

词条 Giovanni Francesco Zarbula

  1. Laying out the dial

  2. The colours

  3. Existing Dials (cadrans)

  4. References

  5. External links

Giovanni Francesco Zarbula was a mural painter and sundial designer from Piedmont Italy who created a hundred or more vertical and vertical declining sundials in the French and Italian Alpes between 1830 and 1881. He worked exclusively in Savoy, in Piémont, the Valley of the Ubaye, le Queyras and around Briançon.


Laying out the dial

Zarbula's method was one of observation then geometric construction. He did not need to know the latitude or declination of the wall, he did not use tables or calculations he just worked directly on the wall. All his dial were within 2° of the 45th parallel, simplifying the construction, and all gave five-minute accuracy.

  • With a plumb bob he drew a vertical line on the wall. This is the Noon Line.
  • He hammered a rod into the wall at right angles to the vertical. This is known as the centre of the dial, C
  • He observed and marked the shadow thrown by the tip of that rod, throughout a day. This line, technically known as a hyperbolic declination line.{{efn|Declination of the sun ( δ ) not declination of the wall (d)}}
  • Using a set of compasses, he determines the line of symmetry on the wall.{{efn|Indian or Hindu Circle for Sub-style determination}} This is the substyle line.{{efn|In dialling language substyle is used like sub aqua, meaning- under the style- not like subsection, meaning a smaller part. Similarly, equation means an adjustment and height can mean a perpendicular angle.}}

All the rest of the dial was laid out using a 45° square, with a 15° measure at the end. {{efn|Zarbula was working within 2° of the 45th parallel, so it worked. Further north or south the triangle would need to use the latitude and co-latitude and a protractor would have been needed}}

  • He drew a horizontal line at a point of choice on the dial plate. This was the Horizon.
  • The square was placed on the substyle facing outwards, it is slid into any convenient position where it cuts the horizon, and he drew a perpendicular line drawn to that point. This line is called the equatorial. A line was drawn from that point to the centre of the dial; it was the 18h line (or 6h depending on the declination (d) of the wall). The points where the equatorial crosses the noon line and where the equatorial crosses the substyle line were important.
  • He placed apex of the square on the substyle line, so the sides passed through the equatorial points mentioned. (The 12h and 18h markers). The apex point is called the auxiliary equatorial centre.
  • A protractor or squares {{efn|A combination of a 30°/ 60° square, and 45° square could also be used.}} drew off 15° intervals on the equatorial. These were connected to the centre of the dial: the hour lines. The distance from the auxiliary equatorial centre to the equatorial formed the substyle height at that point.[1][3]

The colours

Zarbula treated his paintings as frescos so the body colour was embedded in the supporting lime mortar. He didn't use organic pigments, just oxides. These do not fade in the strong alpine sunlight.

Existing Dials (cadrans)

Of the hundred dials by Zarbula, about 50 have survived, and a further dozen show visible traces.[4]

In Hautes-Alpes, seven dials are protected as Historic monuments.[5]

His dials can be divided into three specific styles Öiseau (Birds), Geometric, Baroque. The birds that appear in the dials of the early 1840s include toucans, jabirus, parakeets and other exotic birds not seen in these mountains. The geometric works of the late 1840s and 1850s are noted or their simplicity, and contain a little trompe l'oeil to give the design some artificial depth. The baroque dials are contain birds, vases, full trompe l'oeil and false-marbling. They contain the symbols of the Second Empire (1852-1870) and Napoleon III particularly the Imperial Eagle. The dials produced after 1865 include the Masonic device of the Square and Compasses: this is co-incidental to the rise and acceptance of masonry on both sides of the Italian French border.[6]

Briançon Saint-Blaise Briançonnais France 1870 Deux cadrans44.8761|6.6134|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms |name=Briançon, Saint-Blaise}}
Briançon Place d'Armes Centre d'art contemporain Briançonnais France 1876 Peut-être inspiré de Zarbula44.899|6.6429|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms |name=Briançon, place d'Armes, centre d'art contemporain}}
Briançon Saint-Blaise Briançonnais France 187044.8757|6.6136|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms |name=Briançon, Saint-Blaise}}
Briançon Pont-de-Cervières, 4 chemin du Canal-du-Four Briançonnais France 184544.8863|6.6377|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms |name=Briançon, Pont-de-Cervières}}
Cervières Maison Delouis Briançonnais France 1839PA05000001|PA05000001|source=non}} Deux cadrans44.8696|6.7227|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Cervières, maison Delouis}}
Cervières Hôtel de ville Briançonnais France44.8694|6.7205|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Cervières, hôtel de ville}}
Eygliers Le Cros Briançonnais France 184144.6819|6.6245|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Eygliers, Le Cros}}
La Salle-les-Alpes Les Pananches Chapelle Saint-Jean-Baptiste Briançonnais France 1879 Attribué à Zarbula44.9395|6.5825|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=La Salle-les-Alpes, Les Pananches, chapelle Saint-Jean-Baptiste}}
La Salle-les-Alpes 38 rue de la Guisane Briançonnais France 184144.9455|6.5631|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=La Salle-les-Alpes, 38 rue de la Guisane}}
Puy-Saint-André Pierre-Feu Briançonnais France 187144.8718|6.6|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Puy-Saint-André, Pierre-Feu}}
Puy-Saint-André Briançonnais France44.8793|6.5993|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Puy-Saint-André}}
Puy-Saint-Pierre Le Pinet, 2 rue de Jérusalem Briançonnais France 1842PA00135605|PA00135605|source=non}} Deux cadrans44.8905|6.6253|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Puy-Saint-Pierre, Le Pinet, 2 rue de Jérusalem}}
Saint-Chaffrey Le Villard-Laté, 27 rue des Trois-Fontaines Briançonnais France 1847PA00135607|PA00135607|source=non}}44.9366|6.5945|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Saint-Chaffrey, Le Villard-Laté, 27 rue des Trois-Fontaines}}
Saint-Martin-de-Queyrières Bouchier Briançonnais France 185344.8327|6.5658|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Saint-Martin-de-Queyrières, Bouchier}}
Saint-Martin-de-Queyrières Prelles Briançonnais France 184544.8546|6.5807|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Saint-Martin-de-Queyrières, Prelles}}
Saint-Martin-de-Queyrières Prelles Briançonnais France44.854|6.5803|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Saint-Martin-de-Queyrières, Prelles}}
Saint-Martin-de-Queyrières Église Saint-Martin Briançonnais France44.8403|6.5853|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Saint-Martin-de-Queyrières, église Saint-Martin}}
Les Orres Le Mélezet Église Notre-Dame-de-la-Présentation Les Orres France 1853PA05000006|PA05000006|source=non}}44.505|6.5533|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Les Orres, Le Mélezet, église Notre-Dame-de-la-Présentation}}
Arvieux Le Coin Maison Jean-Paul Blanc Queyras France 1830 Superposition de cadrans, l'un d'eux pouvant être de Zarbula44.7726|6.7328|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Arvieux, Le Coin, maison Jean-Paul Blanc}}
Arvieux Queyras France 185744.7669|6.7385|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Arvieux}}
Arvieux Les Escoyères Queyras France 184244.7189|6.7441|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Arvieux, Les Escoyères}}
Arvieux Les Escoyères Chapelle Saint-Roch Queyras France 185744.7183|6.743|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Arvieux, Les Escoyères, chapelle Saint-Roch}}
Château-Ville-Vieille Ville-Vieille Queyras France Attribué à Zarbula44.7565|6.7894|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Château-Ville-Vieille, Ville-Vieille}}
Château-Ville-Vieille Clot-du-Riou Queyras FrancePA00135602|PA00135602|source=non}} Deux cadrans44.7651|6.779|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Château-Ville-Vieille, Clot-du-Riou}}
Château-Ville-Vieille Ville-Vieille Église Saint-André Queyras France 184344.7599|6.8219|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Château-Ville-Vieille, Ville-Vieille, église Saint-André}}
Château-Ville-Vieille Ville-Vieille Queyras France 184344.7572|6.7939|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Château-Ville-Vieille, Ville-Vieille}}
Château-Ville-Vieille La Rua Queyras France44.7602|6.8194|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Château-Ville-Vieille, La Rua}}
Molines-en-Queyras La Rua Église Saint-Romain Queyras France 184944.7315|6.8388|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Molines-en-Queyras, La Rua, église Saint-Romain}}
Saint-Véran Les Forannes, la Pointe du Jour Queyras France 1840PA05000004|PA05000004|source=non}}44.7018|6.8662|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Saint-Véran, Les Forannes, la Pointe du Jour}}
Saint-Véran La Raux Queyras France 184044.6982|6.8626|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Saint-Véran, La Raux}}
Saint-Véran Ferme de Mathieu Romain Queyras France 184044.6998|6.8683|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Saint-Véran, ferme de Mathieu Romain}}
Saint-Véran Haut-Forranes Queyras France 184044.703|6.8649|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Saint-Véran, Haut-Forranes}}
Saint-Véran Pierre-Belle Queyras France 184044.6987|6.8692|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Saint-Véran, Pierre-Belle}}
Saint-Véran Les Gabelous Ancienne douane Queyras France 185844.6991|6.8699|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Saint-Véran, Les Gabelous, ancienne douane}}
Saint-Paul-sur-Ubaye Petite-Serennes Ubaye France 186044.5289|6.7744|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Saint-Paul-sur-Ubaye, Petite-Serennes}}
Saint-Paul-sur-Ubaye Maljasset Ubaye France 186044.5929|6.8431|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Saint-Paul-sur-Ubaye, Maljasset}}
Pragela Souchères Basses Chapelle Val Cluson Italie 187245.0296|6.9609|type:landmark_region:IT-TO|format=dms|name=Pragela, Souchères Basses, chapelle}}
Pragela Traverse, 6 via Nazionale Val Cluson Italie45|6.926|type:landmark_region:IT-TO|format=dms|name=Pragela, Traverse, 6 via Nazionale}}
Pragela Villarmont Val Cluson Italie 187245.0002|6.9168|type:landmark_region:IT-TO|format=dms|name=Pragela, Villarmont}}
Sauze di Cesana Rollieres Chapelle Val Cluson Italie 1870 Deux cadrans44.9375|6.8323|type:landmark_region:IT-TO|format=dms|name=Sauze di Cesana, Rollieres, chapelle}}
Sestrières Champlas du Col, 28 via Nazionale Val Cluson Italie 187044.9476|6.8517|type:landmark_region:IT-TO|format=dms|name=Sestrières, Champlas du Col, 28 via Nazionale}}
Sestrières Champlas du Col, 7 via Nazionale Val Cluson Italie 187044.9477|6.8527|type:landmark_region:IT-TO|format=dms|name=Sestrières, Champlas du Col, 7 via Nazionale}}
Sestrières Borgata Val Cluson Italie 187244.9721|6.8955|type:landmark_region:IT-TO|format=dms|name=Sestrières, Borgata}}
Sestrières Borgata, 14 via del Colle Val Cluson Italie 187244.9722|6.8959|type:landmark_region:IT-TO|format=dms|name=Sestrières, Borgata, 14 via del Colle}}
Sestrières Borgata, 12a via del Colle Val Cluson Italie 187244.9719|6.8956|type:landmark_region:IT-TO|format=dms|name=Sestrières, Borgata, 12a via del Colle}}
Usseaux Balboutet Val Cluson Italie 1833 Deux cadrans45.052|7.0136|type:landmark_region:IT-TO|format=dms|name=Usseaux, Balboutet}}
Névache Ville-Haute Église Saint-Marcellin Vallée de la Clarée France45.0188|6.6047|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Névache, Ville-Haute, église Saint-Marcellin}}
Val-des-Prés Pra-Premier Vallée de la Clarée France 1843PA00135609|PA00135609|source=non}}44.9516|6.6755|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Val-des-Prés, Pra-Premier}}
Val-des-Prés La Vachette Vallée de la Clarée France 184044.9175|6.6754|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Val-des-Prés, La Vachette}}
Val-des-Prés La Vachette Vallée de la Clarée France 185244.9166|6.6739|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Val-des-Prés, La Vachette}}
Valloire Valloire France45.1654|6.4275|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Valloire}}
Valloire Les Verneys Valloire France45.1497|6.4205|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Valloire, Les Verneys}}
Vallouise Maison de Bardonèche Vallouise France 1840IM05003855|IM05003855|source=non}} Deux cadrans44.8445|6.4855|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Vallouise, maison de Bardonèche}}
Vallouise Le Villard Chapelle Saint-Sébastien Vallouise France 1869IM05003852|IM05003852|source=non}} Deux cadrans44.8417|6.4728|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Vallouise, Le Villard, chapelle Saint-Sébastien}}
Valserres Les Trancs France 185444.4917|6.1234|type:landmark_region:FR-05|format=dms|name=Valserres, Les Trancs}}



External links

  • Zarbula's Sundials

{{DEFAULTSORT:Zarbula, Giovanni Francesco}}

1 : Sundials





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