

词条 Book:The United States Federal Prison System

  1. The United States Federal Prison System

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The United States Federal Prison System

Introductory Information

United States Department of Justice

Incarceration in the United States

Federal Bureau of Prisons

Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

United States Penitentiaries (USPs)

United States Penitentiary, Allenwood

United States Penitentiary, Atlanta

United States Penitentiary, Atwater

United States Penitentiary, Big Sandy

United States Penitentiary, Beaumont

United States Penitentiary, Canaan

United States Penitentiary, Coleman

ADX Florence

United States Penitentiary, Florence High

United States Penitentiary, Hazelton

United States Penitentiary, Lee

United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth

United States Penitentiary, Lewisburg

United States Penitentiary, Lompoc

United States Penitentiary, Marion

United States Penitentiary, McCreary

United States Penitentiary, Pollock

United States Penitentiary, Terre Haute

United States Penitentiary, Tucson

United States Penitentiary, Victorville

Federal Correctional Institutions (FCIs)

Federal Correctional Institution, Aliceville

Federal Correctional Institution, Allenwood Low

Federal Correctional Institution, Allenwood Medium

Federal Correctional Institution, Ashland

Federal Correctional Institution, Bastrop

Federal Correctional Institution, Beckley

Federal Correctional Institution, Beaumont Low

Federal Correctional Institution, Beaumont Medium

Federal Correctional Institution, Bennettsville

Federal Correctional Institution, Berlin

Federal Correctional Institution, Big Spring

Federal Correctional Institution, Butner Low

Federal Correctional Institution, Butner Medium

Federal Correctional Institution, Coleman Low

Federal Correctional Institution, Coleman Medium

Federal Correctional Institution, Cumberland

Federal Correctional Institution, Danbury

Federal Correctional Institution, Dublin

Federal Correctional Institution, Edgefield

Federal Correctional Institution, Elkton

Federal Correctional Institution, El Reno

Federal Correctional Institution, Englewood

Federal Correctional Institution, Estill

Federal Correctional Institution, Fairton

Federal Correctional Institution, Florence

Federal Correctional Institution, Forrest City Low

Federal Correctional Institution, Forrest City Medium

Federal Correctional Institution, Fort Dix

Federal Correctional Institution, Fort Worth

Federal Correctional Institution, Gilmer

Federal Correctional Institution, Greenville

Federal Correctional Institution, Herlong

Federal Correctional Institution, Jesup

Federal Correctional Institution, La Tuna

Federal Correctional Institution, Lompoc

Federal Correctional Institution, Loretto

Federal Correctional Institution, Manchester

Federal Correctional Institution, Marianna

Federal Correctional Institution, McDowell

Federal Correctional Institution, McKean

Federal Correctional Institution, Memphis

Federal Correctional Institution, Mendota

Federal Correctional Institution, Miami

Federal Correctional Institution, Milan

Federal Correctional Institution, Morgantown

Federal Correctional Institution, Oakdale

Federal Correctional Institution, Otisville

Federal Correctional Institution, Oxford

Federal Correctional Institution, Pekin

Federal Correctional Institution, Petersburg Low

Federal Correctional Institution, Petersburg Medium

Federal Correctional Institution, Phoenix

Federal Correctional Institution, Pollock

Federal Correctional Institution, Ray Brook

Federal Correctional Institution, Safford

Federal Correctional Institution, Sandstone

Federal Correctional Institution, Schuylkill

Federal Correctional Institution, Seagoville

Federal Correctional Institution, Sheridan

Federal Correctional Institution, Talladega

Federal Correctional Institution, Tallahassee

Federal Correctional Institution, Terminal Island

Federal Correctional Institution, Terre Haute

Federal Correctional Institution, Texarkana

Federal Correctional Institution, Three Rivers

Federal Correctional Institution, Tucson

Federal Correctional Institution, Victorville

Federal Correctional Institution, Waseca

Federal Correctional Institution, Williamsburg

Federal Correctional Institution, Yazoo City Low

Federal Correctional Institution, Yazoo City Medium

Federal Prison Camps (FPCs)

Federal Prison Camp, Alderson

Federal Prison Camp, Bryan

Federal Prison Camp, Duluth

Federal Prison Camp, Montgomery

Federal Prison Camp, Pensacola

Federal Prison Camp, Yankton

Administrative Facilities

Federal Detention Center, Honolulu

Federal Detention Center, Houston

Federal Detention Center, Miami

Federal Detention Center, Oakdale

Federal Detention Center, Philadelphia

Federal Detention Center, SeaTac

Federal Medical Center, Butner

Federal Medical Center, Carswell

Federal Medical Center, Devens

Federal Medical Center, Lexington

Federal Medical Center, Rochester

United States Medical Center for Federal Prisoners

Federal Transfer Center, Oklahoma City

Metropolitan Correctional Center, Chicago


Metropolitan Correctional Center, New York

Metropolitan Correctional Center, San Diego

Metropolitan Detention Center, Brooklyn

Metropolitan Detention Center, Guaynabo

Metropolitan Detention Center, Los Angeles

Notable Inmates - USP Allenwood

Aldrich Ames

Louis Daidone

Thomas Pitera

John Stanfa

Notable Inmates - USP Atlanta

Ignazio Lupo

James Burke (gangster)

Al Capone

Vincent Papa

Willie Aikens

Denny McLain

Frank Abagnale

Charles Ponzi

Phillip E. Hill, Sr.

Eugene V. Debs

Vilyam Genrikhovich Fisher

Marcus Garvey

Pedro Albizu Campos

Roy Gardner (bank robber)

Harry Golden

Charles Harrelson

Notable Inmates - USP Atwater

James Marcello

John Anthony Walker

Notable Inmates - USP Big Sandy

Charles McArther Emmanuel

Notable Inmates - USP Beaumont

Michael O'Keefe (Louisiana politician)

Oscar Wyatt

Notable Inmates - USP Canaan

Juan Matta-Ballesteros

Chhun Yasith

Sholam Weiss

James Charles Kopp

Notable Inmates - USP Coleman

Allen Stanford

Amine El Khalifi

Benjamín Arellano Félix

Louis Eppolito and Stephen Caracappa

Harry Joseph Bowman

Leonard Peltier

Notable Inmates - ADX Florence

Zacarias Moussaoui

Ramzi Yousef

Mahmud Abouhalima

Mohammed A. Salameh

Eyad Ismoil

Mohamed Rashed Daoud Al-Owhali

Wadih el-Hage

Khalfan Khamis Mohamed

Mohammed Odeh

Ahmed Ghailani

Richard Reid

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab

Iyman Faris

Ahmed Ressam

Simón Trinidad

Najibullah Zazi

Ahmed Omar Abu Ali

Ted Kaczynski

Terry Nichols

Eric Rudolph

Faisal Shahzad

Naser Jason Abdo

Noshir Gowadia

Robert Hanssen

Kendall Myers

Harold James Nicholson

Francisco Javier Arellano Félix

Haji Bagcho

Juan García Ábrego

Osiel Cárdenas Guillén

Vincent Basciano

Luis Felipe (murderer)

Tyler Bingham

Barry Mills (Aryan Brotherhood)

Thomas Silverstein

Larry Hoover

Jeff Fort

Howard Mason

O. G. Mack

H. Rap Brown

Matthew F. Hale

Richard Lee McNair

Michael Swango

Dwight York

Notable Inmates - USP Florence High

Demetrius and Terry Flenory

William King and Antonio Murray

Notable Inmates - USP Lee

Dandeny Muñoz Mosquera

Kenneth McGriff

Chevie Kehoe

Brian Patrick Regan

Ken Jenne

Notable Inmates - USP Leavenworth

Whitey Bulger

John Franzese

Anthony Corallo

Machine Gun Kelly

Bugs Moran

Felix Mitchell

Gus Hall

Ricardo Flores Magón

Michael Vick

Bam Morris

John Paul, Sr. (racing driver)


Frederick Cook

Tom Petters

Tom Pendergast

James Earl Ray

Carl Panzram

Robert Stroud

Fritz Joubert Duquesne

Samuel R. Caldwell

Notable Inmates - USP Lewisburg

John Gotti

Paul Vario

Enoch L. Johnson

Henry Hill

Thomas DeSimone

Jimmy Hoffa

Melvin Williams (actor)

Edwin Cortes

Ricardo Jimenez

Joe Doherty

Herbert John Burgman

Alger Hiss

Bayard Rustin

John Williamson (communist)

Robert Hansen

Steve Reid

Robert Lee Johnson (spy)

Robert Thompson (spy)

John Wojtowicz

Carl Upchurch

Wilhelm Reich

Samuel Roth

Ralph Ginzburg

Notable Inmates - USP Lompoc

H. R. Haldeman

Herbert W. Kalmbach

Ivan Boesky

Reed Slatkin

Chuck Muncie

Mac Dre

Christopher John Boyce

Notable Inmates - USP Marion

El Sayyid Nosair

Omar Rezaq

Ghassan Elashi

Zachary Adam Chesser

Schaeffer Cox

Kifah Jayyousi

Rezwan Ferdaus

Michael Finton

William Daddano, Sr.

Viktor Bout

Kirksey Nix

Pete Rose

Garrett Brock Trapnell

John Stamos

Notable Inmates - USP Terre Haute

Timothy McVeigh

Juan Garza

Joseph E. Duncan III

Russell Wasendorf

Notable Inmates - USP Tucson

Brian David Mitchell

Duke Cunningham

Philip Giordano

Timothy Villagomez

Jaan Laaman

Diego León Montoya Sánchez

William Leonard Pickard

Tony Alamo

Notable Inmates - USP Victorville

Edgar Steele

Richard Dale Morrison

Notable Inmates - FCI Allenwood Low

John Rigas


Notable Inmates - FCI Ashland

Vince Fumo

Notable Inmates - FCI Bastrop

Michael Nunn

Richard Causey

Hobart Huson

Chris Lamprecht

Notable Inmates - FCI Beaumont Low

William J. Jefferson

Larry S. Bankston

Jerry Fowler

Notable Inmates - FCI Beaumont Medium

Leslie Ibsen Rogge

Granddad Bandit

B.G. (rapper)

Notable Inmates - FCI Berlin

Kent Hovind

Notable Inmates - FCI Big Spring

David Duke

Anthony Pellicano

Mad Hatter (bank robber)

Notable Inmates - FCI Butner Low

Jon Burge

John Connolly (FBI)

Richard J. Schneiderhan

Eric Franklin Rosser

Samuel Israel III

Conrad Black

Notable Inmates - FCI Butner Medium

Bernard Madoff

Jonathan Pollard

Sol Wachtler

Carmine Persico

Nicodemo Scarfo

Barry Landau

Taylor, Bean & Whitaker

Notable Inmates - FCI Coleman Low

Michael Conahan

Abner Louima

Matthew Cox

Notable Inmates - FCI Coleman Medium

Enrique Camarena (DEA agent)

Linda Schrenko

Notable Inmates - FCI Cumberland

Bernard Kerik

Jeffrey R. MacDonald

Jack Abramoff

Victor Amuso

Cameron Douglas

Solomon Dwek

Notable Inmates - FCI Danbury

Leona Helmsley

Sun Myung Moon

Sister Ping

Piper Kerman

Lisa Biron

Lauryn Hill

Notable Inmates - FCI Dublin

Stacey Koon

Laurence Powell

Heidi Fleiss

Pavlo Lazarenko

Notable Inmates - FCI Edgefield

Christopher Coke

Miguel Rodríguez Orejuela

Erin Andrews

Thomas Noe

Notable Inmates - FCI Elkton

Peter Gotti

Glenn Duffie Shriver

Notable Inmates - FCI Englewood

Jeffrey Skilling

Rod Blagojevich

Mike Carona

Tim DeChristopher

Dean Zimmermann

Notable Inmates - FCI Estill

Charles Walker (Georgia politician)

Notable Inmates - FCI Florence

Francisco Martin Duran

Notable Inmates - FCI Forrest City Low


Arthur Williams (counterfeiter)

Notable Inmates - FCI Fort Dix

Buddy Cianci

Max Butler

Carl Kruger

Martin Frankel

Nicholas Cosmo

George Jung

Brien Taylor

Notable Inmates - FCI Fort Worth

Michael Fortier

Vincent Gigante

Salvatore Merlino

Gil Dozier

Gaston Gerald

Jim McDougal

Peter MacDonald (Navajo leader)

Frank Jude, Jr.

Notable Inmates - FCI Greenville

David Mack (police officer)

Derrick Shareef

Notable Inmates - FCI Herlong

Tre Arrow

Notable Inmates - FCI Jesup

Ben Reyes

Notable Inmates - FCI La Tuna

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula

Notable Inmates - FCI Lompoc

Andrew Daulton Lee

Bernie Ward

Notable Inmates - FCI Loretto

John G. Rowland

John Kiriakou

Vincent Leibell

Notable Inmates - FCI Marianna

Daniel Patrick Boyd

Notable Inmates - FCI McKean

Wesley Snipes

Notable Inmates - FCI Memphis

Gilberto Rodríguez Orejuela

Miguel Caro Quintero

Notable Inmates
FCI Miami

Manuel Noriega

Bill Campbell (mayor)

Buju Banton

Milton Balkany

Notable Inmates - FCI Morgantown

Bob Ney

Thomas L. Bromwell

Richard Hatch (Survivor contestant)

Notable Inmates - FCI Oakdale

Bernard Ebbers

James H. "Jim" Brown

Edwin Edwards

Andrew Fastow

Oliver Thomas

Notable Inmates - FCI Otisville

Sholom Rubashkin

Kenneth I. Starr

Shahawar Matin Siraj

Walter Forbes

Zvonko Bušić

Notable Inmates - FCI Oxford

Dan Rostenkowski

George Ryan

Notable Inmates - FCI Pekin

Tony Rezko

Mark Ciavarella

John Tomkins

Notable Inmates - FCI Petersburg Low

Sharpe James

Mark D. Siljander

Notable Inmates - FCI Petersburg Medium

Richard Goldberg

Notable Inmates - FCI Phoenix

Cris Kirkwood

Jerry Posin

Hamid and Umer Hayat

Notable Inmates - FCI Pollock

Gene Gotti

Notable Inmates - FCI Ray Brook

Sathajhan Sarachandran

Notable Inmates - FCI Sandstone

Tim Allen

Mike Danton

Con Errico

James P. Cannon

Farrell Dobbs

Igal Roodenko

Marc Stuart Dreier

Notable Inmates - FCI Schuylkill

James Coonan

Beanie Sigel

Larry Seabrook

Nicholas Spano

Notable Inmates - FCI Seagoville

Sam Hurd

Darryl Henley

Luis de la Garza

Notable Inmates - FCI Sheridan

Ahmed Bilal

Mike Hawash

Russell Cline

Suge Knight

Tom Anderson (politician)

Pete Kott

Tony Eveready

Robert Soloway

Andrew Wiederhorn

Notable Inmates - FCI Terminal Island

Eric McDavid

Michael Riconosciuto

Anthony Elgindy

Anthony Parnes

Brian O'Dea

Salvatore Bonanno

Charles Manson

Timothy Leary

Edward Bunker

Anita O'Day

Flora Purim

Notable Inmates - FCI Terre Haute

John Walker Lindh

Daniel G. McGowan

Farooque Ahmed

Abdul Hakim Murad (militant)

Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari

Hosam Maher Husein Smadi

Oscar López Rivera

Abduwali Abdukhadir Muse

Notable Inmates - FCI Texarkana

Dan Morales

Lou Pearlman

Noah W. Cross

Notable Inmates - FCI Tucson

Charles Keating

David Hall (Oklahoma governor)

Notable Inmates - FCI Victorville

Lenny Dykstra

Notable Inmates - FCI Waseca

Rita Crundwell

Shelley Shannon

Shauntay Henderson

Notable Inmates - FCI Yazoo City Low

Young Buck

Notable Inmates - FCI Yazoo City Medium

Marc Emery

Notable Inmates - FPC Alderson

Lolita Lebrón

Lynette Fromme

Sara Jane Moore

Velvalee Dickinson

Iva Toguri D'Aquino

Mildred Gillars

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn

Claudia Jones

Monica Conyers

Meg Scott Phipps

Martha Stewart

Esther Reed

Billie Holiday

Notable Inmates - FPC Duluth

Richard Miranda (politician)

Notable Inmates - FPC Montgomery

Sherman A. Bernard

Robert Frederick Collins

Charles Colson

Richard Alvin Tonry

Notable Inmates - FPC Pensacola

Tim Donaghy

Doug Green (Louisiana politician)

Mark Whitacre

Notable Inmates - FPC Yankton

John McTiernan

Notable Inmates - Federal Detention Center, Honolulu

Duane Chapman

Leland Chapman

Tim Chapman

Notable Inmates - Federal Detention Center, Miami

Colton Harris-Moore

José Padilla (prisoner)

Scott W. Rothstein

Camilla Broe

Notable Inmates - Federal Detention Center, Oakdale

Don Siegelman

Notable Inmates - Federal Detention Center, Philadelphia

Lil' Kim

Nicky Scarfo Jr.

Colleen LaRose

Notable Inmates - Federal Detention Center, SeaTac

Jim Bell

Roxanna Brown

Luke Elliott Sommer

Notable Inmates - Federal Medical Center, Butner

John Hinckley, Jr.

Omar Abdel-Rahman

Frank Calabrese, Sr.

Tom Manning (prisoner)

Salvatore DiMasi

Notable Inmates - Federal Medical Center, Carswell

Lisa M. Montgomery

Angela Johnson

Lynne Stewart

Marion Jones

Kristen Gilbert

Ana Montes

Marie Mason

Aafia Siddiqui

Shannon Richardson

Notable Inmates - Federal Medical Center, Devens

Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev

Raj Rajaratnam

Frank Locascio

Daniel Van Pelt

Sabri Benkahla

Giovanni Riggi

Notable Inmates - Federal Medical Center, Lexington

Susan Rosenberg

Silvia Baraldini

Wayne Kramer (guitarist)

Red Rodney

Notable Inmates - Federal Medical Center, Rochester

Jim Bakker

Robert Courtney

Lyndon LaRouche

Luke Helder

Notable Inmates - United States Medical Center for Federal Prisoners

Jared Lee Loughner

Hemant Lakhani

Joseph Bonanno

Larry Flynt

Clayton Fountain

Henri Young

Notable Inmates - Metropolitan Correctional Center, Chicago

Mel Reynolds

Sinaloa Cartel

Notable Inmates - Metropolitan Correctional Center, New York

Sulaiman Abu Ghaith

Abu Hamza al-Masri

Ronell Wilson

Horst Overdick

Notable Inmates - Metropolitan Correctional Center, San Diego

Eduardo Arellano Félix

Notable Inmates - Metropolitan Detention Center, Brooklyn

Al Sharpton

Paul Bergrin





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