

词条 Index of physics articles (D)

  1. D

The index of physics articles is split into multiple pages due to its size.

To navigate by individual letter use the table of contents below.

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  • D band (NATO)
  • D band (waveguide)
  • D'Alembert's paradox
  • D'Alembert's principle
  • D'Alembert force
  • D'Alembert–Euler condition
  • D-brane
  • D-term
  • D. Van Holliday
  • D0 experiment
  • DAMA/NaI
  • DBrn
  • DEAP
  • DEEP2 Redshift Survey
  • DELPHI experiment
  • DESY
  • DGP model
  • DIDO (nuclear reactor)
  • DIII-D (tokamak)
  • DNA condensation
  • DNG metamaterial
  • DUMAND Project
  • D meson
  • Daan Frenkel
  • Dai Chuanzeng
  • Dale A. Anderson
  • Dalitz plot
  • Dallas Abbott
  • Dalton's law
  • Daly detector
  • Damping
  • Damping matrix
  • Damping torque
  • Dan Danknick
  • Dan Jacobo Beninson
  • Dan McKenzie (geophysicist)
  • Dan Shechtman
  • Danah Zohar
  • Dangerously irrelevant operator
  • Dangling bond
  • Daniel Bernoulli
  • Daniel C. Tsui
  • Daniel Chonghan Hong
  • Daniel D. Joseph
  • Daniel Frank Walls
  • Daniel Friedan
  • Daniel Frost Comstock
  • Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
  • Daniel Gillespie
  • Daniel Gottesman
  • Daniel Gralath
  • Daniel Isaachsen (physicist)
  • Daniel Joseph Bradley
  • Daniel Kastler
  • Daniel Kleppner
  • Daniel L. Stein
  • Daniel Lidar
  • Daniel Loss
  • Daniel Webster Hering
  • Daniel Z. Freedman
  • Daniel Zajfman
  • Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics
  • Dante Tessieri
  • Daraf
  • Darcy's law
  • Darcy friction factor formulae
  • Darcy–Weisbach equation
  • Daresbury Laboratory
  • Dark-energy-dominated era
  • Dark-energy star
  • DarkSide
  • Dark current (physics)
  • Dark energy
  • Dark flow
  • Dark fluid
  • Dark galaxy
  • Dark matter
  • Dark optical trap
  • Dark radiation
  • Dark star (Newtonian mechanics)
  • Dark star (dark matter)
  • Dark state
  • Dart leader
  • Darwin–Radau equation
  • Darwin drift
  • Dasar
  • Data acquisition
  • Data analysis
  • Daulat Singh Kothari
  • Dave Green (astrophysicist)
  • Dave Thomas (physicist)
  • Davey–Stewartson equation
  • David A. Frank-Kamenetskii
  • David A. Weitz
  • David Adler (physicist)
  • David Adler Lectureship Award in the Field of Materials Physics
  • David Allan Bromley
  • David Alter
  • David Avison
  • David Awschalom
  • David B. Kaplan
  • David B. Malament
  • David Bates (physicist)
  • David Berenstein
  • David Blair (physicist)
  • David Bohm
  • David Brewster
  • David Callaway
  • David Carroll (physicist)
  • David Ceperley
  • David Chandler (chemist)
  • David Chapman (scientist)
  • David Cockayne
  • David Cohen (physicist)
  • David Crighton
  • David Delano Clark
  • David Deming
  • David Deutsch
  • David Douglass
  • David Dunlap Observatory
  • David E. Aspnes
  • David E. Goldman
  • David E. Kaplan
  • David E. Pritchard
  • David Enskog
  • David Evans (mathematician)
  • David Faiman
  • David Field (astrophysicist)
  • David Finkelstein
  • David Flower
  • David Goodstein
  • David Griffiths (physicist)
  • David Gross
  • David H. Frisch
  • David H. Lyth
  • David H. Munro
  • David Halliday (physicist)
  • David C. Hanna
  • David Hestenes
  • David Hilbert
  • David J. Brenner
  • David J. C. MacKay
  • David J. Lockwood
  • David J. Smith (physicist)
  • David J. Thouless
  • David Jaffray
  • David John Candlin
  • David K. Ferry
  • David Kaiser
  • David Keynes Hill
  • David Klyshko
  • David L. Fried
  • David L. Webster
  • David Lee (physicist)
  • David Lindley (physicist)
  • David M. Dennison
  • David McNiven Garner
  • David Medved
  • David Mermin
  • David Mervyn Blow
  • David N. Payne
  • David Norman (ornithologist)
  • David Olive
  • David P. Landau
  • David Parry (biophysicist)
  • David Pegg (physicist)
  • David Pines
  • David R. Nygren
  • David Reitze
  • David Robert Nelson
  • David Ruelle
  • David S. Cafiso
  • David Saltzberg
  • David Schramm (astrophysicist)
  • David Shoenberg
  • David Spergel
  • David States
  • David Strangway
  • David Tabor
  • David Todd Wilkinson
  • David Vanderbilt
  • David W. Turner
  • David Wallace (physicist)
  • David Wands
  • David Willey (physicist)
  • David William Dye
  • Davidson correction
  • Davisson–Germer Prize in Atomic or Surface Physics
  • Davisson–Germer experiment
  • Davydov soliton
  • Dawes' limit
  • Dawn chorus (electromagnetic)
  • Day length
  • Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment
  • Daylight
  • Daylight factor
  • Dayton Miller
  • Dbx (noise reduction)
  • DeWitt Bristol Brace
  • DeWitt notation
  • De Broglie–Bohm theory
  • De Bruijn graph
  • De Haas–van Alphen effect
  • De Laval nozzle
  • De Magnete
  • De Sitter double star experiment
  • De Sitter invariant special relativity
  • De Sitter precession
  • De Sitter space
  • De Sitter universe
  • De Sitter–Schwarzschild metric
  • De motu corporum in gyrum
  • De revolutionibus orbium coelestium
  • Dead time
  • Dean number
  • Deane B. Judd
  • And Other Cosmic Quandaries
  • Debendra Mohan Bose
  • Deborah S. Jin
  • Deborah number
  • Debra Searles
  • Debye frequency
  • Debye model
  • Debye relaxation
  • Debye sheath
  • Debye–Falkenhagen effect
  • Debye–Waller factor
  • Decay chain
  • Decay energy
  • Decay heat
  • Decay product
  • Deceleration parameter
  • Decibel
  • Decollimation
  • Deconfinement
  • Decorrelation
  • Decoy state
  • Deep-dose equivalent
  • Deep-level transient spectroscopy
  • Deep-level trap
  • Deep Impact (spacecraft)
  • Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory
  • Deep inelastic scattering
  • Defining equation (physical chemistry)
  • Defining equation (physics)
  • Deflected slipstream
  • Deflection (physics)
  • Defocus aberration
  • Deformable body
  • Deformation (engineering)
  • Deformation (mechanics)
  • Degasification
  • Degasperis–Procesi equation
  • Degaussing
  • Degenerate energy levels
  • Degenerate matter
  • Degenerate orbital
  • Degree of coherence
  • Degree of ionization
  • Degrees of freedom (physics and chemistry)
  • Dehydron
  • Dejan Milošević
  • Delaunay tessellation field estimator
  • Delayed choice quantum eraser
  • Delayed nuclear radiation
  • Delocalized electron
  • Delta-v
  • Delta-v (physics)
  • Delta-v budget
  • Delta baryon
  • Delta potential
  • Delta ray
  • Delta wing
  • Demagnetizing field
  • Dember effect
  • Demetrios Christodoulou
  • Demetrius Hondros
  • Democratic principle
  • Denaturation (fissile materials)
  • Dendrite (metal)
  • Deng Jiaxian
  • Denge
  • Denis Evans
  • Denis Papin
  • Denis Rousseau
  • Denis Weaire
  • Dennis Dieks
  • Dennis Gabor
  • Dennis William Sciama
  • Dense plasma focus
  • Densitometry
  • Density
  • Density functional theory
  • Density matrix
  • Density matrix renormalization group
  • Density of air
  • Density of states
  • Density wave theory
  • Denys Wilkinson
  • Denys Wilkinson Building
  • Department of Applied Science, UC Davis
  • Department of Atomic Energy (India)
  • Departure function
  • Dephasing
  • Depolarization ratio
  • Deposition (aerosol physics)
  • Deposition (phase transition)
  • Depression storage capacity
  • Depth of field
  • Depth–slope product
  • Derecho
  • Derek Abbott
  • Derek Barton
  • Derivation of the Navier–Stokes equations
  • Deriving the Schwarzschild solution
  • Desert (particle physics)
  • Desmond King-Hele
  • Desorption
  • Detached eddy simulation
  • Detailed balance
  • Detection of internally reflected Cherenkov light
  • Determinism
  • Deterministic system
  • Detlef Quadfasel
  • Detlev Buchholz
  • Deuterium
  • Deuterium-depleted water
  • Deuterium burning
  • Deutsche Physik
  • Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
  • Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm
  • Dew
  • Dew point
  • Dew point depression
  • Dewbow
  • Dewetting
  • Dexter electron transfer
  • Dextrorotation and levorotation
  • Di-positronium
  • Diabatic
  • Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems
  • Dialysis tubing
  • Dialyt lens
  • Dialyte lens
  • Diamagnetism
  • Diamond Light Source
  • Diamond anvil cell
  • Diamond cubic
  • Diamond dust
  • Diamond knife
  • Diaphragm (acoustics)
  • Diaphragm (mechanical device)
  • Diatomic carbon
  • Dibaryon
  • Dichroic filter
  • Dichroism
  • Dichromatism
  • Dick Teresi
  • Diederik Korteweg
  • Dielectric
  • Dielectric barrier discharge
  • Dielectric breakdown model
  • Dielectric complex reluctance
  • Dielectric dispersion
  • Dielectric heating
  • Dielectric mirror
  • Dielectric relaxation
  • Dielectric reluctance
  • Dielectric spectroscopy
  • Dielectric strength
  • Dielectric wall accelerator
  • Dielectrophoresis
  • Diesel cycle
  • Dieter Langbein
  • Dieter Lüst
  • Dieter Matthaei
  • Dieter Weichert
  • Dietrich Küchemann
  • Diffeomorphism constraint
  • Difference density map
  • Differential entropy
  • Differential rotation
  • Differential scanning calorimetry
  • Differential stress
  • Diffraction
  • Diffraction-limited system
  • Diffraction grating
  • Diffraction standard
  • Diffraction tomography
  • Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment
  • Diffuse element method
  • Diffuse reflection
  • Diffuse sky radiation
  • Diffuser (optics)
  • Diffusing-wave spectroscopy
  • Diffusion
  • Diffusion (acoustics)
  • Diffusion current
  • Diffusion damping
  • Diffusion equation
  • Diffuson
  • Digital holographic microscopy
  • Digital magnetofluidics
  • Digital philosophy
  • Digital physics
  • Digital room correction
  • Dihedral (aircraft)
  • Dilatant
  • Dilaton
  • Dilution of precision (GPS)
  • Dimensional analysis
  • Dimensional deconstruction
  • Dimensional reduction
  • Dimensional regularization
  • Dimensional transmutation
  • Dimensionless Hubble parameter
  • Dimensionless physical constant
  • Dimensionless quantity
  • Dimitri Nalivkin
  • Dimitri Nanopoulos
  • Dimitri Riabouchinsky
  • Dineutron
  • Diocotron instability
  • Diode
  • Diode-pumped solid-state laser
  • Dioptric correction
  • Dioptrics
  • Dip circle
  • Dipan Ghosh
  • Dipankar Home
  • Dipleidoscope
  • Dipolar
  • Dipolar polarization
  • Dipole
  • Dipole (disambiguation)
  • Dipole anisotropy
  • Dipole magnet
  • Dipole model of the Earth's magnetic field
  • Dipole–dipole attraction
  • Diproton
  • Diquark
  • Dirac Prize
  • Dirac adjoint
  • Dirac delta function
  • Dirac equation
  • Dirac equation in the algebra of physical space
  • Dirac fermion
  • Dirac large numbers hypothesis
  • Dirac operator
  • Dirac sea
  • Dirac spinor
  • Dirac string
  • Direct-current discharge
  • Direct and indirect band gaps
  • Direct laser lithography
  • Direct laser writing
  • Direct numerical simulation
  • Direct quantum chemistry
  • Directed-energy weapon
  • Directed percolation
  • Directional-hemispherical reflectance
  • Directional Recoil Identification From Tracks
  • Directional sound
  • Directional stability
  • Directivity
  • Dirichlet problem
  • Dirk Bouwmeester
  • Dirk Brockmann
  • Dirk Coster
  • Dirk Kreimer
  • Dirk Polder
  • Dirk Reuyl
  • Dirk ter Haar
  • Disc permeameter
  • Discharge pressure
  • Discotic liquid crystal
  • Discoveries of extrasolar planets
  • Discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation
  • Discrete Lorentzian quantum gravity
  • Discrete dipole approximation
  • Discrete dipole approximation codes
  • Discrete element method
  • Discrete optimized protein energy
  • Discrete spectrum (physics)
  • Discrete symmetry
  • Disgregation
  • Disorder operator
  • Dispersion-shifted fiber
  • Dispersion (optics)
  • Dispersion (physics)
  • Dispersion (radiation)
  • Dispersion (water waves)
  • Dispersion relation
  • Dispersive mass transfer
  • Dispersive prism
  • Displacement (fluid)
  • Displacement (vector)
  • Displacement current
  • Displacement field (mechanics)
  • Displacement operator
  • Displacement thickness
  • Displayed average noise level
  • Disruptive discharge
  • Dissipation
  • Dissipation factor
  • Dissipative particle dynamics
  • Dissipative system
  • Dissociative recombination
  • Dissymmetry of lift
  • Distance measures (cosmology)
  • Distance modulus
  • Distortion (optics)
  • Distortion free energy density
  • Distributed Bragg reflector
  • Distributed acoustic sensing
  • Distributed feedback laser
  • Distribution function
  • Divergence
  • Divergence theorem
  • Divertor
  • Dmitri Ivanenko
  • Dmitri Skobeltsyn
  • Dmitri Z. Garbuzov
  • Dmitry Dmitrievich Maksutov
  • Dmitry Shirkov
  • Dmitry Zubarev
  • Dmrg of Heisenberg model
  • Does God Play Dice? The New Mathematics of Chaos
  • Dogan Abukay
  • Domain theory of ferromagnetism
  • Domain wall (magnetism)
  • Domain wall (optics)
  • Domain wall (string theory)
  • Domenico Pacini
  • Dominique Lorentz
  • Don Hendrix
  • Don Kirkham
  • Don L. Anderson
  • Don Misener
  • Donald A. Glaser
  • Donald Braben
  • Donald Cooksey
  • Donald Ginsberg
  • Donald H. Weingarten
  • Donald Hill Perkins
  • Donald J. Hughes
  • Donald Keck
  • Donald Lynden-Bell
  • Donald MacCrimmon MacKay
  • Donald Marolf
  • Donald N. Langenberg
  • Donald R. F. Harleman
  • Donald R. Herriott
  • Donald William Kerst
  • Donor (semiconductors)
  • Donor impurity
  • Dopant
  • Doping (semiconductor)
  • Doppler broadening
  • Doppler cooling
  • Doppler cooling limit
  • Doppler effect
  • Doppler spectroscopy
  • Dopplergraph
  • Dorothy Nickerson
  • Dorte Juul Jensen
  • Dose fractionation
  • Dosimeter
  • Dosimetry
  • Double-exchange mechanism
  • Double-slit experiment
  • Double Chooz
  • Double beta decay
  • Double diffusive convection
  • Double electron capture
  • Double inverted pendulum
  • Double ionization
  • Double negative metamaterial
  • Double negative metamaterials
  • Double pendulum
  • Doublet (lens)
  • Doublet state
  • Doublet–triplet splitting problem
  • Doubly ionized oxygen
  • Doubly special relativity
  • Doughnut theory of the universe
  • Douglas Hartree
  • Douglas Osheroff
  • Douglas P. Verret
  • Douglas Ross (physicist)
  • Douglas Sea Scale
  • Douglas Warrick
  • Down quark
  • Downburst
  • Downforce
  • Downhill folding
  • Downton pump
  • Downwash
  • Drag-resistant aerospike
  • Drag (fluid mechanics)
  • Drag (physics)
  • Drag Polar
  • Drag coefficient
  • Drag count
  • Drag crisis
  • Drag divergence Mach number
  • Drag equation
  • Dragon reactor
  • Draupner wave
  • Drell–Yan process
  • Drift (plasma physics)
  • Drift current
  • Drift velocity
  • Drinking bird
  • Driven oscillations
  • Drop (liquid)
  • Drude model
  • Drummond Matthews
  • Dry-bulb temperature
  • Dry ice
  • Du Noüy ring method
  • Du Qinghua
  • Dual lattice
  • Dual polarization interferometry
  • Dual resonance model
  • Dual superconductor model
  • Dual tensor
  • Duality (electricity and magnetism)
  • Duane H. Cooper
  • Duane–Hunt law
  • Ducted propeller
  • Ductility
  • Dudley Williams (physicist)
  • Duhamel's integral
  • Duhem–Margules equation
  • Dulong–Petit law
  • Dumb hole
  • Duncan Haldane
  • Duncan J. Watts
  • Duncan T. Moore
  • Duoplasmatron
  • Durmus A. Demir
  • Duru–Kleinert transformation
  • Dust (relativity)
  • Dust devil
  • Dust solution
  • Dusty plasma
  • Dutch roll
  • Dušan Ristanović
  • Dušanka Đokić
  • Dwarf galaxy problem
  • Dwarf planet
  • Dyadics
  • Dye-sensitized solar cell
  • Dye laser
  • Dynameter
  • Dynamic aperture
  • Dynamic aperture (accelerator physics)
  • Dynamic equilibrium
  • Dynamic light scattering
  • Dynamic modulus
  • Dynamic nuclear polarisation
  • Dynamic pressure
  • Dynamic scattering mode
  • Dynamic speckle
  • Dynamic stall
  • Dynamic structure factor
  • Dynamical billiards
  • Dynamical friction
  • Dynamical horizon
  • Dynamical simulation
  • Dynamical symmetry breaking
  • Dynamical system
  • Dynamical system (definition)
  • Dynamical theory of diffraction
  • Dynamical time scale
  • Dynamics (mechanics)
  • Dynamics of Markovian particles
  • Dynamics of the celestial spheres
  • Dynamitron
  • Dynamo theory
  • Dyon
  • Dyson's eternal intelligence
  • Dyson series
  • Dysprosium titanate
  • Dénes Berényi
  • Désiré van Monckhoven
  • Détecteur à Grande Acceptance pour la Physique Photonucléaire Expérimentale (DAPHNE)
  • Dühring's rule
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1 : Indexes of physics articles





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