

词条 2010 in archosaur paleontology

  1. Newly named crurotarsans

  2. Newly named basal dinosauriforms

  3. Newly named non-avian dinosaurs

  4. Newly named birds

  5. Newly named pterosaurs

  6. Notes

  7. References

{{Year nav topic5|2010|archosaur paleontology|paleontology|science}}{{Portal|Paleontology|History of science|Dinosaurs}}

The year 2010 in Archosaur paleontology was eventful. Archosaurs include the only living dinosaur group — birds — and the reptile crocodilians, plus all extinct dinosaurs, extinct crocodilian relatives, and pterosaurs. Archosaur palaeontology is the scientific study of those animals, especially as they existed before the Holocene Epoch began about 11,700 years ago. The year 2010 in paleontology included various significant developments regarding archosaurs.

This article records new taxa of fossil archosaurs of every kind that have been described during the year 2010, as well as other significant discoveries and events related to paleontology of archosaurs that occurred in the year 2010.

Newly named crurotarsans

Baurusuchus albertoi[1]


  • Nascimento
  • Zaher


Adamantina Formation{{flag|Brazil}}Crocodylus anthropophagus[2]


  • Brochu
  • Njau
  • et al.[3]

A horned crocodile that preyed on early hominids



  • Hastings
  • Bloch
  • et al.[5]


Cerrejón Formation{{Flag|Colombia}}

A short-snouted dyrosaurid which had a generalist feeding strategy. It grew to lengths of about 7 feet.

Diplocynodon elavericus[6]


  • Martin

Late Eocene



  • Young
  • Brusatte
  • Ruta
  • de Andrade



A new genus for "Teleidosaurus" gaudryi (Collot, 1905). "Metriorhynchus" bathonicus (Mercier, 1933) is a second species of Eoneustes.



  • Young
  • Brusatte
  • Ruta
  • de Andrade


Oxford Clay{{flag|France}}

A new genus for "Metriorhynchus" leedsi (Andrews, 1913). "Metriorhynchus" acutus (Lennier, 1887) is a second species of Gracilineustes.



  • Martin
  • Lauprasert

Late Eocene



  • O’Connor
  • Sertich
  • et al.[10]




  • Stocker


Chinle Formation{{flag|USA}}

A phytosaur.

Stagonolepis olenkae[12]


  • Sulej

Late Carnian

Krasiejów deposits{{flag|Poland}}Theriosuchus sympiestodon[13]


  • Martin
  • Rabi
  • Csiki


Haţeg Basin{{flag|Romania}}

Originally described as a species of Theriosuchus; Tennant, Mannion & Upchurch (2016) transferred it to the genus Sabresuchus.[14]



  • Andrade
  • Young
  • et al.[16]


Kimmeridge Clay{{flag|UK}}

A new genus for "Dakosaurus" carpenteri (Wilkinson et al., 2008)



  • Brochu

Eocene (Wasatchian)

Green River Formation{{flag|USA}}

An early caiman.

Name Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images
An early alligatorine.

Newly named basal dinosauriforms



  • Nesbitt
  • Sidor
  • et al.[19]


Manda Beds
  • {{Flag|Tanzania}}

A silesaurid, and the oldest known ornithodire.

Name Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Newly named non-avian dinosaurs

  • A new family of allosauroid theropods, Neovenatoridae, is published by Benson, Carrano, and Brusatte.[20]
  • A new family of tyrannosauroid theropods, Proceratosauridae is published by Rauhut, Milner and Moore-Fay.[21]

62 new genera and additional 2 new species have been described in 2010.



  • Yates
  • Bonnan
  • et al.[23]


Elliot Formation
  • {{Flag|South Africa}}

A facultively quadrupedal prosauropod which displays transitional characters connecting more primitive obligate bipedal forms with the more derived obligative quadrupedal sauropodomorphs.



  • Chure
  • Britt
  • et al.[25]


Cedar Mountain Formation
  • {{Flag|USA}}

A narrow toothed brachiosaurid whose remains include the first known cranial material of any Cretaceous sauropod from the Americas.



  • Ösi
  • Butler
  • Weishampel


Csehbánya Formation
  • {{Flag|Hungary}}

A coronosaurian ceratopsian.

Archaeoceratops yujingziensis[27]


  • You
  • Tanque
  • Dodson


Xinminpu Group
  • {{Flag|China}}

A second species of Archaeoceratops.


Nomen Dubium

  • Alifanov
  • Bolotsky


Udurchukan Formation
  • {{Flag|Russia}}

A Somphospondylan Sauropod known only from a single weakly heterocoelous tail vertebrae. Heterocoelous vertebrae are those where the centrum or body of a vertebra has saddle-shaped surface where it meets the vertebrae both in front and behind it.



  • Garcia
  • Amico
  • et al.[30]

Late Cretaceous

Grès à Reptiles Formation
  • {{Flag|France}}

A titanosaur



  • Ezcurra
  • Agnolin
  • Novas



Pari Aike Formation
  • {{Flag|Argentina}}

A basal abelisauroid



  • Xu
  • Han


Nanxiong Formation
  • {{Flag|China}}

An oviraptorid known from a skull with a striated crest.



  • Norman

Early Valanginian

Wealden Group
  • {{Flag|England}}

A new genus for "Iguanodon" dawsoni (Lydekker, 1888).



  • Makovicky
  • Li
  • et al.[35]


Xinminpu Group
  • {{Flag|China}}

A giant ornithomimosaur.



  • Carr
  • Williamson


Kirtland Formation
  • {{Flag|USA}}

A 30-foot tyrannosauroid known from the remains of both adults and juveniles. Previously considered a species of Daspletosaurus.



  • Cruzado-Caballero
  • Pereda-Suberbiola
  • Ruiz-Omeñaca

Late Maastrichtian

Arén Formation
  • {{Flag|Spain}}

A lambeosaurine hadrosaurid



  • Wu
  • Godefroit
  • Hu

Early Cretaceous

Yixian Formation
  • {{Flag|China}}

An iguanodontoid



  • Ezcurra

Late Triassic

Ischigualasto Formation
  • {{Flag|Argentina}}

A guaibasaurid sauropodomorph



  • Kobayashi
  • et al.[41]

Early Jurassic

Lower Lufeng Formation
  • {{Flag|China}}

A prosauropod.



  • Loewen
  • Sampson
  • et al.[43]


Cerro del Pueblo Formation
  • {{Flag|Mexico}}

A chasmosaurine ceratopsid with the largest horns of any dinosaur currently known.[44]



  • Ortega
  • Escaso
  • Sanz


Calizas de La Huérguina Formation
  • {{Flag|Spain}}

A carcharodontosaurid with a pointed, hump-like crest near the hips and bumps on the ulnae that may be quill knobs.



  • Benson
  • Radley

early 1960s[46]

Lower Bathonian

Chipping Norton Formation
  • {{Flag|UK}}

A large basal tetanuran known from scant remains.



  • Kirkland
  • DeBlieux

Middle Campanian

Wahweap Formation
  • {{Flag|USA}}

A centrosaurine ceratopsid.



  • Barrett
  • Benson
  • Upchurch

Late Jurassic

Kimmeridge Clay Formation
  • {{Flag|UK}}

A titanosauriform sauropod



  • Butler
  • Galton
  • et al.[50]

late 1970s[49]

Lower Tithonian

Morrison Formation
  • {{Flag|USA}}

A heterodontosaurid and the smallest known ornithischian dinosaur.



  • Azuma
  • Shibata


Kitadani Formation
  • {{Flag|Japan}}

A titanosauriform sauropod.



  • Senter
  • Kirkland
  • et al.[53]

?lower Barremian

Cedar Mountain Formation
  • {{Flag|USA}}

A troodontid.



  • Prieto-Márquez


Two Medicine Formation
  • {{Flag|USA}}

A basal hadrosauroid



  • Choiniere
  • Xu
  • et al.[56]



Shishugou Formation
  • {{Flag|China}}

The most primitive known alvarezsauroid.



  • McDonald
  • Kirkland
  • et al.[59]

Upper Barremian-lowermost Aptian

Cedar Mountain Formation
  • {{Flag|USA}}

A basal iguanodontian



  • Norman

Early Valanginian

Wealden Group
  • {{Flag|England}}

A new genus for "Iguanodon" fittoni (Lydekker, 1889).


Junior synonym of Massospondylus

  • Knoll


Elliot Formation
  • {{Flag|Lesotho}}

Originally interpreted as a distinct basal sauropodomorph, but now appears to be a misidentified juvenile Massospondylus specimen.



  • McDonald
  • Kirkland
  • et al.[59]

?lower Barremian

Cedar Mountain Formation
  • {{Flag|USA}}

A basal iguanodontian



  • Mcdonald
  • Wolfe
  • Kirkland


Moreno Hill Formation
  • {{Flag|USA}}

Basal hadrosauroid.



  • Gay


Kayenta Formation
  • {{Flag|USA}}

A basal tetanuran



  • Averianov
  • Krasnolutskii
  • Ivantsov


Itat Formation
  • {{Flag|Russia}}

A tyrannosauroid



  • Sampson
  • Loewen
  • et al.[65]

Late Campanian

Kaiparowits Formation
  • {{Flag|USA}}

A chasmosaurine ceratopsid.



  • McDonald
  • Barrett
  • Chapman



Wealden Formation
  • {{Flag|UK}}

A basal iguanodont, formerly classified as Iguanodon anglicus



  • Xu
  • Choinere
  • et al.[68]


Bayan Mandahu Formation
  • {{Flag|China}}

A dromaeosaurid



  • Mo
  • Xu
  • Buffetaut

Early Cretaceous

Xinlong Formation
  • {{Flag|China}}

A eusauropod.



  • Longrich
  • Currie
  • Dong

Late Cretaceous

Bayan Mandahu Formation
  • {{Flag|China}}

An ingeniine oviraptorid.



  • Ryan
  • Russell
  • Hartman


Judith River Formation
  • {{Flag|USA}}

A ceratopsid dinosaur. Initially considered to be a member of Chasmosaurinae, subsequently reinterpreted as a member of Centrosaurinae.[72]



  • Longrich

Late Campanian

Dinosaur Park Formation
  • {{Flag|Canada}}

A long-horned chasmosaurine ceratopsid.



  • Sullivan
  • Lucas

Late Cretaceous

Ojo Alamo Formation
  • {{Flag|USA}}

A chasmosaurine ceratopsid.



  • Csiki
  • Codrea
  • et al.[76]


Haţeg Basin
  • {{Flag|Romania}}

A titanosaur



  • Calvo
  • Porfiri


Allen Formation
  • {{Flag|Argentina}}

An aeolosaurini titanosaur



  • Ősi
  • Apesteguía
  • Kowalewski


Csehbánya Formation
  • {{Flag|Hungary}}

A small bird-like paravian estimated to reach slightly more than two feet in length.



  • Carpenter
  • Ishida

Late Barremian

Wessex Formation
  • {{Flag|England}}

A basal iguanodont

Psittacosaurus gobiensis[80]


  • Sereno
  • Zhao
  • Tan

Lower Cretaceous

Bayan Gobi Formation
  • {{Flag|China}}

A ninth or eleventh species of Psittacosaurus.



  • Novas
  • Chatterjee
  • et al.[82]


Lameta Formation
  • {{Flag|India}}

An abelisaurid



  • McDonald
  • Horner


Two Medicine Formation
  • {{Flag|USA}}

A new genus for "Styracosaurus" ovatus Gilmore, 1930.



  • Alcober
  • Martinez

Late Carnian

Ischigualasto Formation
  • {{Flag|Argentina}}

A herrerasaurid



  • Sertich
  • Loewen



Navajo Sandstone
  • {{Flag|USA}}

A basal sauropodomorph



  • Carpenter
  • Ishida

Early Valanginian

Wealden Group
  • {{Flag|England}}

A basal iguanodont



  • Xu
  • Wang
  • et al.[88]

Upper Cretaceous

Wangshi Group
  • {{Flag|China}}

A basal centrosaurine.



  • Ott
  • Larson


Hell Creek Formation
  • {{flag|USA}}

A chasmosaurine ceratopsid.



  • Longrich
  • Sankey
  • Tanke

Upper Campanian

Aguja Formation
  • {{Flag|USA}}

A basal pachycephalosaur.



  • Zheng
  • Xu
  • et al.[92]

Early Cretaceous

Yixian Formation
  • {{Flag|China}}

A short-armed dromaeosaurid.



  • Li
  • Yang
  • et al.[94]

Early Jurassic

Yimen Formation
  • {{Flag|China}}

A mamenchisaurid sauropod.


Junior synonym

  • Carpenter
  • Ishida

Mid Valanginian

Wadhurst Clay
  • {{Flag|England}}

Junior synonym of Barilium



  • Sampson
  • Loewen
  • et al.[65]

Late Campanian

Kaiparowits Formation
  • {{Flag|USA}}

A chasmosaurine ceratopsid.



  • Sampson
  • Loewen
  • et al.[65]

Late Campanian

Dinosaur Park Formation
  • {{Flag|Canada}}

A chasmosaurine ceratopsid. A new genus for "Chasmosaurus" irvinensis Holmes et al., 2001.


Junior synonym

  • Carpenter
  • Ishida

Early Valanginian

Wadhurst Clay
  • {{Flag|England}}

Junior synonym of Hypselospinus



  • Juárez Valieri
  • Haro
  • et al.[96]

late Campanian-early Maastrichtian

Allen Formation
  • {{Flag|Argentina}}

Second hadrosauroid from South America.



  • Li
  • Norell
  • et al.[98]


Xinminpu Group
  • {{Flag|China}}

A longirostrine tyrannosauroid.



  • Xu
  • Wang
  • et al.[100]


Majiacun Formation
  • {{Flag|China}}

A parvicursorine.



  • Xu
  • et al.[102]


Majiacun Formation
  • {{Flag|China}}

A troodontid.



  • Sekiya

Lower Jurassic

Lower Lufeng Formation
  • {{Flag|China}}

A prosauropod.



  • Xu
  • Wang
  • et al.[105]

Upper Cretaceous

Wangshi Group
  • {{Flag|China}}

A leptoceratopsid.



  • Choiniere
  • Clark
  • et al.[107]


Shishugou Formation
  • {{Flag|China}}

Basal coelurosaur

Name Status Authors Discovery year Age Unit LocationNotesImages

Newly named birds

Agapornis atlanticus[108]


Sp. nov.

Cécile Mourer-ChauviréDenis Geraads

Late Pliocene

Ahl al Oughlam{{Flag|Morocco}}

A Psittacidae, a lovebird.

Ankonetta larriestrai[109]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Marcos M. CenizoFederico L. Agnolín

Early or Middle Miocene

Santa Cruz Formation{{Flag|Argentina}}

A basal member of Anatidae. This is type species of the new genus.

Aquila bullockensis[110]


Sp. nov.

Priscilla GaffWalter E. Boles

Middle Miocene

Bullock Creek{{Flag|Australia}}:{{Flag|Northern Territory}}

An Accipitridae, the oldest Aquila species is in Australia.

Balaur bondoc [111]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.



et al.[112]

Late Cretaceous:


Sebeş Formation{{Flag|Romania}}

A four-toed, two-fingered avialian.

Bauxitornis mindszentyae[113]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Gareth J. DykeAttila ŐsiSantonianCsehbánya Formation{{Flag|Hungary}}

An Enantiornithes Walker, 1981, Avisauridae Brett-Surman & Paul, 1985. This is the type species of the new genus.

?Borvocarbo tardatus[114]


Sp. nov.

Ursula B. GöhlichCécile Mourer-Chauviré

Early Miocene

MN 4c{{Flag|Germany}}:{{Flag|Bavaria}}

A Phalacrocoracoidea, Pelecaniformes, possibly a species of Borvocarbo.

Camptodontus yangi[115]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Li LiEn-pu GongLi-dong ZhangYa-jun YangLian-hai HouEarly Cretaceous


Jiufotang Formation{{Flag|China}}

An Enantiornithes Walker, 1981, Longipterygidae Zhang, Zhou, Hou et Gu, 2000, this is the type species of the new genus.

Carduelis aurelioi[116]


Sp. nov.

Carlos RandoJosep A. AlcoverJuan C. Illera

Late Pleistocene to Holocene

{{Flag|Spain}}:{{Flag|Canary Islands}}

A Fringillidae, Carduelinae.

Celericolius acriala[117]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Daniel T. KsepkaJulia A. ClarkeEocene{{Flag|USA}}:{{Flag|Wyoming}}

A Coliidae, a species of Coliidae. This is the type species of the new genus.

Confuciusornis jianchangensis[118]


Sp. nov.

Li LiWang Jing-qiHou Shi-linAptianJiufotang Formation{{Flag|China}}

A species of Confuciusornis known from a single skeleton. Considered to be a junior synonym of Confuciusornis sanctus by Wang, O'Connor & Zhou (2018).[119]

Corvus harkanyensis[120]


Sp. nov.

Jenő Kessler

Late Pliocene

MN 15-16{{Flag|Hungary}}

A new species of Corvus, Corvidae.

Cuculus pannonicus[120]


Sp. nov.

Jenö Kessler

Late Miocene;

Late PlioceneMN 13; MN 16{{Flag|Hungary}}

A new species of Cuculus, Cuculidae.



Gen. nov.

Larry D. Martin

Early Eocene

Green River Formation{{Flag|USA}}:{{Flag|Wyoming}};{{Flag|UK}}:{{Flag|England}}

A new genus with Primobucco olsoni Feduccia et Martin, 1976. as the type species.

Dasornis abdoun[122]


Sp. nov.

Estelle Bourdon

Early Eoceen


An Odontopterygiformes. Dasornis Owen, 1870. The type species is Dasornis londinensis Owen, 1870.

Eozygodactylus americanus[123]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Ilka WeidigEoceneWasatchianGreen River Formation{{Flag|USA}}:{{Flag|Wyoming}}

A Zygodactylidae Brodkorb, 1971, ?Piciformes, this is the type species of the new genus.

Eurystomus beremedensis[124]


Sp. nov.

Jenö Kessler

Late Pliocene

MN 16{{Flag|Hungary}}

A new species of Eurystomus, Coraciidae.

Flexomornis howei[125]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Ronald S. TykoskiAnthony R. FiorilloCampanianWoodbine Formation{{Flag|USA}}:{{Flag|Texas}}

An Enantiornithes Walker, 1981. This is the type species of the new genus.

Geronticus olsoni[108]


Sp. nov.

Cécile Mourer-ChauviréDenis Geraads

Late Pliocene

Ahl al Oughlam{{Flag|Morocco}}

A Threskiornithidae, a species of Geronticus.

Glaucidium baranensis[124]


Sp. nov.

Jenö Kessler

Late Pliocene

MN 15-16{{Flag|Hungary}}

A new species of Glaucidium, Strigidae.

Gyps bochenskii[126]


Sp. nov.

Zlatozar N. Boev

Late Pliocene

MN 17{{Flag|Bulgaria}}

A new species of Gyps, Accipitridae.

Hollanda luceria[127]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Alyssa K. BellLuis M. ChiappeGregory M. EricksonShigeru SuzukiMahito WatabeRinchen BarsboldK. TsogtbaatarCampanianBarun Goyot Formation{{Flag|Mongolia}}

A predatory ground bird known from an unusual hind limb. This is the type species of the new genus.

Huoshanornis huji[128]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Wang XiaZhang ZihuiGao ChunlingHou LianhanMeng QingjinLiu JinyuanEarly CretaceousJiufotang Formation{{Flag|China}}

An Enantiornithes Walker, 1981. This is the type species of the new genus.

Inkayacu paracasensis[129]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Julia A. ClarkeDaniel T. KsepkaRodolfo Salas-GismondiAli J. AltamiranoMatthew D. ShawkeyLiliana D’AlbaJakob VintherThomas J. DeVriesPatrice Baby

Late Eocene

Ica Region{{Flag|Peru}}

A giant Spheniscidae and the type species of the new genus.

Intiornis inexpectatus[130]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Emilio NovasFederico L. AgnolínCarlos A. ScanferlaCampanianLas Curtiembres Formation{{Flag|Argentina}}

An Enantiornithes Walker, 1981, Avisauridae Brett-Surman et Paul, 1985, the type species of the new genus.

Kuiornis indicator[131]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Trevor H. WorthySuzanne J. HandJacqueline M. T. NguyenAlan J. D. TennysonJennifer P. WorthyR. Paul ScofieldWalter E. BolesMichael Archer

Early Miocene

Altonian{{Flag|New Zealand}}

A new genus and species of Acanthisittidae, it is the type species of the new genus.

Lamarqueavis australis[132]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Federico L. AgnolinLate Cretaceous

Allen Formation,

Campanian or Maastrichtian{{Flag|Argentina}}

A Cimolopterygidae Brodkorb, 1963, this is the type species of the new genus.

Lamarqueavis minima[133]


Comb. nov.

Pierce BrodkorbLate CretaceousLance Formation{{Flag|USA}}:{{Flag|Wyoming}}

A new genus for Cimolopteryx minima Brodkorb, 1963, transferred to Lamarqueavis by Agnolin, 2010.[132]

Lamarqueavis petra[134]


Comb. nov.

Sylvia HopeLate CretaceousLance Formation{{Flag|USA}}:{{Flag|Wyoming}}

A new genus for Cimolopteryx petra Hope, 2002, transferred to Lamarqueavis by Agnolin, 2010.[132]

Leptoptilos robustus[135]


Sp. nov.

Hanneke J.M. MeijerRokus Awe Due

Late Pleistocene

Liang Bua{{Flag|Indonesia}}

A giant marabou stork, Ciconiidae.

Longicrusavis houi[136]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Jingmai K. O’ConnorGao Ke-QinLuis M. ChiappeBarremianYixian Formation{{Flag|China}}

A Hongshanornithidae O’Connor, Gao et Chiappe, 2010, this is the type species of the new genus.

Lophogallus naranbulakensis[137]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Nikita V. ZelenkovEvgeny N. Kurochkin

Middle Miocene

Naran Bulak Formation{{Flag|Mongolia}}

A Phasianidae, this is the type species of the new genus.

Matuku otagoense[138]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

R. Paul ScofieldTrevor H. WorthyAlan J. D. TennysonEarly MioceneBannockburn Formation{{Flag|New Zealand}}

An Ardeidae, the type species of the new genus.

Mogontiacopsitta miocaena[139]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Gerald Mayr

Late Oligocene / Early Miocene

Mainz Basin{{Flag|Germany}}:{{Flag|Rhineland-Palatinate}}

A small Psittacidae, the type species of the new genus.

Morsoravis sedilis[140]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Sara BertelliBent E. K. LindowGareth J. DykeLuis M. Chiappe

Early Eocene

Fur Formation{{Flag|Denmark}}

The type species of the new genus. A bird of uncertain phylogenetic placement; it might be a relative of Charadriiformes[140] or a relative of the passerines and the extinct family Zygodactylidae.[141] Maybe close to Pumiliornis tessellatus G. Mayr, 1999.[141][142]

Oraristrix brea[143]


Comb. nov.

Kenneth E. Campbell Jr.Zbigniew M. Bocheński

Late Pleistocene

La Brea Tar Pits{{Flag|USA}}:{{Flag|California}}

Strigidae, a new genus for Strix brea Howard (1933), the type species of the new genus.

Palaelodus aotearoa[144]


Sp. nov.

Trevor H. WorthyAlan J. D. TennysonMichael ArcherR. Paul Scofield

Early Miocene

Bannockburn Formation{{Flag|New Zealand}}

A Phoenicopteriformes, Palaelodidae Stejneger, 1885.

Pelagornis chilensis[145]


Sp. nov.

Gerald MayrDavid Rubilar-RogersMioceneBahia Inglesa Formation{{Flag|Chile}}

A Pelagornithidae Fürbringer, 1888 with a large wingspan.

Perplexicervix microcephalon[146]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Gerald Mayr

Middle Eocene

Messel pit,

MP 11{{Flag|Germany}}:{{Flag|Hessen}}

A member of Neognathae Incertae Sedis. The type species of the new genus.

Plioperdix africana[108]


Sp. nov.

Cécille Mourer-ChauviréDenis Geraads

Late Pliocene


A Phasianidae, Galliformes, a species of Plioperdix Kretzoi, 1955.

Presbyornis mongoliensis[147]


Sp. nov.

Evgeney N. KurochkinGareth J. Dyke

Late Paleocene

Bumbam Member of the Narabulag Svita


A Presbyornithidae Wetmore, 1926, Anseriformes.

Rhenanorallus rhenanus[139]


Gerald Mayr

Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Late Oligocene / Early Miocene

MN 2a, Wiesbaden Formation, Mainz Basin


A small Rallidae, the type species of the new genus.

Shenqiornis mengi[148]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Wang XuriJingmai K. O’ConnorZhao BoLuis M. ChiappeGao ChunlingCheng XiaodongAptianQiaotou Formation{{Flag|China}}

An Enantiornithes Walker, 1981, this is the type species of the new genus.

Shenshiornis primita[149]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Hu DongyuLi LiHou LianhaiXu XingAptianJiufotang Formation{{Flag|China}}

A Sapeornithidae Zhou, 2006, this is the type species of the new genus.

Vastanavis cambayensis[150]


Sp. nov.

Gerald MayrRajendra S. RanaKenneth D. RoseAshok SahniKishor KumarLachham SinghThierry Smith

Early Eocene


A Vastanavidae G. Mayr, Rana, Rose, Sahni, Kumar, Sing et T. Smith, 2010, basal Psittaciformes.

Zhongjianornis yangi[151]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Zhou ZhongheZhang FuchengLi ZhihengAptianJiufotang Formation{{Flag|China}}

A beaked basal avialan

Name Status Novelty Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Newly named pterosaurs



  • Myers


Tarrant Formation{{Flag|United States}}

An ornithocheirid known only from a partial lower jaw.



  • Ibrahim
  • Unwin
  • et al.[154]

Late Cretaceous

Kem Kem Beds{{flag|Morocco}}

An azhdarchid known only from five fragments of the front upper and lower jaws, and possibly a neck vertebra.



  • Fucha

Middle Jurassic

Tiaojishan Formation
  • {{Flag|China}}

An istiodactylid[155] or a poorly preserved specimen of Darwinopterus.[156]



  • Unwin
  • et al.[158]


Tiaojishan Formation{{Flag|China}}

A wukongopterid that was described as a derived rhamphorhynchoid with transitional characters connecting it with pterodactyloids.

D. linglongtaensis[159]


  • Wang
  • Kellner
  • et al.[160]

Late Jurassic

Daohugou Formation?


A second species of Darwinopterus



  • Kellner

Late Coniacian/Early Santonian

Niobrara Formation{{flag|USA}}

A pteranodontid. The type species is Dawndraco kanzai. Martin-Silverstone et al. (2017) consider this species to be a junior synonym of Pteranodon sternbergi.[162]



  • Bonaparte
  • Schultz
  • Soares

Late Triassic

Caturrita Formation{{flag|Brazil}}Fenghuangopterus[164]


  • Fucha
  • Chen

Middle Jurassic

Tiaojishan Formation{{Flag|China}}

An earliest scaphognathine pterosaur.

Geosternbergia maiseyi[161]


  • Kellner

Late Coniacian - Early Campanian

Sharon Springs Formation{{flag|USA}}

A pteranodontid.



  • Wang
  • Kellner
  • et al.[160]

Late Jurassic

Daohugou Formation?


A wukongopterid. The type species is Kunpengopterus sinensis.



  • Vidarte
  • Calvo

Lower Aptian

Leza Formation{{flag|Spain}}Sericipterus[166]


  • Andres
  • Clark
  • Xing


Shishugou Formation{{Flag|China}}

A rhamphorhynchid with a nearly six foot wingspan.




Yixian Formation{{Flag|China}}

A boreopterid.

Name Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


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139. ^{{Cite journal|author=Gerald Mayr |year=2010 |title=Mousebirds (Coliiformes), parrots (Psittaciformes), and other small birds from the late Oligocene/early Miocene of the Mainz Basin, Germany |journal=Neus Jahrbuch Fur Geologie und Palaeontologie, Abhandlungen |volume=258 |issue=2 |pages=129–144 |doi=10.1127/0077-7749/2010/0089}}
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141. ^{{cite journal|author=Gerald Mayr |title=A reassessment of Eocene parrotlike fossils indicates a previously undetected radiation of zygodactyl stem group representatives of passerines (Passeriformes) |doi=10.1111/zsc.12128 |year=2015 |journal=Zoologica Scripta |volume=in press |issue= 6|pages= 587–602}}
142. ^{{cite journal|author=Gerald Mayr |title=On the osteology and phylogenetic affinities of Morsoravis sedilis (Aves) from the early Eocene Fur Formation of Denmark |url=http://2dgf.dk/xpdf/bull59-23-35.pdf |year=2011 |journal=Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark |volume=59 |pages=23–35 }}
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