

词条 Book:Power Generation Body of Knowledge - People in Power

  1. Power Generation Body of Knowledge

      People in Power  
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Power Generation Body of Knowledge

People in Power

The Ancients


Hero of Alexandria

17th Century

William Gilbert (astronomer)

Cornelis Drebbel

Giovanni Branca

Evangelista Torricelli

Blaise Pascal

René Descartes

Robert Boyle

Ferdinand Verbiest

Christiaan Huygens

Thomas Savery

18th Century

Thomas Newcomen

Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit

Stephen Gray (scientist)

Daniel Bernoulli

Benjamin Franklin

Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot

James Watt

Antoine Lavoisier

Aimé Argand

Charles-Augustin de Coulomb

James Rumsey

William Murdoch

Alessandro Volta

Richard Trevithick

André-Marie Ampère

Hans Christian Ørsted

Joseph Fourier

Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot

Georg Ohm

Michael Faraday

Joseph Henry

Heinrich Lenz

19th Century

Nikola Tesla

Carl Friedrich Gauss

A. E. Becquerel

William Robert Grove

James Young (Scottish chemist)

James Prescott Joule

Gustav Kirchhoff

William John Macquorn Rankine

Rudolf Diesel

20th Century

Heike Kamerlingh Onnes

Viktor Kaplan

Harold Urey

James Chadwick

21st Century

Omar Hurricane

Energy Market Economists

William Stanley Jevons

Harold Hotelling

Paul Simshauser

Marie Curie

Ernest Rutherford

Hans von Ohain

Otto Hahn





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