

词条 2013 Danish local elections

  1. Results

     Results of regional elections  Number of councillors and political parties in the Regional Councils  Old and new Chairmen of the Regional Councils  Results of municipal elections  Number of councillors and political parties in the Municipal Councils  Mayors in the municipalities  Old and new mayors in the municipalities 

  2. Notes and references

  3. External links

{{Politics of Denmark}}

The Danish local elections of 2013 were held on 19 November 2013 in Denmark's 98 municipal councils, contesting 2,444 seats (previous election: 2,468 seats) for the 2014-17 term of office, and in five regional councils, contesting 205 seats for the 2014-17 term. Advance voting began on 20 August 2013 in national registration offices in Denmark, hospitals, prisons etc.[1] Twelve (12) women hold the highest political office of mayor in the municipalities in the 2014-17 term of office.


Results of regional elections

The ministry of economy and interior informed that voter turnout was 71.7%.

Number of councillors and political parties in the Regional Councils

Social Democrats (Socialdemokraterne) (A)67
Venstre (Venstre) (V)62
Danish People's Party (Dansk Folkeparti) (O)23
Conservative People's Party (Det Konservative Folkeparti) (C)15
Red-Green Alliance (Enhedslisten) (Ø)15
Socialist People's Party (Socialistisk Folkeparti) (F)10
Danish Social Liberal Party (Det Radikale Venstre) (B)8
Liberal Alliance (Liberal Alliance) (I)5

Old and new Chairmen of the Regional Councils

Regional Council Chairmen Outgoing and Incoming
RegionIncumbent ChairmanElected Chairman
North Denmark RegionUlla Astman1Ulla Astman1
Central Denmark RegionBent HansenBent Hansen
Region of Southern DenmarkCarl HolstCarl Holst
Region ZealandSteen Bach NielsenJens Stenbæk
Capital Region of DenmarkVibeke Storm Rasmussen2Sophie Hæstorp Andersen2

Number denotes that the chairman is a woman. On 22 June 2015, Stephanie Lose became chairman of the Region of Southern Denmark. She is from Venstre. Carl Holst became a minister in the government of Denmark.

Results of municipal elections

The Ministry of economy and interior informed that voter turnout was 71.9%. 2,444 councillors were elected.

Number of councillors and political parties in the Municipal Councils

Sum of 98 local elections
PartyShare of voteSeats
Social Democrats29.5 %-1.1 %773-28
Venstre26.6 %+1.8 %767+68
Danish People's Party10.1 %+2.0 %255+69
Conservative People's Party{{0}}8.6 %-2.4 %205-57
Red-Green Alliance{{0}}6.9 %+4.6 %119+105{{0}}
Socialist People's Party{{0}}5.6 %-8.9 %116-224{{0}}
Danish Social Liberal Party{{0}}4.8 %+1.1 %62+12
Liberal Alliance{{0}}2.9 %+2.6 %33+32
Schleswig Party{{0}}0.3%+0.1%9{{0}}+3
Christian Democrats{{0}}0.5%+0.1%6-
Others{{0}}3.8 %-0.25 %99{{0}}-6
Local Political Parties in the Municipal Councils
Citizens' List (Borgerlisten)Kerteminde6
Gulborgsund List (Guldborgsundlisten)Guldborgsund6
Common List (Fælleslisten)Ikast-Brande5
Citizens' List (Borgerlisten)Faxe4
Citizens' List Langeland (Borgerlisten Langeland)Langeland4
Democratic Balance (Demokratisk Balance)Morsø4
Local List (Lokallisten)Rudersdal4
NewGribskov (NytGribskov)Gribskov4
Cross-Political Community (Tværpolitisk Forening)Dragør3
Hvidovre List (Hvidovrelisten)Hvidovre3
Resident List (Beboerlisten)Randers3
Social Common List - Rebild (Den Sociale Fællesliste - Rebild)Rebild3
Catchment List (Oplandslisten)Rebild2
Citizens' List (Borgerlisten)Brønderslev2
Citizens' List Norddjurs (Borgerlisten Norddjurs)Norddjurs2
Common List (Fælleslisten)Hillerød2
Common List (Fælleslisten)Sønderborg2
Environment List (Miljølisten)Fanø2
Land Owners (Grundejerne)Solrød2
Local List (Lokallisten)Hjørring2
Læsø List (Læsø List)Læsø2
New Allerød (Det Nye Allerød)Allerød2
Odsherred List (Odsherred Listen)Odsherred2
Ærø's Future (Ærøs Fremtid)Ærø2
Ærø Plus (Ærø Plus)Ærø2
'Amager List (Amagerlisten)Dragør1
Blovstrød List (Blovstrød Listen)Allerød1
Bornholm List (Bornholmerlisten)Bornholm1
Citizens' List (Borgerlisten)Billund1
Citizens' List (Borgerlisten)Syddjurs1
Citizens' List Frederikssund (Borgernes Liste Frederikssund)Frederikssund1
Citizens' List in Hørsholm (Borgerlisten i Hørsholm)Hørsholm1
Citizens' List Jammerbugten (Borgerlisten Jammerbugten)Jammerbugt1
Citizens' Voice (Borgernes Stemme)Fredensborg1
Cooperation List (Samarbejdslisten)Læsø1
Cross-Socialist List in Svendborg (Tværsocialistisk Liste i Svendborg)Svendborg1
Fanø Local List (Fanø Lokalliste)Fanø1
Fjord List (Fjordlisten)Ringkøbing-Skjern1
Havdrup List (Havdruplisten)Solrød1
Local Democrats (Lokaldemokraterne)Helsingør1
Local List Lolland (Lokallisten Lolland)Lolland1
Læsø Citizens' List (Læsø Borgerliste)Læsø1
New Centrum (Ny Centrum)Køge1
North Funen List (Nordfynslisten)Nordfyn1
Common List Samsø (Fælleslisten Samsø)Samsø1
Southern Funen's List (Sydfyns Borgerliste)Faaborg-Midtfyn1
Stevns List (Stevnslisten)Stevns1
Svendborg Local List (Svendborg Lokalliste)Svendborg1
Welfare List (Velfærdslisten)Randers1

Mayors in the municipalities

The mayors (Danish:Borgmester;plural:Borgmestre) of the 98 municipalities heads the council meetings and is the chairman of the finance committee in each of their respective municipalities. Only in Copenhagen, this mayor - the head of the finance committee and council meetings - is called the Lord Mayor (Danish:Overborgmester). Mette Touborg is the mayor of Lejre Municipality since 1 January 2010. She is the only one at present from the Socialist People's Party to hold the highest political post in a municipality. Rebild Municipality has a new mayor since 1 January 2014. His name is Leon Sebbelin from the Danish Social Liberal Party. Tobias Birch Johansen, the mayor of Læsø Municipality, is a member of the agrarian liberal Venstre, but he is elected on the local list Læsø Listen.

Mayors after the election
Social Democrats33-16
Conservative People's Party13+1
Danish Social Liberal Party1+1
Socialist People's Party1-1
Læsø Listen1-
Borgerlisten (Kerteminde)0-1
Fælleslisten (Sønderborg)0-1

Old and new mayors in the municipalities

The term of office for the mayors elected by the majority of councillors among its members in each municipal council is the same as for the councils elected, namely 1 January 2014 until 31 December 2017. The correct name for the municipality on the somewhat remote island of Bornholm is Regional Municipality, because the municipality also handles tasks not carried out by the other Danish municipalities but by the regions. As just one example, as the only one of the 46 municipalities in eastern Denmark it is a 100% owner of its own public mass transit agency called BAT, formerly Bornholms Amts Trafikselskab. The public traffic agency of the other 45 municipalities in eastern Denmark is Movia, owned by the Capital Region of Denmark, Region Zealand and the 45 municipalities.

Mayors outgoing and incoming
MunicipalityIncumbent mayorElected mayor
Albertslund MunicipalitySteen ChristiansenSteen Christiansen
Allerød MunicipalityErik LundJørgen Johansen
Assens MunicipalityFinn BrunseSøren Steen Andersen
Ballerup MunicipalityJesper WürtzenJesper Würtzen
Billund MunicipalityIb KristensenIb Kristensen
Bornholm Regional MunicipalityWinni Grosbøll1Winni Grosbøll1
Brøndby MunicipalityIb TerpIb Terp
Brønderslev MunicipalityLene Hansen2Mikael Klitgaard
Copenhagen MunicipalityFrank JensenFrank Jensen
Dragør MunicipalityAllan HolstEik Dahl Bidstrup
Egedal MunicipalityWilly EliasenWilly Eliasen
Esbjerg MunicipalityJohnny SøtrupJohnny Søtrup
Fanø MunicipalityErik NørrebyErik Nørreby
Favrskov MunicipalityNils BorringNils Borring
Faxe MunicipalityKnud Erik HansenKnud Erik Hansen
Fredensborg MunicipalityThomas Lykke PedersenThomas Lykke Pedersen
Fredericia MunicipalityKenny Bruun OlsenJacob Bjerregaard
Frederiksberg MunicipalityJørgen GlenthøjJørgen Glenthøj
Frederikshavn MunicipalityLars MøllerBirgit Stenbak Hansen2
Frederikssund MunicipalityOle Find JensenJohn Schmidt Andersen
Furesø MunicipalityOle Bondo ChristensenOle Bondo Christensen
Faaborg-Midtfyn MunicipalityHans JørgensenChristian Thygesen
Gentofte MunicipalityHans ToftHans Toft
Gladsaxe MunicipalityKarin Søjberg Holst3Karin Søjberg Holst3
Glostrup MunicipalityJohn EngelhardtJohn Engelhardt
Greve MunicipalityHans BarlachPernille Beckmann4
Gribskov MunicipalityJan FerdinandsenKim Valentin
Guldborgsund MunicipalityJohn BrædderJohn Brædder
Haderslev MunicipalityJens Christian GjesingH.P. Geil
Halsnæs MunicipalityHelge FriisSteen Hasselriis
Hedensted MunicipalityKirsten Terkilsen4Kirsten Terkilsen5
Helsingør MunicipalityJohannes Hecht NielsenBenedikte Kiær6
Herlev MunicipalityThomas Gyldal PetersenThomas Gyldal Petersen
Herning MunicipalityLars KrarupLars Krarup
Hillerød MunicipalityKirsten Jensen5Dorte Meldgaard7
Hjørring MunicipalityArne BoeltArne Boelt
Holbæk MunicipalitySøren KjærsgaardSøren Kjærsgaard
Holstebro MunicipalityH.C. ØsterbyH.C. Østerby
Horsens MunicipalityPeter SørensenPeter Sørensen
Hvidovre MunicipalityHelle Moesgaard Adelborg6Helle Moesgaard Adelborg8
Høje-Taastrup MunicipalityMichael ZieglerMichael Ziegler
Hørsholm MunicipalityMorten SlotvedMorten Slotved
Ikast-Brande MunicipalityCarsten KissmeyerCarsten Kissmeyer
Ishøj MunicipalityOle BjørstorpOle Bjørstorp
Jammerbugt MunicipalityMogens GadeMogens Gade
Kalundborg MunicipalityMartin DammMartin Damm
Kerteminde MunicipalitySonja Rasmussen7Hans Luunbjerg
Kolding MunicipalityJørn PedersenJørn Pedersen
Køge MunicipalityMarie Stærke8Flemming Christensen
Langeland MunicipalityBjarne NielsenBjarne Nielsen
Lejre MunicipalityMette Touborg9Mette Touborg9
Lemvig MunicipalityErik FlyvholmErik Flyvholm
Lolland MunicipalityStig VestergaardHolger Schou Rasmussen
Lyngby-Taarbæk MunicipalitySøren P. RasmussenSofia Osmani10
Læsø MunicipalityThomas W. OlsenTobias Birch Johansen
Mariagerfjord MunicipalityH.C. MaarupMogens Jespersen
Middelfart MunicipalitySteen DahlstrømSteen Dahlstrøm
Morsø MunicipalityLauge LarsenHans Ejner Bertelsen
Norddjurs MunicipalityJan PetersenJan Petersen
Nordfyn MunicipalityMorten AndersenMorten Andersen
Nyborg MunicipalityErik ChristensenKenneth Muhs
Næstved MunicipalityCarsten RasmussenCarsten Rasmussen
Odder MunicipalityElvin J. HansenUffe Jensen
Odense MunicipalityAnker BoyeAnker Boye
Odsherred MunicipalityThomas AdelskovThomas Adelskov
Randers MunicipalityHenning Jensen NyhuusClaus Omann Jensen
Rebild MunicipalityAnny Winther10Leon Sebbelin
Ringkøbing-Skjern MunicipalityIver EnevoldsenIver Enevoldsen
Ringsted MunicipalityNiels Ulrich HermansenHenrik Hvidesten
Roskilde MunicipalityJoy Mogensen11Joy Mogensen11
Rudersdal MunicipalityJens IveJens Ive
Rødovre MunicipalityErik NielsenErik Nielsen
Samsø MunicipalityJørn NissenMarcel Meijer
Silkeborg MunicipalityHanne Bæk Olsen12Steen Vindum
Skanderborg MunicipalityJørgen GaardeJørgen Gaarde
Skive MunicipalityFlemming EskildsenPeder Chr. Kirkegaard
Slagelse MunicipalityLis Tribler13Sten Knuth
Solrød MunicipalityNiels Emil HörupNiels Emil Hörup
Sorø MunicipalityIvan HansenGert Jørgensen
Stevns MunicipalityPoul Arne NielsenMogens Haugaard Nielsen
Struer MunicipalityNiels Viggo LynghøjMads Jakobsen
Svendborg MunicipalityCurt SørensenLars Erik Hornemann
Syddjurs MunicipalityKirstine Bille14Claus Wistoft
Sønderborg MunicipalityAase Nyegaard15Erik Lauritzen
Thisted MunicipalityLene Kjelgaard Jensen16Lene Kjelgaard Jensen12
Tønder MunicipalityLaurids RudebækLaurids Rudebæk
Tårnby MunicipalityHenrik ZiminoHenrik Zimino
Vallensbæk MunicipalityHenrik RasmussenHenrik Rasmussen
Varde MunicipalityGylling HaahrErik Buhl
Vejen MunicipalityEgon FræhrEgon Fræhr
Vejle MunicipalityArne SigtenbjerggaardArne Sigtenbjerggaard
Vesthimmerland MunicipalityKnud Vældgaard KristensenKnud Vældgaard Kristensen
Viborg MunicipalitySøren Pape PoulsenSøren Pape Poulsen
Vordingborg MunicipalityHenrik HolmerKnud Larsen
Ærø MunicipalityKarsten LandroJørgen Otto Jørgensen
Aabenraa MunicipalityTove Larsen17Thomas Andresen
Aalborg MunicipalityHenning G. JensenThomas Kastrup Larsen
Aarhus MunicipalityJacob BundsgaardJacob Bundsgaard

Numbers denote that the mayor is a woman.

Notes and references

1. ^Local Elections, Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Interior, accessed 2013-10-05

External links

  • "Local Elections 13" on the Danish English-speaking website Copenhagen Post
  • Election results by Municipality
  • Three out of five of 2444 municipal council members reelected
{{Danish elections}}

4 : Local and municipal elections in Denmark|2013 elections in Europe|2013 in Denmark|November 2013 events in Europe





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