

词条 Draft:List of political conspiracies

  1. Political conspiracies through history

  2. Further research suggested:

  3. Notes on other pages

  4. See also

  5. References

{{draftcheck}}{{AFC submission|d|reason|This submission is absolutely amazing. It is well-sourced, interesting to read, and full of useful content. However, a page with similar information already exists under the same name as this draft. You can consider transferring the information on this page under the existing page in WP mainspace. |u=Sfarney|ns=118|decliner=Tseung Kwan O|declinets=20160710200837|ts=20160705041640}} --Slade Farney (talk) 00:28, 16 April 2015 (UTC){{NOINDEX|visible = yes}}

A political conspiracy is an agreement among two or more people to effect a political goal through some harmful or illegal act against a political leader, a sector of the populace, or a country's laws. The term is used variously within that general description.

A conspiracy often involves secrecy, but there are major exceptions. In any case, secrecy is relative and not strictly necessary in the legal definition[1]. The American Revolutionary War, for example, was considered a "conspiracy" by the British, who were certainly aware of its existence though not of not of all details.[2]

As a term, political conspiracy has been used to describe plots by employees of the government (as in the Watergate scandal or the Iran-Contra scandal), by people not so employed (as in the 1993 WTC bombing), or by a combination (as in Project MKULTRA). The word "conspiracy" has been applied to plots between the heads (or agents) of multiple nations to harm or embarrass some other nation not present (such as Operation Gladio), but not usually to plots to declare conventional war on another country (as with the Bombing of Pearl Harbor) or to conduct low level espionage (of which there have been uncountable instances). Provoking war by deception or trickery is often termed a conspiracy, as in the cases of the Yellowcake Forgery and the September Dossier.

A conspiracy may be illegal but not harmful (as with Fighting Solidarity and the Slave Rebellions in North America), or harmful but not illegal (as with the Native American Holocaust and Slavery in North America). A conspiracy may be committed by the government against the people or a sector of the population (as with Project Mockingbird, Wannsee Conference, and the Armenian Genocide).

As with the legal US definition, conspiracy does not require all conspirators to know all others in the same conspiracy -- in politics, numbers alone might make knowledge of all others impossible. Some conspiracies (such as the Underground Railroad and the French Resistance) deliberately limit the information available to any individual so that the damage is limited if the conspiracy is breached.

For each event listed here, scholarly sources are provided on the individual page to which the event name is linked. As with many Wiki lists, the purpose of this page is to provide a general reference rather than to substantiate or explain each incident in detail.

The events listed here are selected for the following criteria:

  1. Each is generally recognized to be true rather than speculative or controversial
  2. Each meets the definition of political conspiracy given above
  3. Each has been described in some detail elsewhere in the Wikipedia with scholarly references

Political conspiracies through history

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Dates are according to standard Christian dating system. A negative number in the Date column indicates BC. An asterisk indicates the activity is still ongoing. The "Auth" column is for noting primary (not necessarily all) sources that define the incident as a conspiracy. The "Name" column gives the name by which the incident is commonly known, linked to the Wikipedia page that details the event.

DateAuth Name Geography Leaders Action Alleged Objective Outcome
[3]Assassination of Philip II of MacedonMacedonPausanias of Orestis and friends, possibly encouraged by Philip's wife Olympias or son AlexanderStabbed King Philip at the wedding of his daughter, CleopatraPersonal vengeance for death of a friend and for making war against the IllyriansSuccess; King Philip died; assassin Pausanias was killed by the King's bodyguards
-70, -62[4]Catiline conspiraciesRepublic of RomeLucius Sergius Catilina with many friends and supportersAssassination, armed revolt against the RepublicFor some, to install Catiline as dictator of RomeFailure; Cataline's defeated and killed in 62 BC
-33[5]Assassination of Julius Caesar Republic of Rome Brutus Albinus, Servilius Casca, Tillius Cimber, 60 other senators Assassination of Caesar in the Roman SenateRestore the Republic Failure; death of Caesar, civil war; Rome became an empire rather than a republic
33[6]Crucifixion of JesusPalestinePontius Pilate; Judas Iscariot, Chief Priest __, scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees of the SanhedrinRemoval of Jesus from public scene in JerusalemAvert Roman retaliation; preserve hegemony of the Jewish TempleBackfire; Christianity spread throughout Mediterranean area; Rome destroyed Jerusalem within a century
65[7]Pisonian conspiracyRepublic of RomeGaius Calpurnius Piso, Subrius Flavus, Sulpicius AsperAssassination of Emperor NeroIn part, to install Piso as emperorFailure; Piso killed
1455, 1487[8]War of the RosesEnglandMembers of the Houses of York and Lancaster (two branches of Plantagenet family) and their supportersEvery coordinated attack on the sitting king or his forces (see list) was by definition, seditious conspiracyCapture (or recapture) the throne of EnglandSuccess; Henry VII crowned after Bosworth, married Elizabeth of York, uniting the Plantagenet family branches
1478[9]Pazzi conspiracyRepublic of Florence (Italy)Members of the Pazzi family and supportersAttack on the Medici brothers during High Mass at the Duomo before a crowd of 10,000Displace the de' Medici familyFailure and death of the conspirators
1485[10][11]Bosworth Field ConspiracyEnglandBuckingham, Thomas Lord Stanley, William Stanley, Henry Percy, and their followers, whom King Richard III was relying upon as allies against Henry TudorIn battle with Tudor forces, Northumberland withheld his troops from the charge while Thomas Lord Stanley and Sir William Stanley attacked and killed the King.Put the House of Lancaster on the throne of England (see War of Roses)Success; Henry Tudor became King Henry VII of England; the Stanleys were rewarded generously; Northumberland was briefly imprisoned, then released and reinstated
1500, 1910[12]Ethnic Cleansing of North AmericaNorth AmericaPredominantly Caucasian peopleNative American peoples were exterminated first in incidental massacres, then as collision of cultures/races contesting land, finally as a quasi-government policyPresumably, possess the land without contestSuccess; North America cleansed of natives with the exception of Southwest Hispanics and small reservations
1506[13]Conspiracy against Duke of FerraraFerrara(Italy)Half-brother Giulio d'Este and full brother Ferrante d'Este[14]Death to Alfonso I d'Este, Duke of Ferrara and Cardinal Ippolito d'Este (brothers)Vengeance, with one of the brothers taking the Duke's seatFailure, imprisonment of the conspiring brothers, death to the other conspirators
1526, 1865[15]Slavery in North AmericaNorth AmericaCaucasian people"Fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity"[16]Labor without paySuccess until the Civil War abolished slavery throughout the US
1526, 1840[17]Slave Rebellions in North AmericaNorth AmericaAfrican American slavesOrganized, unorganized, preplanned, and spontaneous illegal rebellions against ownersIndividual libertySuccess in some, death and execution in others
1570[18]Ridolfi plotEnglandRoberto di Ridolfi and othersRevolt, assassinate Queen Elizabeth I, replace her with Mary, Queen of ScotsRestore Catholicism in EnglandDiscovery and failure
1583[19]Throckmorton PlotEnglandSir Francis Throckmorton and other CatholicsAssassinate Queen Elizabeth, replace her with Mary, Queen of ScotsRestore Catholicism in EnglandFailure
1586[20][21]Babington PlotEnglandSir Anthony Babington, John Ballard, Robert Poley, Gilbert Gifford, and Thomas PhelippesAssassinate Queen Elizabeth, replace her with Mary, Queen of ScotsRestore Catholicism in EnglandFailure, trial and execution of Mary, Queen of Scots
1603[22]Main PlotEnglandHenry Brooke, Lord Cobham, Sir Walter Raleigh, and the Spanish governmentDethrone King James I and replace him with Arbella StuartEnthrone Arbella Stuart, restore CatholicismFailure and imprisonment of conspirators
1603[23]Bye PlotEnglandRoman Catholic priests and PuritansKidnap King James IRestore Catholicism, religious toleranceFailure, execution of Sir George Brooke
1605[24]Gunpowder PlotEnglandRobert Catesby, John Wright, Thomas Wintour, Thomas Percy, Guy Fawkes, Robert Keyes, Thomas Bates, Robert Wintour, othersBlow up the House of Lords during the State Opening of Parliament, assassinate King James ICrown Princess Elizabeth, restore CatholicismFailure, execution of conspirators
1610, *[25]Cabinet Noir (see also Black Room)FranceVarious French government bureauxLetters of targets were opened and read by public officials, then resealed and forwarded to recipients. Done in secret so the recipients were unawareNot articulated or not knownSuccess, denounced occasionally but never actually outlawed
1690, 1860[26]Underground RailroadNorth AmericaAbolitionists, many anonymousIllegally assist slaves to various refuges through a network of safe houses and secret routesFlorida before 1776, Canada, free states, territories, MexicoSuccess, with allegedly more than 30,000 escapees
1765, 1783[27][28]American Revolutionary War13 Colonies of AmericaFrance; signatories to the 1776 Declaration of Independence; First and Second Contental Congress; thousands of othersPamphlets, speeches, demonstrations such as the Boston Tea Party; though much activity was public, much was also secretIndependence from British RuleSuccess
1783[29]Newburgh Conspiracy13 Colonies of AmericaJohn Armstrong, Jr., officers of the Continental ArmyNot disband on peace with Britain, and possibly desert Washington's command if not paidInsist on back pay and pension as promisedConciliation with General Washington, faith in Congress restored
1788[30]Anjala conspiracySwedenGroup of Swedish military officersSecretly negotiate peace with Catherine the Great of RussiaEnd Gustav III's Warwith Russia, secession of FinlandFailure, execution of conspirators, division of Finland from Sweden
1859[31]John Brown's RaidHarpers Ferry, West VirginiaJohn Brown, 21 othersRaided Harper's Ferry Armory, captured weaponsInspire slave uprising throughout the SouthShort term failure, conspirators captured, Brown was hung; Long term Brown became icon of Abolition
1865[32]Abraham Lincoln Assassination PlotWashington, D.C.John Wilkes Booth, Lewis Powell, David Herold, and George AtzerodtAssassinate President Lincoln, VP Johnson, and SecretarySewardRevive Confederate causeDeath of Lincoln, otherwise failure
1865[33]Klu Klux KlanUnited StatesMany thousandsViolence against African Americans and sympthizers; secret membershipPrevention of racial and social mixing of racesFailure, prosecution of many; disbanded in 1869, reborn 1920, presently reborn and decentralized
1898[34] The Dreyfus Affair France Charles EsterhazyFalsely prosecute Captain Alfred Dreyfus for treason with Germany Conceal Esterhazy's treason Prison for Dreyfus, but eventual vindication, Esterhazy eventually exposed
1900, *[35]Asbestos ConspiracyAll industrial nations incl. United StatesMultiple governments, industrial corporations, trade groups, and insurance companiesAsbestos hazards were long known but hidden from workers; regulation was blocked, insurance claims deniedUtility and profits of cheap asbestos materialsLiability litigation continues, thousands of victim deaths per year, regulation blocked, asbestos still in use
1900, *[36]Jewish-American organized crimeUnited States, IsraelBugsy Siegel, Monk Eastman, Arnold Rothstein, Joseph "Doc" Stacher, and othersThe activities of Jewish American mobsters become political when the individuals contribute money to Israel and use Israel's Right of Return to escape US prosecutionThe profits of crime without prosecutionSuccess
1903[37] The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Russia The Russian Secret Police (alleged) Publish book falsely purporting to be manual of Jewish conspiracy Foment antisemitism Established a perpetual rumor/legend of Jewish conspiracy against Gentiles
1913, 2005[38]Irish Republican ArmyIrelandVarious, as many as 14,500 people, including agents working for British Army, Special Branch, and MI5[39]Assassinations, murders, bombs, maimings, other violenceUnite the whole of Ireland in a single nation independent of EnglandFailure, disbanded in 1921 after treaty; reformed 1922-1969; reformed as Provisional Irish Republican Army
1914[40] Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand Serbia The Black Hand, a secret society controlled by Serbian Military IntelligenceAssassinate the Archduke Unite the territories with majority South Slavic people Death of the archduke and World War I
1915, 1919[41]Armenian GenocideTurkeyOttoman EmpireMassacre, starve, rape, work victims to death, inject with diseaseEradicate unwanted people including Greeks, Armenians, ethnic ChristiansSuccess; 1 to 1.5 million killed
1917[42]Murder of Emperor Nicholas II, his wife, and all their childrenRussiaYakov Yurovsky, Communist soldiers, local BolsheviksAbduct, assassinate, and bury the bodies in an unmarked graveSolidify Bolshevik RevolutionSuccess
1917, 1933[43]DecossackizationRussiaSoviet governmentExtermination of the Cossacks, either as an ethnic group or social class(Presumed) homogenization of Soviet societySuccess
1926, 1928[44]Assassination of Velimir PrelićMacedoniaInternal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization, Ivan Mihaylov, Mara Buneva,Assassination of a Serbian official Velimir PrelićFreedom for MacedoniaSuccessful assassination, Macedonia not freed
1932, 1972[45]Tuskegee syphilis experimentAlabama, Washington, D.C.Many employees of the US Public Health Service and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention knew or participatedHundreds of black sharecroppers denied diagnosis and treatment for syphilis, left to suffer and die miserablyStudy of the progress of untreated syphilisSuccess for 40 years; upon general exposure, termination of the Experiment, multiple reforms of laws and agencies
1933[46]Business PlotUSHeads of Chase Bank, General Motors, Goodyear, Standard Oil, DuPont family, Senator Prescott BushRecruit Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler to overthrow government of President RoseveldtInstall fascist dictatorship over the United StatesFailure; no action was taken and no one was prosecuted
1933, 1945[47]Anti-Nazi ConspiracyGermanyMultiple small, isolated groups, generally leaderlessSome actively plotted or attempted to assassinate Hitler, some to thwart the roundups for the camps, some to stop the warOverthrow the Nazi regime, end the atrocities, end the warFailure
1939[48]1939 Shelling of MainilaRussiaAndrei Zhdanov and the Red ArmySoviet Union (Russia) Red Army shelled the Russian village of Mainila pretending to be attacked by FinlandFalse flag pretext for Winter War against FinlandSuccess; public support for the Winter War
1939[49]Operation Himmler and the Gleiwitz incidentGermanyHeinrich Himmler, Alfred Naujocks, and Nazi militarySimulate an attack by Polish military, with false flag and uniformsProvide pretext for Germany to invade PolandSuccess, though not hidden from history
1939, 1945[50]French Resistance / French UndergroundFranceMultiple isolated groups and small cellsGuerrilla attacks on the Germans and Vichy collaborators, underground newspapers, spy for the Allies, help isolated Allied soldiers and airmenLiberate France from German occupationSuccess; considered to be of significant assistance to the Allies in winning the World War II against the Germans
1940[51]Operation SparkGermanyFriedrich Olbricht, Major General Henning von Tresckow and an anti-Nazi conspiracy, the Schwarze Kapelle ("black band")Assassinate Adolf Hitler by means of a bomb on his aircraftOverthrow the Nazi regime, end the warDiscovery and failure
1941, 1944[52]Greek ResistanceGreeceCommunist Party of Greece, Aris Velouchiotis, Napoleon Zervas, and other strongly armed groups.Guerrilla attacks, sabotageLiberation of Greece from the Axis Power occupation forces.Failure; internecine civil war between the groups even while occupied by Germany; enmity with British troops;
1942[53]Wannsee ConferenceBerlin, GermanySenior officials of Nazi GermanyExterminate the "inferior" people of the Reich and occupied countries, including Jews, Gypsies, and homosexualsCleanse the body politic of unwanted elements and the race through eugenicsPartial success
1942[54]Operation AnthropoidPragueBritish Special Operations Executive, local agents and CzechsAssassinate General der Polizei Reinhard HeydrichConfer legitimacy on Beneš's government-in-exile in LondonSuccess
1944[55]July 20 PlotGermanyDissidents of the Kreisau Circle and othersAssassinate Adolf Hitler with suitcase bomb inside the Wolf's Lair field headquartersOperation Valkyrie to grab power and negotiate peace with the AlliesFailure, arrest of 7,000 conspirators, execution of 4,980
1945[56]Operation Paperclip /(parallel program in Far East)United States, Germany, JapanJoint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA)Forge documents, expunge national records; evade President Truman's ordersHide desired Japanese, Nazi war criminals from Nuremberg and Tokyo Trials; deny recovery to native countriesSuccess; 1500 Nazis and many Japanese hidden from prosecution, many immigrated
1945, *[57][58]Project SHAMROCKUnited StatesWestern Union, RCA, ITT, Armed Forces Security Agency (AFSA) (later named National Security Agency NSA), FBI, CIA, Secret Service, Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD), Department of Defense (DoD)Intercept, copy incoming, outgoing, and transiting telegrams for thousands of targets without warrant or court orderNot articulated or not knownSuccess until investigated by the Church Committee and passage of FISA; reborn with PRISM
1946, *[58][59]Hmong GenocideLaosLaos, Vietnamese armyAttack, rape, massacre, bomb, destroy means of lifeVengeance, ethnic cleansingSuccess, more than 100,000 killed[60]
1948, 1982[61][62]Operation Gladio, Stay-behind preparationsEuropeCIA, NATO, Western Union Clandestine Committee (CCWU)Leave covert paramilitary agents and forces in neutral and Allied countries after the World War IIPrepare for invasion from Warsaw Pact; see Strategy of TensionSuccess; undetected for decades
1948, *[63][64] [65]Operation MockingbirdUnited States, elsewhereCentral Intelligence Agency (CIA) employees Cord Meyer, Allen W. Dulles, Frank Wisner and many othersPlant agents on news staff; shape news through blackmail, bribes, and "dirty tricks;" plant pre-written articles; fund groups and publicationsManipulate national and foreign policy, hide CIA's illegal activitiesSuccess; exposed by Ramparts in 1966, some books, Church Committee, but not terminated; possibly still active
1950, 1977[66]Puerto Rican Nationalist Party RevoltsPuerto Rico, Continental United StatesPedro Albizu Campos, Blanca Canales, Oscar Collazo, Griselio Torresola, and many othersSeditious conspiracy against the United States, firing on Congress from the gallery, demonstrationsPuerto Rico independence from USFailure, prison for the conspirators
1952, 1973[67]HTLINGUAL / SRPOINTERUSCentral Intelligence Agency (CIA)Intercept and open mail for targeted individuals such as Bella Abzug, Bobby Fischer, Linus Pauling, John Steinbeck, Martin Luther King, Edward Albee, Hubert HumphreyOriginally, collect names from mail to/from Soviet Union, China; later record contentUnknown
1953, *[68][58]MKULTRA mind control programUnited StatesCentral Intelligence Agency, Sidney Gottlieb,

cooperating psychiatrists, and others

Illegally and secretly perform mind control experiments on human subjects, usually without consentDevelop mind control drugs and methods for indoctrination and interrogationUnknown
1953[69][70] [71]Operation Ajax / Operation Boot / 28 Mordad coup / Iranian coup d'état / TPAJAX ProjectIranUS Central Intelligence Agency, United Kingdom Secret Intelligence ServiceBribe Iranian politicians, security and army high-ranking officials; promote coup with propaganda; promote riots with bribes to gangsters; put CIA soldiers on the ground to control the city; arm and direct rebel forcesOverthrow Iran's democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh and install puppet Mohammad-Rezā Shāh Pahlavi (the "Shah") to provide BP with unrestricted access to Iran's oil reservesSuccess for 26 years
1954[72]Lavon Affair, Operation SusannahEgyptColonel Binyamin Gibli, but he blamed Israel Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon, who was probably innocent but was forced to resignBomb Egyptian, American, and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and educational centers (not persons); other acts of sabotage under a False FlagImplicate Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, "malcontents," prevent British troop withdrawal from Suez Canal zoneFailure; imprisonment, death for bombers, long term discredit to Israel, upset in Israeli government
1954, 1996[73]1954 Guatemalan coup d'état / Operation PBSUCCESSGuatemalaCentral Intelligence Agency (CIA)Guatemala coup d'étatMonopolize agriculture under United Fruit Company, military control of Central AmericaSuccess; brutal dictatorship installed; genocide of Mayan people
1956, 1971?[74][75] [76] [58]COINTELPROUnited StatesFederal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)"Survey, expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, neutralize, or ... eliminate" domestic target groups and their leadersSteer US national policy, subvert or eliminate political oppositionSuccess
1958, *[77]Lebanese Anarchist AttacksLebanonPerpetrators mostly unknownAlmost ceaseless attacks by paramilitary non-governmental groups: List of massacres in Lebanon; 1958 Lebanon crisis; 1983 United States embassy bombing; 1983 Beirut barracks bombing; South Lebanon conflict (1985–2000); Lebanon bombings and assassinations (2004–present);Pro-Muslim, anti-Muslim, pro-Syria, anti-Israel, etc. (Violence by Israel not included here because legal under Israeli law)Failure; no one wins, everyone loses, and it never ends
1959[78]Operation 40USAJ.C. King, President Eisenhower, Allen W. Dulles, Richard Nixon, Arleigh Burke, Livingston Merchant, 80+ moreCIA to organize, train, and equip Cuban refugees as a guerrilla force; sabotage, attacks bombsOverthrow Fidel Castro's Cuban Communist governmentFailure; reborn as Brigade 2506
1960, 1961[79][80] [81][82]Assassination of Patrice LumumbaBelgian CongoBelgium, CIA (US), MI6 (United Kingdom), according to the Church Committee[82]Assassinate Lumumba, first democratically elected prime minister of the CongoObstruct pan-African unitySuccess
1961[78]Bay of Pigs Invasion / Operation Zapata / Brigade 2506CubaCentral Intelligence Agency (CIA), Cuban exiles, Brigade 2506, Democratic Revolutionary FrontInvade Cuba, overthrow Communist government of Prime Minister Fidel CastroReverse the Cuban Revolution of 1959 and its effectsFailure, embarrassment of CIA and USA
1961, 1983[83]Project CHERRYSoutheast AsiaCentral Intelligence Agency, using US Military Special Forces soldiers for black operations, who were in turn using soldiers from the Cambodian Khmer Serei Movement.Assassinate Prince (later King) Norodom Sihanouk, and other terror operationsDestabilize Cambodian societyFailure
1962[84][85] [86]Operation Northwoods / Mongoose / BingoUnited StatesDepartment of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)Acts of terrorism in US cities and elsewhere, including shooting down a US airliner, to be blamed on the new Communist (Fidel Castro) government of Cuba (False Flag operations)Described in memo Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba, includes sequence of "reprisals" of US MilitaryFailure; President Kennedy disapproved the plot and nothing was done; Kennedy removed Lemnitzer as JCS Chairman
1962[87][88]Operation Dirty Trick / Operation NorthwoodsUnited StatesBrig. Gen. William H. Craig, Brig. Gen. Edward LansdaleIf the 1962 space flight Mercury (carrying John Glenn) crashed, Cuba (Castro) would be blamedInvade Cuba with US popular supportFailure; President Kennedy disapproved, and the plot was done; Glenn's mission did not crash
1963[89]Assassination of John F. KennedyUnited StatesI.A. Lee Harvey Oswald, other or others unknownAssassination of the sitting president of the United StatesNot articulated or not knownSuccess
1963, 1970[90]Front de libération du Québec / FLQQuebecdate=December 2016}}, Cyr Delisle, Gilles Brunet, Marcel Tardif, François Schirm, Edmond Guenette, and others unknownKidnapped James Cross, assassinated Labour Minister Pierre Laporte, killed 8 others with bombs, injured many; bombed Montreal Stock ExchangeMarxist; force Quebec to separate from CanadaFailure, imprisonment for some
1964[91]Gulf of Tonkin Incident / USS Maddox IncidentVietnam, United StatesPresident Lyndon Johnson, US Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara, othersTurned a false report of torpedo attack on US ship in the Gulf of Tonkin into authorization for war against North Vietnam, did not issue public retraction or stand down when report was proved to be falseWar in Vietnam to prevent Communist expansionSuccess; Vietnam War waged until 1973 with 58,000 US deaths and $111 billion expended ($686 billion in 2008 dollars)
1966, 2015[58][92]ECHELONGlobalUnited States, Canada, Britain, New Zealand, Australia ("Five Eyes")"... a global system for the interception of private and commercial communications."Interception and content inspection of telephone calls, fax, e-mailSuccess; never terminated, ever expanding operation as revealed by. Snowden's documents
1967[93]USS Liberty IncidentEgypt's Gaza StripIsraeli Navy, Israeli Air Force, USS Saratoga officers, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamaraAerial bombing, then torpedo attack on USS Liberty in international waters near EgyptPrevent detection of Israel's military plans[93]Success; 34 Americans killed and 171 wounded in the two-hour attack
1967, ?[94]Project MERRIMACUSANational Security Agency (NSA)Domestic surveillance on anti-Vietnam War groups and other political groups, and the infrastructure of targeted communitiesCircumvent First Amendment, control US public information and opinionsApparent success; never officially admitted to exist, and never officially closed down
1967, 1973[58]Project MinaretUnited StatesNational Security Agency (NSA) and Britain's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)Disseminate info captured by the Project Shamrock to other government and intelligence organizationsCircumvent First Amendment, control US public information and opinionsSuccess; exposed by Church Committee (1975), limited and regulated by Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA, 1978)
1967, 1974[94]Operation CHAOS / Operation MHCHAOSUnited StatesLyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon. Richard Helms, James Jesus Angleton, Richard Obe, and may othersDomestic espionage of US residents without warrant, probable cause, or legal rights"Unmask possible foreign influences on the student antiwar movement."Success; exposed and officially closed in 1973
1965, 1980[95]Strategy of Tension / Years of LeadItaly, Greece, TurkeyGladio groups (backed by various Western governments) in False Flag operationsCampaign of fear, propaganda, disinformation, psychological warfare, agents provocateurs, terrorist acts, and assassinationsFrighten the people into demanding strong anti-communist dictatorial governmentsSuccess in provoking revolutions in Turkey, Greece. No success in Italy
1965, 1983[96]Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional Puertorriqueña / FALNPuerto RicoFiliberto Ojeda Ríos, Carmen Valentín Pérez,More than 120 bomb attacks in the USPuerto Rico independence and CommunismFailure; 12 members arrested 1980, tried and convicted; 16 members pardoned by Bill Clinton in 1999
1967, 1973[94]Project RESISTANCEUSACentral Intelligence Agency (CIA) Office of SecurityLocal police, college staff, other informants spy on "groups of the USA that might threaten CIA facilities and personnel," such as those opposed to Vietnam WarAlong with Project MERRIMAC, reported to Operation CHAOSSuccess until terminated
1968[97]Markovic AffairFranceEx-head of police Luicien Aimé-Blanc, Aleksandar Markovic, brother of dead bodyguard, othersPublish (apparently faked) embarrassing photos of Claude Pompidou, Georges Pompidou's wifeVengeance; embarrass Pompidou, possibly defeating his re-electionFailure
1968[98]Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.USKill Martin Luther KingNot articulated or not knownSuccess in the killing, failed to stop racial integration
1968, 1970Project GAMMACambodiaCentral Intelligence Agency; U.S. ArmyOperate network of native spies, torturing and killing at least one for compromising a missionCovert intelligence collection operations in Cambodia.Failure; tens of thousands of Laotian deaths, Congressional investigation
1969[99]Weather Underground / WeathermanUSBill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Jeff Jones, students in Ann Arbor campus of University of Michigan Bombing banks and government buildingsOverthrow the US government; U.S. imperialism and achieve a classless world: world communismFailure; bomb detonated during assembly killing three members; disbanded; convictions
1969, 1972[100]Laotian Civil (Secret) WarLaosUS Air ForceBomb targets and Communist troops in support of the Laotian Royal Military's civil war, concealed from Congressional oversightPrevent Communist takeover of Southeast AsiaFailure; 500,000 Cambodian deaths, evaded US Congressional oversight until 1973 and public outrage
1969, 1973Operation MenuCambodiaUnited States Strategic Air Command (SAC)Bombing campaign in Eastern Cambodia and Laos from 18 March 1969 until 26 May 1970Prevent Communist takeover of Southeast AsiaSuccess; 500,000 Cambodian deaths, evaded Congressional oversight until 1973 and public outrage
1970, 1973[101]Huston PlanUnited StatesTom Huston, William C. Sullivan, Richard Nixon, FBI, CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), National Security AgencyBurgle, surveille targeted "radicals;" open mail, detain anti-war protesters in camps in Western statesRemove opposition to agenda of Nixon AdministrationSome success; exposed during Watergate hearings, Church Committee Hearings
1972Munich massacreMunich, GermanyBlack SeptemberTake hostage 9 Israeli Olympic team members and German policeman,Freedom for 234 Palestinian and other prisoners in IsraelFailure; most hostages and kidnappers died during the rescue attempt
1972, 1974[102][103]WatergateUnited StatesCommittee for the Re-Election of the President (CRP), G. Gordon Liddy, Jeb Stuart Magruder, John Mitchell, John Dean, Richard Nixon, Virgilio González, Bernard Barker, James McCord, Eugenio Martínez, Frank SturgisLiddy designed a program of extensive illegal activities against the Democratic Party, including burglary of a psychiatrist's office in the Watergate Hotel and wiretapping phone linesReelect Richard Nixon as United States PresidentFailure; burglary detected and the plot unraveled; Nixon reelected in 1972, but forced by the Watergate Scandal to resign in 1974 after stonewalling a Congressional investigation
1975, 19911991BCCI ScandalLuxembourg, Karachi, London.Bank directors, with co-conspirators CIA, Medellin Cartel, Abu Nidal, Mujahideen, Contras, prominent AmericansLaundering, hiding money to finance illegal, terrorist activitiesWealth of shareholders, investors, directorsFailure; investigated started 1985, bankruptcy, closure in 1991; 60 personal prosecutions and some prison sentences[104]
1978[105]Assassination of Aldo MoroItalyMario Moretti, the Second Red Brigades Release of political prisoners from the Red Brigades
1978, 19941994Whitewater ConspiracyArkansasJim Guy Tucker, John Haley, Webster Hubbell, Jim McDougal, Susan McDougal, David Hale, Robert W. Palmer, John Latham, Eugene Fitzhugh, Charles Matthews,Variety of illegal activities including civil fraud stemming from a real estate development and misuse of state fundsLocal: Governor Tucker convicted of fraud; national: efforts to prosecute Bill Clinton and his wifeFailure; nine were convicted, some of conspiracy, Clintons not prosecuted,
1980[106][107]October SurpriseUnited States, IranAbolhassan Banisadr and members of the Reagan election comitteeDelay the release of Iranian hostages to prevent incumbent President Carter from getting the credit for their release, earn enough votes to win re-election.Elect Ronald Regan to the US PresidencySuccess; Ronald Reagan elected to the US Presidency in November, 1980
1983, 1984[108]Silent Brotherhood / The OrderUSARobert Jay Mathews,Violent crime, robbery, murder, charged with seditious intent to overthrow the US governmentParamilitary, fomenting revolution against the "Zionist Occupation Government"[109]Failure; 75 members tried and convicted, though none for sedition
1984, 1986Communist Combatant Cells / Cellules Communistes Combattantes (CCC)BelgiumPierre Carette, Bertrand Sassoye, Pascale Vandegeerde, Didier ChevoletBombing attacks on properties of NATO, United States, international businesses, Federation of Belgian EnterprisesDestroy enemies of Communist ideology and capitalist symbols[110]Failure; two deaths, arrest and prison for conspirators
1982, 1990[111]Fighting SolidarityPolandKornel Morawiecki and many supportersPublish many anti-Soviet books and newspapers throughout Poland, erode dominance of the Polish United Workers' PartyFree Poland from dominance by Soviet RussiaSuccess; triumphed in Poland's first democratic elections since WW II. 1990: Solidarity's Lech Wałęsa won presidency heralding collapse of communist regimes across Europe.
1984[112]Brighton hotel bombingBrighton, England.Provisional Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) member Patrick MageeAssassinate Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and her cabinet with a bomb in the hotel during a Conservative Party conferenceFree Northern Ireland from Great Britain and reunite it with IrelandFailure; Thatcher not injured, 5 people killed, 31 injured; Magee and four others tried and imprisoned
1984[113]Rajneeshee bioterror attackThe Dalles, OregonFollowers of Bhagwan Shree RajneeshDeliberately contaminate salad bars at ten local restaurants with salmonellaEnable Rajneeshee candidates to win Wasco County electionsFailure; plot was suspected by the electorate which responded by a full turnout at the polls.
1985, 1987[114][115]Iran-Contra AffairUnited States, Iran, Israel, NicaraguaReagan Administration: Weinberger, Casey, McFarlane, Abrams, Fiers, George, Oliver North, Fawn Hall, Royster, Poindexter, Clarridge, Secord, HakimSell sophisticated US weapons to Iran (despite blockade), aid the Nicaraguan Contras (despite prohibition by the Boland Amendment)Win freedom for 7 hostages held in Lebanon; overthrow the Sandinista government of NicaraguaSuccess; plot exposed and stopped; conspirators prosecuted, pardoned; Violeta Chamorro (favored by Contras) won Nicaraguan election; Lebanese hostages later released
1991[116]Nayirah testimonyUnited StatesNayirah al-Ṣabaḥ, Hill & Knowlton, Citizens for a Free KuwaitNayirah testified in tears to the Congressional Human Rights Caucus about invented Iraqi atrocities in occupied KuwaitRally U.S. public support to launch the Gulf WarSuccess: U.S. rallied allies throughout Europe and launched the hugely expensive, destructive Gulf War against Iraq
1992, 1993[117]1993 World Trade Center BombingNew YorkRamzi Yousef (Abdul Basit Mahmoud Abdul Karim), Khalid Shaikh Mohammed Ali Fadden, Abdul Rahman Yasin, Omar Abdel-Rahman, FBI informer Emad SalemDetonate a truck bomb in under the World Trade Center, cause North Tower to fall, toppling South TowerEnd US aid to Israel, end US diplomatic ties with Israel, end US influence in Middle EastFailure; bomb detonated under the North Tower, but tower did not fall. Conspirators captured, convicted of seditious conspiracy
1994, 1996[118]Montana FreemenJordan, Montana.LeRoy M. Schweitzer, Emmett Clark, Richard Clark, James Hance, Lavon T. Hanson, Dana Dudley LandersFiled liens on officials, counterfeit checks, money ordersSecede from US authorityFailure; 6 were convicted of multiple offenses including conspiracy; secession was not a charge
1990, *[119]Chechnyan RebellionRussiaDzhokhar Dudayev, Akhmed ZakayevArmed rebellion, raids, insurgency, kidnappingSecession from RussiaFailure; with assistance from USA, Russia killed Chechnyan rebel leaders in 1996; hostilities mostly stopped in 1999
1995[120]Oklahoma City BombingOklahoma CityTimothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols, Michael and Lori Fortier, Aryan Republican Army, John DoeDetonated a truck full of explosive in front of Alfred P. Murray Building, killing 168 people including 19 childrenResponse to Ruby Ridge incident and Waco massacreSuccess in the bombing; McVeigh executed, others imprisoned
1995, *[121]PRISM (surveillance program)United StatesNational Security Administration (NSA)Archive email and cell phone data on the general population without search warrant for later indexing and searching in future investigationsNot articulated or not knownSuccess; long rumored among computer professionals, came to public attention through the Edward Snowden documents
2000, 2001[122]September 11 AttacksNew YorkOsama bin Laden and 19 co-conspirator suicide pilots, Taliban government of Afghanistan (implicitly, though not formally charged)Hijacked four domestic airliners, crashed two into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon, and one into a farmer's field1. Vengeance for US policies, 2. provoke war against Islam to provoke Islam to counter-attackSuccess; US Congress immediately passed Patriot Act and other laws restricting freedom of American residents; US launched undeclared war on multiple nations in Central Asia
2000[123]Trailblazer ProjectUnited StatesCentral Intelligence Agency (CIA)Develop internet data analysis, cell phone and email tracking capabilities; prosecute whistleblowers,such as Roark, Binney, and WiebeNot articulated or not knownSuccess
2001, *[124]NSA warrantless surveillanceUnited StatesNational Security Agency (NSA)George W. Bush authorized the National Security Agency (NSA) to spy on telephone calls without warrant, bypassing FISANot articulated or not knownSuccess; bypass of Fourth Amendment without FISA warrant instituted in PRISM
2002[125][126]Downing Street MemoUnited StatesGeorge W. Bush, National Security CouncilBritish military/Intel memo reveals that Bush (with advisers) was shaping the facts about Iraq to serve plans already developed to attack on IraqFull scale attack and long term occupation of IraqSuccess; U.S. public terrified by "weapons of mass destruction;" Congress war but did not declare war; Bush ordered attack on Iraq; ongoing war and occupation
2002[127]September Dossier / Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)Great BritainRuling parties of Great Britain and United StatesPublish Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Assessment of the British Government, an official memo to reinforce US credibility on IraqTo help US justify attack and long term military occupation of IraqSuccess; Dossier was believed by the greater British and U.S. populace; subsequently the official Iraq Survey Group proved all allegations in the memo were false
2002[128]Yellowcake ForgeryItalyItaly military intelligenceForge documents to show that Saddam Hussein (Iraq) tried to buy yellowcake uranium from NigerProvide basis for accusation that Iraq had WMD; justify full scale attack and warSuccess for the duration needed to authorize attack
2003, *[129]AnonymousGlobalJake Leslie Davis, Ryan Ackroyd, Ryan Cleary, Gregg Housh, Mustafa Al-Bassam, many othersPranks, masked demonstrations, computer attacks ("hactivism")Loosely defined programMixed; dozens of arrests in US, Great Britain, Australia, Netherlands, Spain, Turkey
2006, 2011[130]City of Bell scandalBell, CaliforniaMayor Oscar Hernandez, city council members, a number of city officials, and the accounting firm of Mayer Hoffman McCannElection fraud, high taxes, inflated paychecks, and other schemes to plunder the City coffersPersonal enrichment of the conspiratorsMixed; trials and some convictions (ongoing)
2007[131]Vang Pao Clandestine Army / Operation Tarnished EagleCaliforniaVang Pao, Lo Cha Thao, Youa True Vang, Hue Vang, Chong Vang Thao, Seng Vue, Chu Lo, and Lo Thao two moreWith a collection of heavy military weapons, attack the Communist government of LaosFree the Laotian people of the abusive governmentFailure; conspiracy was discovered by the Operation Tarnished Eagle investigation, conspirators were charged, but charges were dropped without prosecution
2008, *[132]Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei (SPF)GreeceUnknownBombings, arson, terrorist actsAnarcho-individualismOngoing
2011[133]LulzSecGreat Britain, Ireland, USA, NetherlandsJeremy Hammond, Sven Slootweg, Donncha O'Cearbhaill, Darren Martyn, othersComputer sabotage, data theft, disruption, attacks on government computers to influence policyNot articulated or not knownFailure; arrest and conviction of ten members
2013[134]Boston Marathon BombingsBoston, MassachusettsDzhokhar and Tamerlan TsarnaevTwo bombs detonated near finish line at Boston Marathon footraceDefend Islam from the U.S.Success of bombs, 3 deaths, many injuries, one conspirator killed, one arrested

This list includes by reference (only) the hundreds of entries in the University of Maryland's Terrorist Organization Database.

Some of the items in the original list are not included in this table because they do not satisfy all of the above conditions. The events omitted are these:

  1. 1936 to 1950 – Presumed General Motors streetcar conspiracy

- not shown by the source page to be a political conspiracy, nor were the sources in agreement that a conspiracy was involved

  1. 1938 – Presumed Hitler Youth Conspiracy, NKVD case in Moscow involving some 70 arrests and 40 executions of teenagers and adults, later found to be baseless

- source page indicates the event did not happen

  1. 1941 – British wartime plan PR4 to invade and to occupy neutral Norway also code-named "Stratford"

- wartime plans and strategies between warring parties are not commonly classified as conspiracies

  1. 1941 – Bombing of Pearl Harbour, Hawaii by the Japanese [21][22]

- not uniformly recognized to be a conspiracy of US interests, and as a Japanese act of war, not commonly classed as a conspiracy

  1. 2000s – Operation Merlini

- Wikipedia page of sources and details not found

  1. 2003 - Iraq and weapons of mass destruction pretext for War in Iraq

- sources disagree on whether WMDs were found, hence, whether this was a conspiracy to defraud the public; event is largely included in the September Dossier, which IS listed

Further research suggested:

  • CIA Drug Running  
  • CIA Project Cherry
  • CIA activities in the US
  • Church Committee
  • Covert operation
  • Croatian/ Serbian holocaust
  • Domestic Contact Service - Focused on collecting foreign intelligence from willing Americans.
  • FISA Court
  • Project 2 - Directed at infiltration of foreign intelligence targets by agents posing as dissident sympathizers and which, like CHAOS, had placed agents within domestic radical organizations for the purposes of training and establishment of dissident credentials.
  • Mutiny on the Bounty
  • Studies and Observations Group Military Assistance Command, Vietnam –
  • Technical Services Staff
  • Zapata Oil

Notes on other pages

The Zeitgeist Movement and the Historical Jesus: Separating Fact from Fiction, by Michael Sturgulewski[135]

A Sure Foundation: Answering the Charge Against Christianity: Large Print Edition Volume 1, by Michael Sturgulewski[136]

Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True, by Mark Dice[137]

By Wj Reichertz

See also

  • Conspiracy
  • Conspiracy theory
  • Secrecy
  • Seditious conspiracy


1. ^{{Cite web|url = http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/conspiracy|title = Conspiracy - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary|date = |accessdate = February 4, 2015|website = Merriam-Webster Dictionary|publisher = Merriam-Webster, Incorporated|last = |first = }}
2. ^{{cite journal|last1=Gruber|first1=Ira|title=The American Revolution as a Conspiracy: The British View|journal=The William and Mary Quarterly|date=July 1969|volume=26|issue=3|pages=360–372|jstor=1918575|doi=10.2307/1918575}}
3. ^Dr. Laurence T. Stevens, "The Assassin Who Launched The Hellenistic Age" in Jane Trent (ed.) "Is History Made By Accident?"
4. ^{{cite journal |title=The Catilinarian Conspiracy|url=http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/conspiracyofcatiline/ss/63-62-B-C-Cato-Cicero-And-The-Conspiracy-Of-Catiline.htm|journal=Ancienthistory.about.com}}
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6. ^Eddy & Boyd (2007) The Jesus Legend: A Case for the Historical Reliability of the Synoptic Jesus Tradition Baker Academic, {{ISBN|0-8010-3114-1}} page 127 states that it is now "firmly established" that there is non-Christian confirmation of the crucifixion of Jesus.
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11. ^{{Cite book|title = Richard III and the Death of Chivalry|last = Hipshon|first = David|publisher = The History Press|year = 2009|isbn = 978-0750950749|location = Gloucestershire, England|pages = 2}}
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16. ^[https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/barackobama/5580749/Barack-Obama-praises-Senate-slavery-apology.html Barack Obama praises Senate slavery apology] Telegraph. Retrieved September 21, 2011.
17. ^Slave rebellion#North America
18. ^{{cite journal |title=Plots against Elizabeth I|url=http://www.elizabethfiles.com/plots-against-elizabeth-i/3509/|website=www.elizabethfiles.com|date = 29 January 2010}}
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21. ^{{cite journal |title=Anthony Babington and the Babington Plot|url=http://www.luminarium.org/encyclopedia/babington.htm|website=www.luminarium.org}}
22. ^Fiona Bengtsen, Sir William Waad, Lieutenant of the Tower, and the Gunpowder Plot (2005), p. 27; [https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=meTCjNCYmsIC&pg=27 Google Books].
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27. ^A Look Back ... Intelligence and the Committee of Secret Correspondence. CIA May 19, 12. https://www.cia.gov/news-information/featured-story-archive/2011-featured-story-archive/intelligence-and-the-committee-of-secret-correspondence.html
28. ^{{cite journal|last1=Gruber|first1=Ira|title=The American Revolution as a Conspiracy: The British View|journal=The William and Mary Quarterly|date=July 1969|volume=26|issue=3|pages=360–372|jstor=1918575|doi=10.2307/1918575}}
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74. ^"The Black Panther Toll is Now 28," New York Times, The Week in Review, 7 Dec 1969, p.E4
75. ^Brown, Elaine. A Taste of Power: A Black Woman’s Story. (New York: Doubleday, 1992, pp204-06
76. ^ 
77. ^Lebanese Anarchist Attacks
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79. ^Adam Hochschild, A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa, 1999, Mariner Books, {{ISBN|0-618-00190-5}}, {{ISBN|978-0-618-00190-3}}.
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82. ^{{cite book|last1=Blum|first1=William|title=Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Intervention Since World War II|date=1995|publisher=Zed Books Ltd.|location=London|isbn=978-1-84277-369-7|pages=156–162}}
83. ^{{Cite web|url = http://www.reocities.com/larryjodaniel/17.html|title = CIA Rogue Operation Cherry|date = |accessdate = January 29, 2015|website = Larry Jo Daniels|publisher = Golden Coast Publishing|last = Daniels|first = Larry}}
84. ^Jim Wolf, "Pentagon Planned 1960s Cuban 'Terror Campaign'," Reuters, 18 November 1997.
85. ^Mike Feinsilber, "At a tense time, plots abounded to humiliate Castro," Associated Press (AP), 18 November 1997; also available here.
86. ^Tim Weiner, [https://web.archive.org/web/20030224033044/http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/kencast.htm "Documents Show Pentagon's Anti-Castro Plots During Kennedy Years,"] New York Times, 19 November 1997; appeared on the same date and by the same author in the New York Times itself as "Declassified Papers Show Anti-Castro Ideas Proposed to Kennedy,"'
87. ^Mike Feinsilber, "At a tense time, plots abounded to humiliate Castro,"
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