

词条 Draft:Philip Kapneck

  1. School

  2. Politics

  3. Government Work

  4. Companies Brought To Maryland

  5. Introducing Local Companies to the New Companies

  6. References

  7. External links

{{AFC submission|d|adv|ns=118|u=Photoloop|decliner=AngusWOOF|declinets=20181221152827|ts=20181207172625}} {{AFC submission|d|bio|u=Photoloop|ns=118|decliner=LaMona|declinets=20150610115326|small=yes|ts=20150517075754}} {{AFC submission|d|bio|u=Photoloop|ns=118|decliner=Onel5969|declinets=20150122142406|small=yes|ts=20141206145416}} {{AFC comment|1=This reads more like a eulogy of the person with all the glowing praise statements from the companies that worked with him. This needs to be more neutral and cite the more objective/neutral news sources. You could have an Awards and recognition section if he was given any notable formal awards for his service. AngusWOOF (barksniff) 15:28, 21 December 2018 (UTC)}}{{AFC comment|1=The references that I checked do not support the article. #10 is a dead link. #1 does not mention him. #12 does not say what the sentence says. You must limit yourself to the facts in the articles you cite. Any other information cannot be included in the WP article. LaMona (talk) 11:53, 10 June 2015 (UTC)}}
Philip Kapneck is an American public servant and former businessman. In June 1970, he was appointed Special Advisor on Student Affairs to the Maryland Governor's Office, by Gov. Marvin Mandel. In 1973, he was appointed Maryland Trade Ambassador, and he remained in that position for 40 years, through to December 2014.[1]


Kapneck was born in Washington D.C., one of two children. He graduated from Roosevelt Senior High School, where he was elected class Vice President in his final year.

Kapneck attended George Washington University, studying Business Administration and Political Science.


Kapneck always supported his running mates and their positive actions to help the citizens of Maryland. Kapneck was elected a delegate to the Maryland State Convention.[3] This was his only political work. After this he served the state as advisor to the Governor and then as Trade Ambassador.

Government Work

In 1970, after many protests over faculty tenure had disrupted Maryland Universities, the Governor of Maryland, Gov. Marvin Mandel asked Philip Kapneck to serve as a "Special Advisor on Student Affairs to the Governor's Office" to be a communicator between students and the Governor's Office. Kapneck accepted, to create a good line of communication between the students and the State, and commenced in June 1970.[4]

As Special Advisor on Student Affairs, Kapneck worked with the College Board of Regents, Dr. Charles Bishop, the new University Chancellor and Fred Spiegler, assistant administrative officer under Secretary of State Blair Lee III, in the Office of Education.

The Baltimore Evening Sun reported on April 28th 1971 "Mr. Kapneck, who has served in the student-state liaison post since it was created especially for him in September, has somehow made few enemies on the politically volatile campus." [5]

On May 5th 1971, an anti-war demonstration at the University of Maryland campus became violent. Governor Mandel imposed a curfew and sent in the National Guard. 2,500 students moved from the campus to U.S. Highway 1. "The movement came despite the pleadings for peaceful protest from Phil Kapneck, Governor Mandel's middle-aged student affairs adviser, who was the only man there with a bull-horn," the Baltimore Sun said, on Sun 6 May 1971, Page 17.[6]

Two days later, on May 7th, 1971, students tried to close down the university and the National Guard was brought in again, making front page news. About 50 persons, apparently members of the campus chapter for the Students for a Democratic Society, attempted to occupy the school's computer science building. Kapneck warned students in a statement[7] "You have taken a giant step backward." He said students were mistaken if they felt "civil disobedience is a method of gaining points for your cause."

In 1971, Philip Kapneck was honored by University of Maryland Student Government Association, for his work as Special Advisor on Student Affairs to the Governor's Office, the first non-University of Maryland student in 12 years to be named its Man of the Year.[8] [5] The newspaper misspelled his name as "Katneck." This was the first time in its history that the University had named a non-student as Man of the Year.

On March 6th 1972, David Lightman, a Baltimore Evening Sun journalist reported that Philip Kapneck "plans to propose a new way to curb student disorders that have rocked the University of Maryland during May the last two years."[10] His proposal involved ending classes on the last day of April, to keep students busy studying, rather than demonstrating on US Highway 1. The idea was rejected by the University.

In August 1973, Governor Mandel was aware of overseas business and industry wanting to come to the USA to set up their operations. Knowing that Philip Kapneck had an excellent business background and was multi-lingual, Governor Mandel appointed Kapneck director of the state of Maryland's European development office in Brussels, Belgium. Subsequently, Kapneck was appointed Maryland Trade Ambassador.[11][12]

The Brussels office covered Europe and Kapneck did was the first to make connections to attract European business and industry to Maryland. Gail Ewing, a journalist at Maryland's Gazette newspaper wrote "He blazed new trails and set the groundwork for Maryland's presence in the overseas business community." When the program was going well, the Maryland Secretary of Business and Economic Development appointed Kapneck to continue the same format in Asia and the South Pacific.[12]

The Federal government asked Kapneck to work with the US Embassy in a program called "Invest in the USA," modeled on the format used for the State of Maryland.[3]

Ambassador Kapneck's work was honored with two Governor citations and administrations since Governor Mandel have appointed Philip Kapneck as the State's Trade Ambassador.[1]

Maryland State Archives added Ambassador Kapneck to their Maryland Government twitter list.[16]

Companies Brought To Maryland

In 2006 Trade Ambassador Kapneck brought FieldTurf to Maryland, from Canada. Ambassador Kapneck located and called the company, inviting them to set up in Maryland, because he knew it would stimulate other local businesses. FieldTurf Tarkett CEO John Gilman said "With our new presence in Maryland, the regional industry will benefit from FieldTurf Tarkett's capabilities as a one-stop resource for all high quality sports surfacing products."

The Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium ribbon-cutting was arranged by Trade Ambassador Kapneck for August 29th, 2006. "Among the dignitaries in attendance will be the Secretary for the Department of Economic Development for the State of Maryland, Mr. Aris Melissaratos; the Maryland State Trade Ambassador, the Honorable Philip Kapneck; and The Naval Academy Director of Athletics, Mr. Chet Gladchuk." [17]

Present at the ribbon-cutting with Ambassador Kapneck were Secretary for the Department of Economic Development for the State of Maryland, Mr. Aris Melissaratos; and The Naval Academy Director of Athletics, Mr. Chet Gladchuk. FieldTurf Tarkett members in attendance will include Mr. Jim Petrucelli, Vice President of Sales; Mr. Jim Shanahan, Mid-Atlantic Regional Manager, Mr. John McShane Regional Director of Specialty Products along with Mr. Frank LeMaster, Sales Representative and Mr. Bill Bamber, Sales Representative.

After the ribbon-cutting ceremony, the company recognized Philip Kapneck's part in helping them expand into the US. "Since FieldTurf's local state office in Bethesda was introduced to the great state of Maryland by Trade Ambassador Philip Kapneck at a ribbon cutting ceremony at the prestigious Navy–Marine Corps Memorial Stadium on FieldTurf, many local businesses have experienced a significant amount of growth due to the increasing awareness of the safety and environmental benefits involved with FieldTurf, the world's most trusted artificial turf system." [18]

Performance Apparel Group, a New Zealand company that created a unique coating system to be applied to apparel, integrating heat absorbing polymer micro-capsules into various fabrics, worked with Ambassador Kapneck. The President and CEO, Grant Ellwood, met Ambassador Kapneck at the time the Ambassador was in New Zealand. After several visits to the USA at Ambassador Kapneck's invitation, Performance Apparel moved to Virginia after much of that state's textile industry closed, leaving the manufacturing infrastructure vacant. Mr. Ellwood said his intention was to eventually expand the business to a larger purpose-built facility in Maryland. Speaking of Philip Kapneck, Mr. Ellwood said, "His word is his bond."[19]

Charles D. Dahan, representing Axion Structural Design, worked with Trade Ambassador Philip Kapneck, discovering opportunities for Axion and the state to work together for a beneficial result for both the company and Maryland. A satellite office was set up, to allow Axion to locate and attract local companies that could use Axion products. "Axion International designs, develops and manufactures a new generation of eco-friendly structural building materials unlike anything currently available. Patented technologies, developed by scientists at Rutgers University, transform recycled consumer and industrial plastics into many different structural products."[20]

Other companies brought to Maryland include First Down Mobile, Intrinsic Yacht & Ship, and A & M Imports.

Introducing Local Companies to the New Companies

As well as helping companies start up in Maryland, Philip Kapneck introduced existing local companies to the new ones, so they could do business together. Fieldturf, for example, said "Three local Maryland companies, among many others, have benefited tremendously in terms of their growth and development as a direct correlation of FieldTurf's local presence."[18] Those three companies were Huron Consulting Company, King Sports Construction, and RF Kline. Referring to Philip Kapneck's help in making this happen, Fieldturf noted, "The success stories of the companies mentioned above exemplify the dedication and support of local small businesses by Trade Ambassador Philip Kapneck. He is a prime example of how dedicated leadership can induce growth throughout a community." [18]


1. ^{{cite web| last =| first =| authorlink =| coauthors =| title =UM Disturbances Bring Curfew, Troops| work =| publisher =Baltimore Sun| date =1971-05-06| url=https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/218389131/ |format =| doi =| accessdate =2017-05-06 |archiveurl= |archivedate= |deadurl=no }}
2. ^{{cite web| last =| first =| authorlink =| coauthors =| title =Mandel Orders Guard To Expel Troublemakers From U. Of Md| work =| publisher =The News, Frederick, Md| date =1971-05-07| url=https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/8023762/ |format =| doi =| accessdate =2015-04-18 |archiveurl= |archivedate= |deadurl=no }}
3. ^{{cite web| last =| first =| authorlink =| coauthors =| title =RECORDS OF THE PRESIDENT'S OFFICE: WILSON H. ELKINS 122| work =| publisher =University of Maryland| date =2012-09-25| url= http://digital.lib.umd.edu/archivesum/findingaids/elkins.pdf |format =| doi =| accessdate =2015-04-18 |archiveurl= |archivedate= |deadurl=no }}
4. ^{{cite web| last =| first =| authorlink =| coauthors =| title =Maryland Archives: Maryland State Government list| work =| publisher =Twitter/Maryland Archives| date =2015-02-01| url= https://twitter.com/MdArchives/lists/maryland-state-government/members|format =| doi =| accessdate =2015-04-18 |archiveurl= |archivedate= |deadurl=no }}
5. ^{{cite web| last =| first =| authorlink =| coauthors =| title =International Business In Maryland| work =| publisher =Maryland Department of Business & Economic Development| date =2012-02-07| url=https://web.archive.org/web/20140702195042/http://www.choosemaryland.org/International/Pages/InvestmentPartnerContacts.aspx |format =| doi =| accessdate =2014-12-06 |archiveurl= |archivedate= |deadurl=no }}
6. ^{{cite news | first= | last= | pages= | language =| title=Phil Kapneck Gets State Job In Brussels | date=1973-08-23 | publisher=The Daily Times, Salisbury, Maryland | url=https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/39775689/ |accessdate=2014-12-06 |archiveurl= |archivedate=2012-02-07 |deadurl=no }}
7. ^{{cite news | first= | last= | pages= | language =| title=Mandel Aide To Offer Curb To Disorders | date=1972-03-06 | publisher=Baltimore Evening Sun | url= |accessdate= |archiveurl= |archivedate= |deadurl=no }}
8. ^{{cite news | first= | last= | pages= | language =| title=Kapneck Liked In Key Position On UM Campus | date=1971-04-28 | publisher=Baltimore Evening Sun | url= |accessdate= |archiveurl= |archivedate= |deadurl=no }}
9. ^{{cite news | first= | last= | pages= | language =| title=Gail Ewing: Boondoggle? | date=2009-06-26 | publisher=Maryland Community Newspapers Online | url=http://www.gazette.net/stories/06262009/policol155441_32526.shtml |accessdate=2014-12-06 |archiveurl= |archivedate= |deadurl=no }}
10. ^{{cite news | first= | last= | pages= | language =| title=Man-Of-Year Named At UM | date=1971-02-28 | publisher=The Baltimore Sun | url=https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/218358351/ |accessdate=2017-05-07 |archiveurl= |archivedate= |deadurl=no }}
11. ^{{cite web| last =| first =| authorlink =| coauthors =| title=About Trade Ambassador Kapneck| work =| publisher =State of Maryland| date =2012-02-07| url=http://tradeambassadorkapneck.com/about.html |format =| doi =| accessdate =2014-12-06 |archiveurl= |archivedate= |deadurl=no }}
12. ^{{cite web| last =| first =| authorlink =| coauthors =| title=FieldTurf Tarkett Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium| work =| publisher =Houston Chronicle| date =2006-08-29| url=http://www.chron.com/news/article/PZ-FieldTurf-Tarkett-Ribbon-Cutting-Ceremony-at-1507607.php |format =| doi =| accessdate =2015-03-03 |archiveurl= |archivedate= |deadurl=no }}
13. ^{{cite web| last =| first =| authorlink =| coauthors =| title=All-Weather Fieldturf Fields Create Positive Growth Throughout State of Maryland| work =| publisher =FieldTurf| date =2014-07-17| url=http://www.fieldturf.com/en/artificial-turf/artificial-turf-news/all-weather-fieldturf-fields-create-positive-growth-throughout-state-of-mar |format =| doi =| accessdate =2015-04-23 }}
14. ^{{cite web| last =| first =| authorlink =| coauthors =| title=New Cool Specialty Garments are A Big Hit!| work =| publisher =NewsBlaze| date =2008-09-17| url=http://newsblaze.com/story/20080917160713nnnn.np/topstory.html |format =| doi =| accessdate =2015-05-22 |archiveurl= |archivedate= |deadurl=no }}
15. ^{{cite web| last =| first =| authorlink =| coauthors =| title=Philip Kapneck Helps Bring Axion Structural Design To Maryland| work =| publisher =Gaithersburg Local News| date =2010-08-18| url=http://gaithersburglocalnews.com/philip-kapneck-helps-bring-axion-structural-design-to-maryland/ |format =| doi =| accessdate =2015-05-23 |archiveurl= |archivedate= |deadurl=no }}
16. ^{{cite news | first= | last= | pages= | language =| title= | date=2012-01-13 | publisher=Cumberland News | url= |accessdate=2012-01-13 |archiveurl= |archivedate=2012-02-07 |deadurl=no }}
17. ^{{cite web| last =| first =| authorlink =| coauthors =| title =| work =| publisher =| date =2012-02-07| url = |format =| doi =| accessdate =2012-02-07 |archiveurl= |archivedate=2012-02-07 |deadurl=no }}

External links

  • www.tradeambassadorkapneck.com
  • http://commerce.maryland.gov/
  • houstonnewstoday.com
  • www.floordaily.net
  • www.dc-fifties.net
  • [https://globenewswire.com/news-release/2006/08/22/347382/104159/en/FieldTurf-Tarkett-Ribbon-Cutting-Ceremony-at-Navy-Marine-Corps-Memorial-Stadium-August-29-2006.html globenewswire.com]




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