

词条 2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Stephen Breyer
释义 {{SCOTUS-justice-listframe
|image=File:Stephen Breyer, SCOTUS photo portrait.jpg
|startdate=October 1, 2012
|enddate=October 6, 2013
|mostjoinedby=Sotomayor, Kagan (13)
|leastjoinedby=Scalia (3)
|accessdate=October 7, 2013
| #=01
| case1=Delling v. Idaho
| type=dissent
| volume=568
| page=
| year=2012
| wikisource=Delling v. Idaho/Dissent Breyer
| issues=insanity defense
| joined=Ginsburg, Sotomayor
| summary=Breyer dissented from the Court's denial of certiorari, believing the Court should have reviewed whether Idaho's modification of the insanity defense violated the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause.
| #=02
| case=Lozman v. Riviera Beach
| type=majority
| volume=568
| page=
| year=2013
| wikisource=
| issues=admiralty jurisdiction {{*}} status of floating house as "vessel" under Rules of Construction Act
| joined=Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, Ginsburg, Alito, Kagan
| summary=
| otheropinion1author=Sotomayor || otheropinion1type=dissent || otheropinion1link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Sonia Sotomayor#Lozman v. Riviera Beach
| #=03
| case=Bailey v. United States
| type=dissent
| volume=568
| page=
| year=2013
| wikisource=
| issues=Fourth Amendment {{*}} detention incident to the execution of a search warrant
| joined=Thomas, Alito
| otheropinion1author=Kennedy || otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Bailey v. United States
| otheropinion2author=Scalia || otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Bailey v. United States
| summary=
| #=04
| case-article=Henderson v. United States (2013)
| case-display=Henderson v. United States
| type=majority
| volume=568
| page=
| year=2013
| wikisource=
| issues=Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure {{*}} Rule 52(b) {{*}} plain error
| joined=Roberts, Kennedy, Ginsburg, Sotomayor, Kagan
| otheropinion1author=Scalia || otheropinion1type=dissent || otheropinion1link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Henderson v. United States
| summary=
| #=05
| case=Clapper v. Amnesty International USA
| type=dissent
| volume=568
| page=
| year=2013
| wikisource=
| issues=Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act {{*}} Article III {{*}} standing
| joined=Ginsburg, Sotomayor, Kagan
| otheropinion1author=Alito || otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Samuel Alito#Clapper v. Amnesty International USA
| summary=
| #=06
| case=Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
| type=majority
| volume=568
| page=
| year=2013
| wikisource=
| issues=copyright law {{*}} first-sale doctrine {{*}} domestic sale of foreign-published works
| joined=Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Sotomayor, Kagan
| otheropinion1author=Kagan || otheropinion1type=concurrence || otheropinion1link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Elena Kagan#Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
| otheropinion2author=Ginsburg || otheropinion2type=dissent || otheropinion2link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg#Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
| summary=
| #=07
| case=Standard Fire Ins. Co. v. Knowles
| type=majority
| volume=568
| page=
| year=2013
| wikisource=
| issues=Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 {{*}} diversity jurisdiction {{*}} amount in controversy
| joined=Unanimous
| summary=
| #=08
| case=Wos v. E. M. A.
| type=concurrence
| volume=568
| page=
| year=2013
| wikisource=
| issues=Medicaid anti-lien provision {{*}} state recovery of tort awards for medical expenditures
| joined=
| otheropinion1author=Kennedy || otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Wos v. E. M. A.
| otheropinion2author=Roberts || otheropinion2type=dissent || otheropinion2link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts#Wos v. E. M. A.
| summary=
| #=09
| case=Comcast Corp. v. Behrend
| type=dissent
| volume=569
| page=
| year=2013
| wikisource=
| issues=antitrust law {{*}} class action certification
| joined=Sotomayor, Kagan
| otheropinion1author=Scalia || otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Comcast Corp. v. Behrend
| summary=Breyer coauthored a dissent with Justice Ginsburg.
| #=10
| case=Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co.
| type=concurrence
| volume=569
| page=
| year=2013
| wikisource=
| issues=Alien Tort Statute {{*}} extraterritoriality
| joined=Ginsburg, Sotomayor, Kagan
| otheropinion1author=Roberts || otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts#Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co.
| otheropinion2author=Kennedy || otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co.
| otheropinion3author=Alito || otheropinion3type=concurrence || otheropinion3link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Samuel Alito#Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co.
| summary=
| #=10
| case=Bullock v. BankChampaign, N. A.
| type=majority
| volume=569
| page=
| year=2013
| wikisource=
| issues=bankruptcy law {{*}} discharge of debt {{*}} defalcation
| joined=Unanimous
| summary=
| #=12
| case=Arlington v. FCC
| type=concurrence
| volume=569
| page=
| year=2013
| wikisource=
| issues=Telecommunications Act of 1996 {{*}} Chevron deference to agency interpretation of its own statutory jurisdiction
| joined=
| summary=
| otheropinion1author=Scalia || otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Arlington v. FCC
| otheropinion2author=Roberts || otheropinion2type=dissent || otheropinion2link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts#Arlington v. FCC
| #=13
| case=Trevino v. Thaler
| type=majority
| volume=569
| page=
| year=2013
| wikisource=
| issues=ineffective assistance of counsel {{*}} procedural default
| joined=Kennedy, Breyer, Sotomayor, Kagan
| otheropinion1author=Roberts || otheropinion1type=dissent || otheropinion1link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts#Trevino v. Thaler
| otheropinion2author=Scalia || otheropinion2type=dissent || otheropinion2link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Trevino v. Thaler
| summary=
| #=14
| case=Alleyne v. United States
| type=concurrence
| volume=570
| page=
| year=2013
| wikisource=
| issues=Sixth Amendment {{*}} right to a jury trial {{*}} mandatory minimum sentencing {{*}} judicial factfinding
| joined=
| otheropinion1author=Thomas || otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#Alleyne v. United States
| otheropinion2author=Sotomayor || otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Sonia Sotomayor#Alleyne v. United States
| otheropinion3author=Roberts || otheropinion3type=dissent || otheropinion3link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts#Alleyne v. United States
| otheropinion4author=Alito || otheropinion4type=dissent || otheropinion4link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Samuel Alito#Alleyne v. United States
| summary=
| #=15
| case=FTC v. Actavis, Inc.
| type=majority
| volume=570
| page=
| year=2013
| wikisource=
| issues=Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984 {{*}} Federal Trade Commission Act {{*}} generic drugs
| joined=Kennedy, Ginsburg, Sotomayor, Kagan
| otheropinion1author=Roberts || otheropinion1type=dissent || otheropinion1link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts#FTC v. Actavis, Inc.
| summary=
| #=16
| case=Salinas v. Texas
| type=dissent
| volume=570
| page=
| year=2013
| wikisource=
| issues=Fifth Amendment {{*}} self-incrimination
| joined=Ginsburg, Sotomayor, Kagan
| otheropinion1author=Alito || otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Samuel Alito#Salinas v. Texas
| otheropinion2author=Thomas || otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#Salinas v. Texas
| summary=
| #=17
| case=United States v. Kebodeaux
| type=majority
| volume=570
| page=
| year=2013
| wikisource=
| issues=Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act {{*}} Necessary and Proper Clause
| joined=Kennedy, Ginsburg, Sotomayor, Kagan
| otheropinion1author=Roberts || otheropinion1type=concurrence || otheropinion1link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts#United States v. Kebodeaux
| otheropinion2author=Alito || otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Samuel Alito#United States v. Kebodeaux
| otheropinion3author=Scalia || otheropinion3type=dissent || otheropinion3link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#United States v. Kebodeaux
| otheropinion4author=Thomas || otheropinion4type=dissent || otheropinion4link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#United States v. Kebodeaux
| summary=
| #=18
| case=Mutual Pharmaceutical Co. v. Bartlett
| type=dissent
| volume=570
| page=
| year=2013
| wikisource=
| issues=Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act {{*}} federal preemption {{*}} product liability
| joined=Kagan
| otheropinion1author=Alito || otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Samuel Alito#Mutual Pharmaceutical Co. v. Bartlett
| otheropinion2author=Sotomayor || otheropinion2type=dissent || otheropinion2link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Sonia Sotomayor#Mutual Pharmaceutical Co. v. Bartlett
| summary=
| #=19
| case=Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl
| type=concurrence
| volume=570
| page=
| year=2013
| wikisource=
| issues=Indian Child Welfare Act {{*}} termination of parental rights
| joined=
| otheropinion1author=Alito || otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Samuel Alito#Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl
| otheropinion2author=Thomas || otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl
| otheropinion3author=Scalia || otheropinion3type=dissent || otheropinion3link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl
| otheropinion4author=Sotomayor || otheropinion4type=dissent || otheropinion4link=2012 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Sonia Sotomayor#Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl
| summary=
| #=20
| case1=Gallow v. Cooper
| type=other
| volume=570
| page=
| year=2013
| wikisource=
| issues=ineffective assistance of counsel
| joined=Sotomayor
| summary=Breyer filed a statement respecting the Court's denial of certiorari.




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