

词条 Book:Henrik Ibsen, playwright

  1. Henrik Ibsen, playwright

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Henrik Ibsen, playwright

0 Ibsen

Henrik Ibsen

1 Works

A Doll's House

An Enemy of the People

Brand (play)

Catiline (play)

Emperor and Galilean

Ghosts (play)

Hedda Gabler

John Gabriel Borkman

Lady Inger of Oestraat

Little Eyolf

Love's Comedy

Norma (play)

Olaf Liljekrans

Peer Gynt


St. John's Eve (play)

Terje Vigen

The Burial Mound

The Feast at Solhaug

The Lady from the Sea

The League of Youth

The Master Builder

The Pillars of Society

The Pretenders (play)

The Vikings at Helgeland

The Wild Duck

When We Dead Awaken

2 Persons

Camilla Collett

Georg Brandes

Sigurd Ibsen

Suzannah Ibsen

Tancred Ibsen

Tancred Ibsen, Jr.

William Archer (critic)

3 Other

Modern Breakthrough

  • Book talk:Henrik Ibsen, playwright[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_talk:Henrik_Ibsen,_playwright]




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