

词条 Franco Archibugi

  1. Background education

  2. Political-professional profile

  3. Research and academic activities

  4. Publications

     Epistemology of social sciences and “Planology”  Analysis of the structural change and the future of the Welfare State  Spatial planning, territorial and urban  Strategic planning in the public and non profit domain 

  5. Notes and references

  6. External links

Franco Archibugi (Rome, Italy 18 September 1926) is an Italian scholar in political, economic and social sciences, university professor in economic policy and spatial planning. He has largely been operating in Italy and in international governmental agencies, in the field of economic development, social welfare and cooperation policy. Author of several works in the subject of planning theory and methodology, is among the theorists (and promoters) of a new unitary discipline of planning - the “Planology”- aimed at creating a bridge between the theoretical scientific progress in economics and other social sciences with the actual political and administrative efficiency and management. He lives in Rome, retired from the University but still an active researcher as President of the Planning Studies Centre, and instructor in its and other educational activities.

Background education

1944-1952. Sapienza University of Rome. Degree in History and Philosophy.[1]

1947-1950. ISE- BCI- [Institute of Economic Studies. Rome department][2]

1963-1964. London School of Economics (LSE). One year Diploma in 'Economics and Social Administration'.[3]

Political-professional profile

  • From the beginning, Franco Archibugi merged research activities with his political and professional activities. In 1945-1950 (immediately after World War II) he was – before the college degree - junior officer in the governmental administration for the country’s reconstruction and European cooperation policy. [At the Ministry of Reconstruction and at the Committee of Ministers for ERP-European Recovery Program, (The “Marshall Plan”) in Rome, and later in Paris at the OECE].
  • Between 1951–56, he became an economic and educational consultant of the Italian Confederation of Workers' Trade Unions (CISL); and from 1956-57 held the position of Chairman of the Economic Committee (of the European Regional Organisation of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) (London-Bruxelles); in such role he participated at the negotiations of the Rome’s Treaties for the creation of European Economic Community.
  • He later 1958-59 became Chief of the Technical Secretariat of the Comitato dei Ministri per il Mezzogiorno (Committee of Ministries for the South) (1958–59). During 1960-1962 he was Director at the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community, for labour, industrial and regional re-conversion questions, in Luxembourg.
  • In 1962, he returned to Italy (Rome), to open the "Planning Studies Centre" (Centro di studi e piani economici, in Italian), together with a multidisciplinary team of colleagues, sponsored by some Italian public agencies. As Director of the Centre, Archibugi dedicated himself to the studies and practical experiences of a unified approach to development analysis and planning - as required in that time by the United Nations; giving technical-scientific support to the implementation of economic programming of the Italian Government (from 1963 to 1975), through an intense cooperation with the Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning.[4]
  • In the same time Franco Archibugi was also acting as expert in the following international initiatives on integrative socio-economic planning issues, be it technical-scientific or operative:

For the United Nations, as consultant of the United Nations Center for Housing, Building and Planning (New York City, 1968-73); as project manager of some UNDP projects (1971-77); and member of the Senior economic advisers, a steering body of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (in Geneva) (1970- 75).[5]

For the European Economic Community (later Union), he has been member and reports-writer of several Committees of analysis and evaluation, concerning economic urban and regional policies [6] and, after the “Maastricht act”, social cohesion policies;[7] and has been director of several multi-year projects within “EU Research Framework Programme”, in more than one edition.[8]

For the OECD and the Council of Europe, he has been speaker in several inter-governmental Seminars on innovations in the socio-economic policies.[9]

Research and academic activities

Franco Archibugi has constantly accompanied his technical-professional activities and experiences by research activities (which in their turn resulted in a systematic and scientific concept of planning methodology). After the decline of the experiences of economic planning in Italy (but also elsewhere, in the 1960s and 1970s, whether in developed or developing countries and in the UN activities), Franco Archibugi focused more intensively his attention and energy on the introduction of a unified approach to planning in the educational and academic world; he has been Full Professor at some Italian Universities and finally at the “Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione” [Postgraduate School of Public Administration] in Rome. He has been also active in an international networking of scholars who pursue the same intellectual path towards the integrative, socio-economic, unified planning; and for a new scientific experience – the “planology” (never implemented in its appropriate terms), and which he tried to illustrate like new disciplinary field, autonomous and free from its components disciplines (economics, sociology, physical planning, and so on) in a real meta-disciplinary approach: the ‘planological’ (or ‘programming’) approach.

Franco Archibugi has been member of the Association of European Schools of Planning and active in several of its Congresses,[10] and also at the World Planning Schools Congress (WPSC)[11] and to the activities of the GPEAN (Global Planning Education Association Network).[12] He has also been associate at the EAEPE (European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy) participating in some of its Congress. He is also a member of other academic Italian associations like SIEDS (Società Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica) and SGI, (Società Geografica Italiana); of which he is honorary member, and many others.

In his works, Archibugi has often expressed openly his intellectual debt and his derivations to thinking to some great scholars such as Gunnar Myrdal, Ragnar Frisch, Jan Tinbergen and Wassily Leontief. (Of the last three, he has also benefited from friendly personal relations). He believe he follows in their traces, tries to relaunch their thinking (never rightly known and understood); and he hopes to have updated, completed and made explicit the meaning of their work in some way.


Here there is an essential selection of the most significant works by Franco Archibugi[13] in the four different, but interwoven fields on which he got some attention and influence:

Epistemology of social sciences and “Planology”

1992. Towards a New Discipline of Planning. Palermo, “First World Conference on the Planning Sciences”; republished in “Socio-economic Planning Sciences, An International Journal”, vol.30 (1996) N.2 Full Text

1996. Program Indicators: Their Role and Use in the Integrated Social or Community Programming (Papers from the First World-Wide Conference on Planning Science,) ( Social Indicator Research, vol.39,N.3, 1996).Full Text

1999. The “programming’ approach”: methodological considerations based on the contributions of Frisch, Tinbergen and Leontief. In Saggi di politica economica in onore di Federico Caffè (a cura di N.Acocella et alii,). Franco Angeli, Milano 1999 {{ISBN|88-464-1627-9}}[https://web.archive.org/web/20121207072659/http://www.francoarchibugi.it/pdf/selectedwritings_programming_approach.pdf English Version]

2000- Introduction to Planology: the paradigm shift in social sciences, PSC publisher, 2000 [https://web.archive.org/web/20121230235744/http://www.francoarchibugi.it/published_books/introduction_planology.htm Summary]

2008. Planning Theory, from the Political Debate to the Methodological Reconstruction, Springer, 2008. {{ISBN|978-88-470-0695-9}}[https://web.archive.org/web/20110816230719/http://www.francoarchibugi.it/published_books/Planning_Theory_A_Debate.htm Summary and some initial Praise]

Forthcoming. The programming approach and the dissolution of economics. A manifesto against determinism in the social sciences.

Analysis of the structural change and the future of the Welfare State

1956. Perspective of the industrial relations in the age of automation. Panorama delle relazioni industriali nell’epoca dell’automatismo. [Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, CNR.1957.] [only in Italian.]

1969 Income policies and planning policy: criteria and models. ed. with F.Forte [Politica dei redditi e pianificazione . Criteri e Modelli. (a cura). Etas-Kompass, 1969.] [only in Italian]

1979. Toward the planning’s collective bargaining: evolutionary aspects of relationship between planning and collective bargaining.[PSC publ.; only ital.]

1993. Insight into European Cohesion. A contribution to the Study of a Policy for the Strengthening of Socio-economic Cohesion in Europe. (Only in English). [PSC publ.). [https://web.archive.org/web/20120320210935/http://www.francoarchibugi.it/published_books/strategies_cohesion.htm Summary]

2000. The Associative Economy: Insights beyond the Welfare State and into Post-Capitalism, (Macmillan, 2000). {{ISBN|0-312-22380-3}}

2008. Between neo-capitalism and post-capitalism: a challenging turn of societal reform (Testo completo in “International Review of Sociology”, Vol.18, No.3, 2008 [https://web.archive.org/web/20121207065829/http://www.francoarchibugi.it/pdf/08-01-Between-Neo-Cap_etc.FINAL%20text%20%20_IRS_E_.pdf Testo Completo]

Forthcoming: Between neo-capitalism and post-capitalism: a challenging turn of societal reform (PSC publ.)

Spatial planning, territorial and urban

1966 - City-region in Italy: cultural premises and programmed hypotheses. [only in Italian] Boringhieri 1966. Summary

1979. Principles of Regional Planning: 1.Methods and Objectives; 2. Programs and Budgeting. [only in Ital.] Franco Angeli editore. {{ISBN|88-204-1717-0}} [https://web.archive.org/web/20070731083036/http://www.francoarchibugi.it/published_books/principles_regional1.htm Summari in English]

1989 Economy and Ecology. Towards Sustainable Development (eds. with P. Nijkamp). Kluwer Academic Publ. [ISBN, 0-7923-0477-2] (only English) [https://web.archive.org/web/20070731082917/http://www.francoarchibugi.it/published_books/economy_ecology.htm Summary and Index]

1994. Theory of Urbanistics: Lessons on a Reappraisal of the Foundations of Urban Planning PSC publ. [https://web.archive.org/web/20140223192726/http://www.francoarchibugi.it/published_books/theory_urbanistics.htm Summary and Index]

1997. The Ecological City and the City Effect, Ashgate, 1997 [https://web.archive.org/web/20070716184303/http://www.francoarchibugi.it/published_books/ecological_city.htm Summary and Index]

1998 - The Future of Urban Quality in Europe. Towards a New European Urban Systems: Concepts and strategy. European Commission 1998. [https://web.archive.org/web/20120320210953/http://www.francoarchibugi.it/published_books/future_urban_quality.htm Summary]

1999. Urban Ecosystems in Italy. A proposal for balanced urban, territorial and environmental re-organization at regional-national scale. [only in Ital.] Gangemi Editore, Roma] {{ISBN|88-7448-967-6}} [https://web.archive.org/web/20070716183842/http://www.francoarchibugi.it/libri_pubblicati/ecosistemi_urbani.htm Summary]

2005- Rome: a new urban planning strategy, Routledge, 2005.{{ISBN|0-415-30366-4}} [https://web.archive.org/web/20110816230916/http://www.francoarchibugi.it/published_books/rome.htm Summary]

Strategic planning in the public and non profit domain

2002. Introduction to strategic planning in the public domain. PSC, Rome [https://web.archive.org/web/20070731083205/http://www.francoarchibugi.it/published_books/intro_strategic_planning.htm Summary]

2004. Compendium of strategic planning for the Public Administrations, Alinea Firenze {{ISBN|88-8125-864-1}} (Only in Italian) Summary

2004. Strategic planning and environmental governance . An international Symposium.[only Ital.] (edited with A.Saturnino). Alinea, Firenze, {{ISBN|88-8125-863-3}}.

2005. Introduction to strategic planning in the public domain. [only in Italian] Alinea 2005. {{ISBN|88-8125-739-4}}

2008. From bureaucrat to manager: past, present and future of strategic planning in Italy [only Ital.], Rubbettino, 2008. {{ISBN|978-88-498-2265-6}}

2008. From bureaucrat to manager: past, present and future of strategic planning in Italy [only Ital.], Rubbettino, 2008. {{ISBN|978-88-498-2265-6}} [https://web.archive.org/web/20070731081433/http://www.francoarchibugi.it/libri_pubblicati/burocrate_manager.htm Summary]

Notes and references

1. ^He attended lectures by Guido Calogero, Guido De Ruggiero, Pantaleo Carabellese, Rosario Assunto, Federico Chabod, Raffaello Morghen, Gaetano De Sanctis, Roberto Almagià, Giuseppe Tucci, Ernesto De Martino, Raffaele Pettazzoni, Alberto Carlo Blanc. Thesis degree with Carlo Antoni, on the theme “Enlightenment and Historicism: Opposition or Consequenciality?”
2. ^He studied and worked in this Institute together with Federico Caffè, Carlo Gragnani, Bruno Pagani, and others, and contributed to the Journal “Mondo economico” [Economic World] and other various researches and enquiries.
3. ^He attended in that year Lectures by P.J.O. Self; Peter Thomas Bauer; Imre Lakatos; Karl R. Popper; Richard M. Titmuss, E.J.Mishan, A.W. Phillips, among others.
4. ^In the time that Antonio Giolitti was Minister, and Giorgio Ruffolo General Secretary.
5. ^The gist of that experience was gathered by Archibugi in the survey of the book (only in ital.) “New Perspectives of the Economic Policy. Review of International Tendencies and Experiences” (1979). See summary.
6. ^See the Report A policy for new public spaces and centralities in the recovery of the urban environment at the EEC Government Conference in Madrid in 1991 on “The future of the urban environment in Europe”
7. ^See for instance, a Report commissioned by the EEC Presidency (Delors) on the issues of “social cohesion” policies (1991), and published by the PSC as a book Insights into European Cohesion: a Contribution to a Study of a Policy for the Strengthening of Socio-economic Cohesion(1992).
8. ^Including the research gained through an international tender and an international team named “Activill”: ”The Future of the Urban Quality in Europe
9. ^The Report was elaborated for the Council of Europe (Strasbourg), on the question: “The Multiple Crises of the Social Welfare System: what conditions could promote a reform of the welfare state into a welfare society?”, published (2004) by the Council of Europe {{ISBN|92-871-5309-4}}. Italian version.
10. ^see Association of the European Schools of Planning, AESOP; which Archibugi attended and presented a paper at the Congress in Istanbul (1994), on the theme Urban planning and ecology: What relationship? and in Glasgow in 1995 on the themeA Strategy for the Modern City Research Guidelines Oriented to the Identification of the "Optimal Centrality”and at Aveiro (Portugal) in 1998 on the theme The future of national planning systems: some new steps{{dead link|date=October 2017 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}and in Naples (2007) on the theme:The multilevel systemic consistency of urban planning: a tool for the European “cohesion policy Part I, Part II and Appendix
11. ^see World Planning Schools Congress. Archibugi presented a paper at the first world congress in Shanghai (2001) on the theme: Planning Theory: toward an Integrative Planning Methodology{{dead link|date=October 2017 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}; and at the 2nd world congress in Mexico-city (2006) on the theme The city-effect and the planning process: critical consideration from a multinational viewpoint{{Dead link|date=November 2018 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
12. ^GPEAN
13. ^See list in : The Library of Congress More commercial list in [https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Franco+Archibugi&x=20&y=19 Amazon] and other online libraries of Italian books such as International bookshop and Libreria Universitaria.

External links

  • Franco Archibugi
  • Planning Studies Centre
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7 : 1926 births|Living people|20th-century economists|Italian economists|Italian academics|Italian business theorists|People from Rome





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