

词条 Oceanic crust

  1. Composition

     Geochemistry  Life cycle 

  2. Magnetic anomalies

  3. See also

  4. Notes

  5. References

{{short description|The uppermost layer of the oceanic portion of a tectonic plate}}

Oceanic crust is the uppermost layer of the oceanic portion of a tectonic plate. It is composed of the upper oceanic crust, with pillow lavas and a dike complex, and the lower oceanic crust, composed of troctolite, gabbro and ultramafic cumulates.[1][2] The crust overlies the solidified and uppermost layer of the mantle. The crust and the solid mantle layer together constitute oceanic lithosphere.

Oceanic crust is primarily composed of mafic rocks, or sima, which is rich in iron and magnesium. It is thinner than continental crust, or sial, generally less than 10 kilometers thick; however it is denser, having a mean density of about 3.0 grams per cubic centimeter[3] as opposed to continental crust which has a density of about 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter.[4]

The crust uppermost is the result of the cooling of magma derived from mantle material below the plate. The magma is injected into the spreading center, which consists mainly of a partly solidified crystal mush derived from earlier injections, forming magma lenses that are the source of the sheeted dikes that feed the overlying pillow lavas.[5] As the lavas cool they are, in most instances, modified chemically by seawater.[6] These eruptions occur mostly at mid-ocean ridges, but also at scattered hotspots, and also in rare but powerful occurrences known as flood basalt eruptions. But most magma crystallises at depth, within the lower oceanic crust. There, newly intruded magma can mix and react with pre-existing crystal mush and rocks.[7]


Although a complete section of oceanic crust has not yet been drilled, geologists have several pieces of evidence that help them understand the ocean floor. Estimations of composition are based on analyses of ophiolites (sections of oceanic crust that are thrust onto and preserved on the continents), comparisons of the seismic structure of the oceanic crust with laboratory determinations of seismic velocities in known rock types, and samples recovered from the ocean floor by submersibles, dredging (especially from ridge crests and fracture zones) and drilling.[8] Oceanic crust is significantly simpler than continental crust and generally can be divided in three layers. According to mineral physics experiments, at lower mantle pressures, oceanic crust becomes denser than the surrounding mantle.[9]

  • Layer 1 is on an average 0.4 km thick. It consists of unconsolidated or semiconsolidated sediments, usually thin or even not present near the mid-ocean ridges but thickens farther away from the ridge.[10] Near the continental margins sediment is terrigenous, meaning derived from the land, unlike deep sea sediments which are made of tiny shells of marine organisms, usually calcareous and siliceous, or it can be made of volcanic ash and terrigenous sediments transported by turbidity currents.[11]
  • Layer 2 could be divided into two parts: layer 2A – 0.5 km thick uppermost volcanic layer of glassy to finely crystalline basalt usually in the form of pillow basalt, and layer 2B – 1.5 km thick layer composed of diabase dikes.[12]
  • Layer 3 is formed by slow cooling of magma beneath the surface and consists of coarse grained gabbros and cumulate ultramafic rocks.[13] It constitutes over two-thirds of oceanic crust volume with almost 5 km thickness.[14]


The most voluminous volcanic rocks of the ocean floor are the mid-oceanic ridge basalts, which are derived from low-potassium tholeiitic magmas. These rocks have low concentrations of large ion lithophile elements (LILE), light rare earth elements (LREE), volatile elements and other highly incompatible elements. There can be found basalts enriched with incompatible elements, but they are rare and associated with mid-ocean ridge hot spots such as surroundings of Galapagos Islands, the Azores and Iceland.[15]

Prior to the Neoproterozoic Era 1000 Ma ago as world's oceanic crust was more mafic than present-days'. The more mafic nature of the crust meant that higher amounts of water molecules (OH) could be stored the altered parts of the crust. At subduction zones this mafic crust was prone to metamorphose into greenschist instead of blueschist at ordinary blueschist facies.[16]

Life cycle

Oceanic crust is continuously being created at mid-ocean ridges. As plates diverge at these ridges, magma rises into the upper mantle and crust. As it moves away from the ridge, the lithosphere becomes cooler and denser, and sediment gradually builds on top of it. The youngest oceanic lithosphere is at the oceanic ridges, and it gets progressively older away from the ridges.[17]

As the mantle rises it cools and melts, as the pressure decreases and it crosses the solidus. The amount of melt produced depends only on the temperature of the mantle as it rises. Hence most oceanic crust is the same thickness (7±1 km). Very slow spreading ridges (<1 cm·yr−1 half-rate) produce thinner crust (4–5 km thick) as the mantle has a chance to cool on upwelling and so it crosses the solidus and melts at lesser depth, thereby producing less melt and thinner crust. An example of this is the Gakkel Ridge under the Arctic Ocean. Thicker than average crust is found above plumes as the mantle is hotter and hence it crosses the solidus and melts at a greater depth, creating more melt and a thicker crust. An example of this is Iceland which has crust of thickness ~20 km.[18]

The age of the oceanic crust can be used to estimate the (thermal) thickness of the lithosphere, where young oceanic crust has not had enough time to cool the mantle beneath it, while older oceanic crust has thicker mantle lithosphere beneath it.[19] The oceanic lithosphere subducts at what are known as convergent boundaries. These boundaries can exist between oceanic lithosphere on one plate and oceanic lithosphere on another, or between oceanic lithosphere on one plate and continental lithosphere on another. In the second situation, the oceanic lithosphere always subducts because the continental lithosphere is less dense. The subduction process consumes older oceanic lithosphere, so oceanic crust is seldom more than 200 million years old.[20]

The process of super-continent formation and destruction via repeated cycles of creation and destruction of oceanic crust is known as the Wilson cycle.

The oldest large-scale oceanic crust is in the west Pacific and north-west Atlantic — both are about up to 180-200 million years old. However, parts of the eastern Mediterranean Sea are remnants of the much older Tethys ocean, at about 270 and up to 340 million years old.[21][22][23]

Magnetic anomalies

{{main|Seafloor spreading}}

The oceanic crust displays a pattern of magnetic lines, parallel to the ocean ridges, frozen in the basalt. A symmetrical pattern of positive and negative magnetic lines emanates from the mid-ocean ridge.[24] New rock is formed by magma at the mid-ocean ridges, and the ocean floor spreads out from this point. When the magma cools to form rock, its magnetic polarity is aligned with the then-current positions of the magnetic poles of the Earth. New magma then forces the older cooled magma away from the ridge. This process results in parallel sections of oceanic crust of alternating magnetic polarity.

See also

  • Mohorovičić discontinuity
  • Plate tectonics


1. ^Gillis et al (2014). Primitive layered gabbros from fast-spreading lower oceanic crust. Nature 505, 204-208
2. ^{{Cite book |url=https://books.google.com/?id=PrXyCAAAQBAJ&pg=PA11&dq=ultramafic+cumulates+layer+3#v=onepage&q=ultramafic%20cumulates%20layer%203&f=false |title=Ore Deposits and Mantle Plumes |last=Pirajno F. |publisher=Springer |year=2013 |isbn=9789401725026 |pages=11}}
3. ^{{cite book|last1=Rogers|first1=N.|last2=Blake|first2=S.|last3=Burton|first3=K.|title=An introduction to our dynamic planet|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=WA9ST5S_2v0C&pg=PA44 |accessdate=January 2008|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=978-0-521-49424-3|page=19|date=2008-02-14}}
4. ^{{harvnb|Cogley|1984}}
5. ^{{Cite journal |last=Sinton J.M. |last2=Detrick R.S. |year=1992 |title=Mid‐ocean ridge magma chambers |url=https://www.researchgate.net/publication/248793835 |journal=Journal of Geophysical Research |volume=97 |issue=B1 |pages=197–216 |doi=10.1029/91JB02508|bibcode=1992JGR....97..197S }}
6. ^H. Elderfield (2006). The Oceans and Marine Geochemistry. Elsevier. pp. 182–. {{ISBN|978-0-08-045101-5}}.
7. ^Lissenberg, C. J., MacLeod, C. J., Horward, K. A., and Godard, M. (2013). Pervasive reactive melt migration through fast-spreading lower oceanic crust(Hess Deep, equatorial Pacific Ocean). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 361, 436–447. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.11.012
8. ^Kodaira, S., Noguchi, N., Takahashi, N., Ishizuka, O., & Kaneda, Y. (2010). Evolution from fore‐arc oceanic crust to island arc crust: A seismic study along the Izu‐Bonin fore arc. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 115(B9), N/a.
9. ^Li, M., & McNamara, A. (2013). The difficulty for subducted oceanic crust to accumulate at the Earth's core‐mantle boundary. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 118(4), 1807-1816.
10. ^Peter Laznicka (2 September 2010). Giant Metallic Deposits: Future Sources of Industrial Metals. Springer Science & Business Media. pp. 82–. {{ISBN|978-3-642-12405-1}}.
11. ^D. R. Bowes (1989) The Encyclopedia of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Van Nostrand Reinhold {{ISBN|0-442-20623-2}}
12. ^Yildirim Dilek (1 January 2000). Ophiolites and Oceanic Crust: New Insights from Field Studies and the Ocean Drilling Program. Geological Society of America. pp. 506–. {{ISBN|978-0-8137-2349-5}}.
13. ^Gillis et al (2014). Primitive layered gabbros from fast-spreading lower oceanic crust. Nature 505, 204-208
14. ^Jon Erickson (14 May 2014). Plate Tectonics: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Earth. Infobase Publishing. pp. 83–. {{ISBN|978-1-4381-0968-8}}.
15. ^Clare P. Marshall, Rhodes W. Fairbridge (1999) Encyclopedia of Geochemistry, Kluwer Academic Publishers {{ISBN|0-412-75500-9}}
16. ^{{cite journal |last1=Palin |first1=Richard M. |last2=White |first2=Richard W.|date=2016 |title=Emergence of blueschists on Earth linked to secular changes in oceanic crust composition |url= |journal=Nature Geoscience |volume=9 |issue=1 |pages= 60|doi= 10.1038/ngeo2605|access-date= |bibcode=2016NatGe...9...60P }}
17. ^{{Cite web|url=https://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/dynamic/understanding.html|title=Understanding plate motions [This Dynamic Earth, USGS]|website=pubs.usgs.gov|access-date=2017-04-16}}
18. ^C.M.R. Fowler (2005) The Solid Earth (2nd Ed.), Cambridge University Press {{ISBN|0-521-89307-0}}
19. ^{{cite paper|volume=233|date=May 2005|journal=Earth and Planetary Science Letters|issue=3–4|pages = 337–349|title=Thermal structure of oceanic and continental lithosphere|last1=McKenzie|first1=Dan|last2=Jackson|first2=James|last3=Priestley|first3=Keith|doi = 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.02.005}}
20. ^Condie, K.C. 1997. Plate Tectonics and Crustal Evolution (4th Edition). 288 page, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.
21. ^{{cite paper|url=https://www.newscientist.com/article/2100988-worlds-oldest-ocean-crust-dates-back-to-ancient-supercontinent/|volume=9|date=April 2008|journal=Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems|issue=4|pages=Q04006|title=Age, spreading rates, and spreading asymmetry of the world's ocean crust|last=Müller|first=R. Dietmar|bibcode=2008GGG.....9.4006M|doi=10.1029/2007GC001743}}
22. ^{{cite web |url=https://www.newscientist.com/article/2100988-worlds-oldest-ocean-crust-dates-back-to-ancient-supercontinent/ |title=World's oldest ocean crust dates back to ancient supercontinent |last1=Benson |first1=Emily |date=15 August 2016 |website=www.newscientist.com |publisher= New Scientist |access-date=11 September 2016 |quote=}}
23. ^{{cite web |url=https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/08/160815114933.htm |title=Researcher uncovers 340 million year-old oceanic crust in the Mediterranean Sea using magnetic data |last1= |first1= |last2= |first2= |date=15 August 2016 |website=www.sciencedaily.com |publisher= Science Daily |access-date=11 September 2016 |quote=}}
24. ^{{Cite journal|last=Pitman|first=W. C.|last2=Herron|first2=E. M.|last3=Heirtzler|first3=J. R.|date=1968-03-15|title=Magnetic anomalies in the Pacific and sea floor spreading|journal=Journal of Geophysical Research|language=en|volume=73|issue=6|pages=2069–2085|doi=10.1029/JB073i006p02069|issn=2156-2202|bibcode=1968JGR....73.2069P}}


  • Marshak, Stephen (2005) Earth: Portrait of a Planet (41-87)
  • {{cite web

|title=Ocean 540: Oceanic Lithosphere; Plate Tectonics; Seafloor Topography
|publisher=School of Oceanography, University of Washington
|accessdate=August 2009
| last1 = McDuff | first1 = Russell E.
| last2 = Heath | first2 = G. Ross
}}{{Earthsinterior}}{{physical oceanography|expanded=other}}{{Geology}}

3 : Plate tectonics|Structure of the Earth|Oceanographical terminology





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