

词条 Government of Sweden

  1. Role and scope

     High Contracting Party  Promulgation 

  2. Formation and dismissal

  3. Cabinets

     Present Cabinet  Former cabinets 

  4. Government offices

     List of Government ministries and offices 

  5. See also

  6. References

  7. External links

{{short description|Highest authority in Sweden}}{{Infobox
|above = Government of Sweden
|subheader = Sveriges regering
|image =
|caption = Lesser coat of arms of Sweden
|label1 = Role
|data1 = Executive cabinet
|label2 = Established
|data2 = 1975
|label3 = Constitution instrument
|data3 = Instrument of Government
|label4 = Predecessor entities
|data4 = Privy Council
(12th century—1789)
Rikets allmänna ärendens beredning
Council of State
|header5 = Cabinet
|class5 = navbox-title
|label6 = Members
|data6 = Löfven II Cabinet
|label7 = Prime Minister
|data7 = Stefan Löfven
|label8 = Deputy to the Prime Minister
|data8 = Isabella Lövin
|label9 = Number of members
|data9 = Twenty-three
|header10 = Administration
|class10 = navbox-title
|label11 = Working
|data11 = Swedish
|label12 = Staff organization
|data12 = Government Offices
(the ministries are organised as entities within it)
|label13 = Location
|data13 = Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden
|label14 = Seat
|data14 = Rosenbad (since 1981)

The Government of the Kingdom of Sweden ({{lang-sv|Konungariket Sveriges regering}}) is the national cabinet and the supreme executive authority of Sweden. The short-form name {{lang|sv|Regeringen}} ("the Government") is used both in the Fundamental Laws of the Realm and in the vernacular, while the long-form is only used in international treaties.[1]

The Government operates as a collegial body with collective responsibility and consists of the Prime Minister{{mdash}}appointed and dismissed by the Speaker of the Riksdag (following an actual vote in the Riksdag before an appointment can be made){{mdash}}and other cabinet ministers ({{lang-sv|Statsråd}}), appointed and dismissed at the sole discretion of the Prime Minister. The Government is responsible for its actions to the Riksdag.[2]

Following the adoption of the 1974 Instrument of Government on 1 January 1975{{mdash}}the Government in its present constitutional form was constituted{{mdash}}and in consequence thereof the Swedish Monarch is no longer vested any nominal executive powers at all with respect to the governance of the Realm, but continues to serve as a strictly ceremonial head of state.[3]

Role and scope

{{main|Politics of Sweden|Prime Minister of Sweden}}{{Quote|Instrument of Government, Chapter 12, Article 1.|The Government governs the Realm. It is accountable to the Riksdag.[2]}}

The Instrument of Government ({{lang-sv|Regeringsformen}})—one of the Fundamental Laws of the Realm—sets out the main responsibilities and duties of the Government (including the Prime Minister and other cabinet ministers) and how it relates to other organs of the State.[2]

{{Quote|Instrument of Government, Chapter 12, Article 1.|The Chancellor of Justice and other State administrative authorities come under the Government, unless they are authorities under the Riksdag according to the present Instrument of Government or by virtue of other law.[2]}}

Most state administrative authorities ({{lang-sv|statliga förvaltningsmyndigheter}}), as opposed to local authorities ({{lang-sv|kommuner}}), sorts under the Government, including the Armed Forces, Coast Guard, Customs Service and the Swedish police.

While the Judiciary technically sort under the Government in the fiscal sense, Chapter 11 of the Instrument of Government provides safeguards to ensure its independence.[2][5]

In a unique feature of the Swedish constitutional system, individual cabinet ministers do not bear any individual ministerial responsibility for the performance of the agencies within their portfolio; as the director-generals and other heads of government agencies reports directly to the Government as a whole; and individual ministers cannot intervene in individual cases in matters that are to be handled by the individual agencies, unless otherwise specifically provided for in law; thus the origin of the pejorative, in Swedish political parlance, term ministerstyre (English: "ministerial rule").

High Contracting Party

The Government of Sweden is the high contracting party when entering treaties with foreign sovereign states and international organisations (such as the European Union), as per 10:1 of the Instrument of Government.[2] In most other parliamentary systems (monarchies and republics alike) this formal function is usually vested in the head of state but exercised by ministers in such name.


Chapter 6, Article 7 prescribes that laws and ordinances are promulgated by the Government (by the Prime Minister or other cabinet minister),[2] and are subsequently published in the Swedish Code of Statutes ({{lang-sv|Svensk författningssamling}}).[6]

Formation and dismissal

Following a general election, Speaker of the Riksdag begins to hold talks with the leaders of the parties with representation in the Riksdag, the Speaker then nominates a candidate for Prime Minister ({{lang-sv|Statsminister}}). The nomination is then put to a vote in the chamber. Unless an absolute majority of the members (175 members) votes "no", the nomination is confirmed, otherwise it is rejected. The Speaker must then find a new nominee. This means the Riksdag can consent to a Prime Minister without casting any "yes" votes.

After being elected the Prime Minister appoints the cabinet ministers and announces them to the Riksdag. The new Government takes office at a special council held at the Royal Palace before the Monarch, at which the Speaker of the Riksdag formally announces to the Monarch that the Riksdag has elected a new Prime Minister and that the Prime Minister has chosen his cabinet ministers.

The Riksdag can cast a vote of no confidence against any single cabinet minister ({{lang-sv|Statsråd}}), thus forcing a resignation. To succeed a vote of no confidence must be supported by an absolute majority (175 members) or it has failed.

If a vote of no confidence is cast against the Prime Minister this means the entire government is rejected. A losing government has one week to call for a general election or else the procedure of nominating a new Prime Minister starts anew.


Present Cabinet

{{Politics of Sweden}}{{main|Löfven II Cabinet}}{{Cabinet table start|hiderefcol=y}}{{Cabinet table ministry|Prime Minister's Office}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Prime Minister
| minister1 = Stefan Löfven
| minister1_party = Swedish Social Democratic Party
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Deputy Prime Minister
(honorary title)
| minister1 = Isabella Lövin
| minister1_party = Green Party (Sweden)
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for EU Affairs
| minister1 = Hans Dahlgren
| minister1_party = Swedish Social Democratic Party
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{Cabinet table ministry|Ministry of Justice}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for Justice
Minister for Migration
| minister1 = Morgan Johansson
| minister1_party = Swedish Social Democratic Party
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for Home Affairs
| minister1 = Mikael Damberg
| minister1_party = Swedish Social Democratic Party
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{Cabinet table ministry|Ministry of Foreign Affairs}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for Foreign Affairs
Deputy Prime Minister
| minister1 = Margot Wallström
| minister1_party = Swedish Social Democratic Party
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for Foreign Trade
Minister for Nordic Cooperation
| minister1 = Ann Linde
| minister1_party = Swedish Social Democratic Party
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for International Development Cooperation
| minister1 = Peter Eriksson
| minister1_party = Green Party (Sweden)
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{Cabinet table ministry|Ministry of Defence}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for Defence
| minister1 = Peter Hultqvist
| minister1_party = Swedish Social Democratic Party
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{Cabinet table ministry|Ministry of Health and Social Affairs}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for Health and Social Affairs
| minister1 = Lena Hallengren
| minister1_party = Swedish Social Democratic Party
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for Social Security
| minister1 = Annika Strandhäll
| minister1_party = Swedish Social Democratic Party
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{ Cabinet table ministry|Ministry of Finance}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for Finance
| minister1 = Magdalena Andersson
| minister1_party = Swedish Social Democratic Party
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for Financial Markets
Minister for Housing
Deputy Minister for Finance
| minister1 = Per Bolund
| minister1_party = Green Party (Sweden)
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for Public Administration
Minister for Consumer Affairs
| minister1 = Ardalan Shekarabi
| minister1_party = Swedish Social Democratic Party
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{Cabinet table ministry|Ministry of Education and Research}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for Education
| minister1 = Anna Ekström
| minister1_party = Swedish Social Democratic Party
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for Higher Education and Research
| minister1 = Matilda Ernkrans
| minister1_party = Swedish Social Democratic Party
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{Cabinet table ministry|Ministry of the Environment and Energy}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for the Environment
Minister for the Climate
| minister1 = Isabella Lövin
| minister1_party = Green Party (Sweden)
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{Cabinet table ministry|Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for Enterprise
| minister1 = Ibrahim Baylan
| minister1_party = Swedish Social Democratic Party
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for Rural Affairs
| minister1 = Jennie Nilsson
| minister1_party = Swedish Social Democratic Party
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{Cabinet table ministry|Ministry of Culture}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for Culture
Minister for Democracy
Minister for Sports
| minister1 = Amanda Lind
| minister1_party = Green Party (Sweden)
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{Cabinet table ministry|Ministry of Employment}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for Employment
| minister1 = Ylva Johansson
| minister1_party = Swedish Social Democratic Party
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for Gender Equality
Minister with responsibility for anti-discrimination and anti-segregation
| minister1 = Åsa Lindhagen
| minister1_party = Green Party (Sweden)
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{Cabinet table ministry|Ministry of Infrastructure}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for Infrastructure
| minister1 = Tomas Eneroth
| minister1_party = Swedish Social Democratic Party
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =
}}{{Cabinet table minister
| title = Minister for Energy
Minister for Digital Development
| minister1 = Anders Ygeman
| minister1_party = Swedish Social Democratic Party
| minister1_termstart = 21 January 2019
| minister1_termend =

Former cabinets

Each appointment of a new Prime Minister is considered to result in a new cabinet, irrespective if the Prime Minister is reappointed or not. However, there is no automatic resignation following a defeat in a general election, so an election does not always result in a new cabinet.

{{Cabinets of Sweden}}

Government offices

Previously known as the Royal Chancery ({{lang-sv|Kunglig Majestäts kansli}}), the name was changed to the Government Offices ({{lang-sv|Regeringskansliet}}) on 1 January 1975 with the current Instrument of Government entering into effect.[8]

The Instrument of Government briefly mentions in Chapter 7, Article 1 that there is a staff organization supporting the Government known as the Government Offices. The present organizational charter for the Government Offices is found in the ordinance named Förordning (1996:1515) med instruktion för Regeringskansliet. Since the issuance of that ordinance in 1996, all the ministries are technically entities within the Government Offices (headed by the Prime Minister), rather than as separate organisations even though they operate as such. Below follows a short summary of the current structure.[9]

List of Government ministries and offices

Only current ministries and offices are listed below:[10]
  • Government Offices ({{lang-sv|Regeringskansliet}})
    • Prime Minister's Office ({{lang-sv|Statsrådsberedningen}})
    • Ministry of Justice ({{lang-sv|Justitiedepartementet}})
    • Ministry for Foreign Affairs ({{lang-sv|Utrikesdepartementet}})
    • Ministry of Defence ({{lang-sv|Försvarsdepartementet}})
    • Ministry of Health and Social Affairs ({{lang-sv|Socialdepartementet}})
    • Ministry of Finance ({{lang-sv|Finansdepartementet}})
    • Ministry of Education and Research ({{lang-sv|Utbildningsdepartementet}})
    • Ministry of the Environment and Energy ({{lang-sv|Miljö- och energidepartementet}})
    • Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation ({{lang-sv|Näringsdepartementet}})
    • Ministry of Culture ({{lang-sv|Kulturdepartementet}})
    • Ministry of Employment ({{lang-sv|Arbetsmarknadsdepartementet}})
  • Other offices:
    • Office for Administrative Affairs ({{lang-sv|Förvaltningsavdelningen}})
    • Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU ({{lang-sv|Sveriges ständiga representation vid Europeiska unionen}})

See also

  • County Administrative Boards of Sweden
  • Economy of Sweden
  • Elections in Sweden
  • Government Agencies in Sweden
  • History of Sweden
  • Municipalities of Sweden
  • Politics of Sweden
  • Principle of Public Access
  • Referendums in Sweden
  • Royal Court of Sweden
  • State Secretary (Sweden)
  • State-owned enterprises of Sweden
  • Statens offentliga utredningar
  • Swedish Code of Statutes
  • Travaux préparatoires


1. ^{{cite web | url=http://www.regeringen.se/contentassets/1d419e819c4048e4bab75687b6d6cb3a/avtal-mellan-sverige-och-hongkong | title=Treaty between Sweden and Hong Kong | publisher=The Riksdag | format=PDF | dead-url=no | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20171017215001/http://www.regeringen.se/contentassets/1d419e819c4048e4bab75687b6d6cb3a/avtal-mellan-sverige-och-hongkong | archive-date=17 October 2017 | access-date=2018-05-28 }}
2. ^{{cite web | url=http://www.riksdagen.se/Global/dokument/dokument/laws/the-instrument-of-government-2012.pdf | dead-url=yes | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120725060031/http://www.riksdagen.se/Global/dokument/dokument/laws/the-instrument-of-government-2012.pdf | archive-date=25 July 2012 | title=The Instrument of Government (as of 2012) | publisher=The Riksdag | access-date=2014-01-27 }}
3. ^{{cite web | url = http://www.government.se/sb/d/2853/nocache/true/a/21785/dictionary/true | title = The Head of State | publisher = Government of Sweden | accessdate = 2014-02-22 | deadurl = yes | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20140225235411/http://www.government.se/sb/d/2853/nocache/true/a/21785/dictionary/true | archive-date = 2014-02-25 | df = }}
4. ^{{cite web | url = http://www.government.se/sb/d/4140/ | title = The Swedish Government Offices - a historical perspective | publisher = Government Offices of Sweden | accessdate = 2014-10-24 | deadurl = yes | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20141024144929/http://www.government.se/sb/d/4140/ | archive-date = 2014-10-24 | df = }}
5. ^{{cite web | url = http://www.domstol.se/Funktioner/English/The-Swedish-courts/ | title = The Swedish courts | publisher = Domstolsverket | dead-url=no | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120618020420/http://www.domstol.se:80/Funktioner/English/The-Swedish-courts/ | archive-date=18 June 2012 | accessdate = 2014-11-09 }}
6. ^{{cite web | url = http://www.notisum.se/rnp/sls/lag/19760633.htm| title = Lag (1976:633) om kungörande av lagar och andra författningar | publisher = Notisum | dead-url=no | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20171017214805/http://www.notisum.se/rnp/sls/lag/19760633.htm | archive-date=17 October 2017 | language = Swedish | accessdate = 2018-05-28 }}
7. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.government.se/sb/d/4141/a/26829 |title=Premises of the Government Offices |publisher=Government Offices of Sweden |accessdate=2014-10-24 |deadurl=yes |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20141024145327/http://www.government.se/sb/d/4141/a/26829 |archive-date=2014-10-24 |df= }}
8. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.government.se/sb/d/4141 |title=History of the Government Offices |publisher=The Riksdag |accessdate=2014-10-24 |deadurl=yes |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20141024145444/http://www.government.se/sb/d/4141 |archive-date=2014-10-24 |df= }}
9. ^{{cite web | url = http://www.notisum.se/rnp/sls/lag/19961515.htm| title = Förordning (1996:1515) med instruktion för Regeringskansliet | publisher = Swedish Code of Statutes | language = Swedish | accessdate = 2014-01-27 }}
10. ^{{cite web | url = http://www.sweden.gov.se/sb/d/576| title = Government and ministries | publisher = Government Offices of Sweden | accessdate = 2014-10-24 }}
  • {{Cite book | last1 = Larsson | first1 = Torbjörn | first2 = Henry | last2 = Bäck | title = Governing and Governance in Sweden | location = Lund | publisher = Studentlitteratur AB | year = 2008 | isbn = 978-91-44-03682-3 | ref = Larsson & Bäck }}
  • {{Cite book | last = Petersson | first = Olof | title = Den offentliga makten | location = Stockholm | publisher = SNS Förlag | year = 2010 | language = Swedish | isbn = 978-91-86203-66-5 | ref = Petersson }}

External links

  • Government of Sweden - Official site
  • Organization and Ministerial Bios - Official site
{{Sweden topics}}{{Europe topic|Cabinet of |title=National cabinets of Europe}}{{Government of Europe}}{{DEFAULTSORT:Sweden}}

6 : European governments|Government of Sweden|Cabinets of Sweden|Sweden politics-related lists|Politics of Sweden|1975 establishments in Sweden





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