ^[https://www.osa.org/en-us/awards_and_grants/awards/award_description/goodmanbookaward/ 2014 Joseph W. Goodman Book Writing Award]
9. ^2003 OSA Fellows
10. ^[https://www.ieee.org/membership_services/membership/fellows/fellowsDirectory.html IEEE Fellows Directory]
11. ^Complete List of SPIE Fellows
12. ^[https://www.aps.org/programs/honors/fellowships/archive-all.cfm APS Fellow Archive]
13. ^List of MRS Fellows
14. ^[https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list.php V. Shalaev's publication list]
15. ^[https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/Google_Scolar_10.02.2018%20.pdf Shalaev h-index and citations, Google Scholar]
16. ^N. Meinzer, W.L. Barnes & I.R. Hooper, [https://www.nature.com/articles/nphoton.2014.247 Plasmonic meta-atoms and metasurfaces], N. Meinzer, William L. Barnes & I.R. Hooper, Nature Photonics, v. 8, pp. 889–898 (2014)
17. ^V.M. Shalaev, [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/Optical%20negative-index%20metamaterials.pdf Optical Negative-Index Metamaterials], Nature photonics, v. 1, pp. 41–48 (2007)
18. ^V.M. Shalaev, W. Cai, U.K. Chettiar, H.-K. Yuan, A.K. Sarychev, V.P. Drachev, and A.V. Kildishev, [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/OLpaper.pdf Negative Index of Refraction in Optical Metamaterials], Optics Letters, v. 30, pp. 3356–3358 (2005)
19. ^W. Cai, V.M. Shalaev, [https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9781441911506 Optical Metamaterials: Fundamentals and Applications], Springer-Verlag, New York (2010)
20. ^W. Cai, U.K. Chettiar, H.-K. Yuan, V.C. de Silva, A.V. Kildishev, V.P. Drachev, and V.M. Shalaev, [https://www.osapublishing.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-15-6-3333 Metamagnetics with rainbow colors], Optics Express, v. 15, pp. 3333–3341 (2007)
21. ^[https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev Prof. V. Shalaev, Purdue University, Electrical & Computer Engineering]
22. ^A.K. Popov and V.M.Shalaev, [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00340-006-2167-4 Negative-index metamaterials: second-harmonic generation, Manley-Rowe relations and parametric amplification], Applied Physics B, v. 84, pp. 131–37 (2006)
23. ^S. Xiao, U.K. Chettiar, A.V. Kildishev, V.P. Drachev, I.C. Khoo, and V.M. Shalaev, [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/APPLAB953033115_1.pdf Tunable magnetic response of metamaterials], Applied Physics Letters, v. 95, p. 033114 (2009)
24. ^S.Xiao, V.P. Drachev, A.V. Kildishev, X. Ni, U.K. Chettiar, H.-K. Yuan, and V.M. Shalaev, [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/nature09278.pdf Loss-free and active optical negative-index metamaterials], Nature, v. 466, pp. 735–738 (2010)
25. ^O. Hess, J. B. Pendry, S. A. Maier, R. F. Oulton, J. M. Hamm and K. L. Tsakmakidis, [https://www.nature.com/articles/nmat3356 Active nanoplasmonic metamaterials], Nature Materials, v. 11, pp. 573-584 (2012)
26. ^H. Chen, C.T. Chan and P. Sheng, [https://www.nature.com/articles/nmat2743 Transformation optics and metamaterials], Nature Materials, v. 9, pp. 387–396 (2010)
27. ^W. Cai, U.K. Chettiar, A.V. Kildishev and V.M. Shalaev, [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/CloakingPaper.pdf Optical cloaking with metamaterials], Nature Photonics, v. 1, pp. 224-227 (2007)
28. ^I.I. Smolyaninov, V.N. Smolyaninova, A.V. Kildishev, and V.M. Shalaev, [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/PRL%20Cloak.pdf Anisotropic Metamaterials Emulated by Tapered Waveguides: Application to Optical Cloaking], Physical Review Letters, v. 102, p. 213901 (2009)
29. ^V.M. Shalaev, [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/science384.pdf Transforming Light] , Science, v. 322, pp. 384–386 (2008)
30. ^A.V. Kildishev and V.M. Shalaev, [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/OL%2033%20(1)%20January%202007.pdf Engineering space for light via transformation optics], Optics Letters, v. 33, pp. 43–45 (2008)
31. ^M. A. Noginov, G. Zhu, A. M. Belgrave, R. Bakker, V. M. Shalaev, E. E. Narimanov, S. Stout, E. Herz, T. Suteewong and U. Wiesner, [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/Demonstration%20of%20a%20spaser-based%20nanolaser.pdf Demonstration of a spaser-based nanolaser], Nature, v. 460, pp.1110–1112 (2009)
32. ^M. Premaratne and M.I. Stockman, [https://www.osapublishing.org/aop/abstract.cfm?uri=aop-9-1-79 Theory and Technology of SPASERs], Advances In Optics And Photonics, v. 9, pp. 79–128 (2017)
33. ^N. Yu, and F. Capasso, [https://www.osapublishing.org/jlt/abstract.cfm?uri=jlt-33-12-2344 Optical Metasurfaces and Prospect of Their Applications Including Fiber Optics], Journal Of Lightwave Technology, v. 33, pp.2344–2358 (2015)
34. ^X. Ni, N. K. Emani, A.V. Kildishev, A. Boltasseva, and V.M. Shalaev, Broadband light bending with plasmonic nanoantennas, Science, v. 335, pp. 427 (2012)
35. ^A. V. Kildishev, A. Boltasseva, and V. M. Shalaev, Planar photonics with metasurfaces, Science, v. 339, p. 1232009 (2013)
36. ^X. Ni, S. Ishii, A.V. Kildishev, and V.M. Shalaev, [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/LSA_Ni_2013.pdf Ultra-thin, planar, Babinet-inverted plasmonic metalenses], Light: Science & Applications, v. 2, p. e72 (2013)
37. ^X. Ni, A.V. Kildishev, and V.M. Shalaev, [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/Metasurface%20holograms%20for%20visible%20light%20(2013).pdf Metasurface holograms for visible light], Nature Communications, v. 4, pp. 1–6 (2013)
38. ^A. Shaltout, J. Liu, A. Kildishev, and V. Shalaev, [https://www.osapublishing.org/optica/abstract.cfm?uri=optica-2-10-860 Photonic spin Hall effect in gap-plasmon metasurfaces for on-chip chiroptical spectroscopy], Optica, v. 2, pp. 860-863 (2015)
39. ^C. Deeb, J.-L. Pelouard, Plasmon lasers: coherent nanoscopic light sources, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 19, pp. 29731–29741 (2017)
40. ^[https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/Web_of_Science_Core_Collection_Search_Results.pdf Web of Science Core Collection Search Results]
41. ^V. M. Shalaev, Electromagnetic Properties of Small-Particle Composites, Physics Reports, v. 272, pp. 61–137 (1996)
42. ^V.M. Shalaev and A.K. Sarychev, Nonlinear optics of random metal-dielectric films, Physical Review B, v. 57, pp. 13265-13288 (1998)
43. ^V. M. Shalaev, [https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783540656159 Nonlinear Optics of Random Media: Fractal Composites and Metal-Dielectric Films], Springer (2000)
44. ^A.K. Sarychev, V.M. Shalaev, [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/PhysRep.pdf Electromagnetic field fluctuations and optical nonlinearities in metal-dielectric composites], Physics Reports, v. 335, pp. 275–371 (2000)
45. ^A.K. Sarychev, V.M. Shalaev, Electrodynamics of Metamaterials, World Scientific (2007)
46. ^M.I. Stockman, V.M. Shalaev, M. Moskovits, R. Botet, T.F. George, Enhanced Raman scattering by fractal clusters: Scale-invariant theory, Physical Review B, v. 46, pp. 2821–2830 (1992)
47. ^D.P. Tsai, J. Kovacs, Zh. Wang, M. Moskovits, V.M. Shalaev, J.S. Suh, and R. Botet, [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/Photon_Scanning_Tunneling-1994.pdf Photon Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Images of Optical Excitations of Fractal Metal Colloid Clusters], Physical Review Letters, v. 72, pp. 4149–4152, (1994)
48. ^S. Gresillon, L. Aigouy, A.C. Boccara, J.C. Rivoal, X. Quelin, C. Desmarest, P. Gadenne, V.A. Shubin, A.K. Sarychev, and V.M. Shalaev [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/Experimental_Observation_of_Localized-1999.pdf Experimental Observation of Localized Optical Excitations in Random Metal-Dielectric Films], Physical Review Letters, v. 82, pp. 4520-4523 (1999)
49. ^A.K. Sarychev, V.A. Shubin, and V.M. Shalaev, [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/Anderson_localization-1999.pdf Anderson localization of surface plasmons and nonlinear optics of metal-dielectric composites], Physical Review B, v. 60, pp. 16389–16408 (1999)
50. ^V.P. Safonov, V.M. Shalaev, V.A. Markel, Yu.E. Danilova, N.N. Lepeshkin, W.Kim, S.G. Rautian, and R.L. Armstrong, [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/Spectral_Dependence-1998.pdf Spectral Dependence of Selective Photomodification in Fractal Aggregates of Colloidal Particles], Physical Review Letters, v. 80, pp. 1102–1105 (1998)
51. ^W. Kim, V.P. Safonov, V.M. Shalaev, and R.L. Armstrong, [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/Fractals_in_Microcavities-1999.pdf Fractals in Microcavities: Giant Coupled Multiplicative Enhancement of Optical Responses], Physical Review Letters, v. 82, pp. 4811–4814 (1999)
52. ^V.M. Shalaev, M.I. Stockman, [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF01425582 Fractals: optical susceptibility and giant Raman scattering], Zeitschrift für Physik D - Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, v. 10, pp. 71–79 (1988)
53. ^A.V. Butenko, V.M. Shalaev, M.I. Stockman, [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF01425583 Fractals: giant impurity nonlinearities in optics of fractal clusters], Zeitschrift für Physik D - Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, v. 10, pp. 81-92 (1988)
54. ^S.G. Rautian, V.P. Safonov, P.A. Chubakov, V.M. Shalaev, M.I. Shtockman, [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/252899956_Surface-enhanced_parametric_scattering_of_light_by_silver_clusters Surface-enhanced parametric scattering of light by silver clusters], JETP Lett. v. 47, pp. 243–246 (1988) (translated from Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. v. 47, pp. 20–203 (1988))
55. ^A.V. Butenko, P.A. Chubakov, Yu.E. Danilova, S.V. Karpov, A.K. Popov, S.G. Rautian, V.P. Safonov, V.V. Slabko, V.M. Shalaev, M.I. Stockman, [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01437368 Nonlinear optics of metal fractal clusters], Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, v. 990, pp. 283-289 (1990)
56. ^V.M. Shalaev, R. Botet, R. Jullien, Resonant light scattering by fractal clusters, Physical Review B, v. 44, pp. 12216–12225 (1991)
57. ^V.M. Shalaev, M.I. Stockman, and R. Botet, Resonant excitations and nonlinear optics of fractals, Physica A, v. 185, pp. 181–186 (1992)
58. ^M. Breit, V. A. Podolskiy, S. Gresillon, G. von Plessen, J. Feldmann, J. C. Rivoal, P. Gadenne, A. K. Sarychev, and Vladimir M. Shalaev, [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/Experimental_observation-2001.pdf Experimental observation of percolation-enhanced non-linear light scattering from semicontinuous metal films], Physical Review B, v. 64, p. 125106 (2001)
59. ^V.M. Shalaev, C. Douketis, T. Haslett, T. Stuckless, and M. Moskovits, [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/Two-photon_electron_emission-1996.pdf Two-photon electron emission from smooth and rough metal films in the threshold region], Physical Review B, v. 53, p. 11193 (1996)
60. ^[https://engineering.purdue.edu/~aeb/index.shtml Prof. A. Boltasseva's research group site]
61. ^P.R. West, S. Ishii, G.V. Naik, N.K. Emani, V.M. Shalaev, and A. Boltasseva, [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/lpor_200900055_a.pdf Searching for better plasmonic materials], Laser & Photonics Reviews, v. 4, pp. 795–808 (2010)
62. ^G.V. Naik, V.M. Shalaev, and A. Boltasseva, [https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list_files/Naik_AdvMater2013-2.pdf Alternative Plasmonic Materials: Beyond Gold and Silver], Advanced Materials, v. 25, pp. 3264–3294 (2013)
63. ^U. Guler, A. Boltasseva, and V. M. Shalaev, Refractory plasmonics, Science, v. 344, pp. 263–264 (2014)
64. ^U. Guler, V.M. Shalaev, A. Boltasseva, [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1369702114004106 Nanoparticle Plasmonics: Going Practical with Transition Metal Nitrides], Materials Today, v. 18, pp. 227–237 (2014)
65. ^U. Guler, A. Kildishev, A. Boltasseva, and V.M. Shalaev, Plasmonics on the slope of enlightenment: the role of transition metal nitrides, Faraday Discussions, v. 178, pp. 71–86 (2015)
66. ^A. Boltasseva and V.M. Shalaev, All that glitters need not be gold, Science, v. 347, pp. 1308-1310 (2015)
67. ^A. Naldoni, U. Guler, Zh. Wang, M. Marelli, F. Malara, X. Meng, A.V. Kildishev, A. Boltasseva, V.M. Shalaev, Broadband Hot Electron Collection for Solar Water Splitting with Plasmonic Titanium Nitride, Advanced Optical Materials, v. 5, p. 1601031 (2017)
68. ^Prof. D. Faccio group, Heriot-Watt University, UK
69. ^L. Caspani, R.P.M. Kaipurath, M. Clerici, M. Ferrera, T. Roger, A. Di Falco, J. Kim, N. Kinsey, V. M. Shalaev, A. Boltasseva, D. Faccio, [https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.233901 Enhanced Nonlinear Refractive Index in ε-Near-Zero Materials], Physical Review Letters, v. 116, p. 233901 (2016)
70. ^M. Clerici, N. Kinsey, C. DeVault, J. Kim, E. G. Carnemolla, L. Caspani, A. Shaltout, D. Faccio, V. Shalaev, A. Boltasseva, M. Ferrera, [https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms15829 Controlling hybrid nonlinearities in transparent conducting oxides via two-colour excitation], Nature Communications v. 8, p. 15829 (2017)
71. ^S. Vezzoli, V. Bruno, C. DeVault, T. Roger, V.M. Shalaev, A. Boltasseva, M. Ferrera, M. Clerici, A. Dubietis, and D. Faccio1, [https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.043902 Optical time reversal from time-dependent epsilon-near-zero media], Physical Review Letters, v. 120, p. 043902 (2018)
72. ^M.Z. Alam, I. De Leon, R.W. Boyd, Large optical nonlinearity of indium tin oxide in its epsilon-near-zero region, Science, v. 352, pp. 795–797 (2016)
73. ^A.K. Popov, V.M. Shalaev, Doppler-free transitions induced by strong double-frequency optical excitations, Optics Communications, v. 35, pp. 189–193 (1980)
74. ^A.K. Popov, V.M. Shalaev, [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00886488 Doppler-free spectroscopy and wave-front conjugation by four-wave mixing of nonmonochromatic waves], Applied Physics, v.21, pp. 93–94 (1980)
75. ^A.K. Popov, V.M. Shalaev, [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF00697298 Unidirectional Doppler-Free Gain And Generation In Optically Pumped Lasers], Applied Physics B, v. 27,pp. 63–67 (1982)
76. ^A.K. Popov, A.M. Shalagin, V.M. Shalaev, V.Z. Yakhnin, [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF00902993 Drift of gases induced by nonmonochromatic light], Applied physics, v.25, pp. 347–350 (1981)
77. ^V.M. Shalaev and V.Z. Yakhnin, LID sound generated by pulsed excitation in gases, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics, v.20, pp. 2733–2743 (1987)
78. ^S. Kawata, V.M. Shalaev (editors), Tip Enhancement, Elsevier (2007)
79. ^S. Kawata, V.M. Shalaev (editors), Nanophotonics with Surface Plasmons, Elsevier (2007)
80. ^V.M. Shalaev (editor), [https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783540420316 Optical Properties of Nanostructured Random Media], Springer (2002)
81. ^V.M. Shalaev, M. Moskovits (editors), [https://books.google.com/books/about/Nanostructured_Materials.html?id=D0XxAAAAMAAJ&redir_esc=y Nanostructured Materials: Clusters, Composites, and Thin Films], American Chemical Society (1997)
82. ^[https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Publication_list.php Prof. V. Shalaev's website: Publications]
83. ^[https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Conference_presentations.php Prof. V. Shalaev's website: Conference Talks]
84. ^[https://engineering.purdue.edu/~shalaev/Invited_lectures.php Prof. V. Shalaev's website: Invited Lectures]
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