

词条 Module:Countdown-ymd/sandbox
释义 -- This module powers {{countdown-ymd}}.

require('Module:No globals')

local p = {}

local static_text = {

['eventtime'] = 'Time to event:',

['begins'] = 'Event begins in', -- when |duration= is set

['ends'] = 'Event ends in', -- when |duration= is set

['ended'] = 'Event has ended.', -- when |duration= is set

['passed'] = 'Event time has passed.',

['invalid'] = 'Error: invalid date and/or time',


local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs

--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ U N I T >--------------------------------------------------------

Concatenates a singular or plural label to a time/date unit: unit label or unit labels. If unit is 0 or less, returns nil


local function format_unit (unit, label)

if 1 > unit then -- less than one so don't display

return nil; -- return nil so the result of this call isn't stuffed into results table by table.insert

elseif 1 == unit then

return unit .. ' ' .. label; -- only one unit so return singular label


return unit .. ' ' .. label .. 's'; -- multiple units so return plural label



--[[--------------------------< D U R A T I O N >--------------------------------------------------------------

Returns duration of event in seconds. If the units are not defined, assumes seconds. If the units are

defined but not one of day, days, hour, hours, minute, minutes, second, seconds then returns zero.


TODO: Why are we even considering seconds and minutes? Would it be better to specify and end time?


local function duration (duration)

local number, unit = duration:match ('(%d+)%s+(%a*)');

if not number then

return 0; -- duration not properly specified

elseif not unit then

return number; -- unit not defined, assume seconds


if unit:match ('days?') then

return number * 86400;

elseif unit:match ('hours?') then

return number * 3600;

elseif unit:match ('minutes?') then

return number * 60;

elseif unit:match ('seconds?') then

return number;


return 0; -- unknown unit



--[[--------------------------< U T C _ O F F S E T >----------------------------------------------------------

Returns offset from UTC in seconds. If 'utc offset' parameter is out of range or malformed, returns 0.

TODO: Return a success/fail flag so we can emit an error message?


local function utc_offset (offset)

local sign, utc_offset_hr, utc_offset_min;

if offset:match('^[%+%-]%d%d:%d%d$') then -- formal style: sign, hours colon minutes all required

sign, utc_offset_hr, utc_offset_min = offset:match('^([%+%-])(%d%d):(%d%d)$');

elseif offset:match('^[%+%-]?%d?%d:?%d%d$') then -- informal: sign and colon optional, 1- or 2-digit hours, and minutes

sign, utc_offset_hr, utc_offset_min = offset:match('^([%+%-]?)(%d?%d):?(%d%d)$');

elseif offset:match('^[%+%-]?%d?%d$') then -- informal: sign optional, 1- or 2-digit hours only

sign, utc_offset_hr = offset:match('^([%+%-]?)(%d?%d)$');

utc_offset_min = 0; -- because not included in parameter, set it to 0 minutes


return 0; -- malformed so return 0 seconds


utc_offset_hr = tonumber (utc_offset_hr);

utc_offset_min = tonumber (utc_offset_min);

if 12 < utc_offset_hr or 59 < utc_offset_min then -- hour and minute range checks

return 0;


if '-' == sign then

sign = -1; -- negative west offset


sign = 1; -- + or sign omitted east offset


utc_offset_hr = sign * (utc_offset_hr * 3600); -- utc offset hours * seconds/hour

utc_offset_min = sign * (utc_offset_min * 60); -- utc offset minutes * seconds/minute

return utc_offset_hr + utc_offset_min; -- return the UTC offset adjustment in seconds


--[[--------------------------< G E T _ D A Y S _ I N _ M O N T H >--------------------------------------------

Returns the number of days in the month where month is a number 1–12 and year is four-digit Gregorian calendar.

Accounts for leap year.


local function get_days_in_month (year, month)

local days_in_month = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};

year = tonumber (year); -- force these to be numbers just in case

month = tonumber (month);

if (2 == month) then -- if February

if (0 == (year%4) and (0 ~= (year%100) or 0 == (year%400))) then -- is year a leap year?

return 29; -- if leap year then 29 days in February



return days_in_month [month];


--[[--------------------------< D I F F _ T I M E >------------------------------------------------------------

calculates the difference between two times; returns a table of the differences in diff.hour, diff.min, and diff.sec


local function diff_time (a, b)

local diff = {}

diff.sec = a.sec - b. sec;

if diff.sec < 0 then

diff.sec = diff.sec + 60; -- borrow from minutes

a.min = a.min - 1;

if a.min < 0 then

a.min = a.min + 60; -- borrow from hours

a.hour = a.hour - 1;



diff.min = a.min - b.min;

if diff.min < 0 then

diff.min = diff.min + 60; -- borrow from hours

a.hour = a.hour - 1;


diff.hour = a.hour - b.hour;

return diff;


--[[--------------------------< D I F F _ D A T E >------------------------------------------------------------

calculates the difference between two dates; returns a table of the difference in diff.year, diff.month, and diff.day


local function diff_date (a, b)

local diff = {}

diff.day = a.day - b.day;

if diff.day < 0 then

a.month = a.month - 1;

if a.month < 1 then

a.year = a.year - 1; -- borrow a month from years

a.month = a.month + 12;


diff.day = diff.day + get_days_in_month (a.year, a.month); -- borrow all of the days from the *previous* month


diff.month = a.month - b.month;

if diff.month < 0 then

a.year = a.year - 1; -- borrow a month from years

diff.month = diff.month + 12;


diff.year = a.year - b.year;

return diff;


--[[--------------------------< I S _ V A L I D _ D A T E _ T I M E >------------------------------------------

Validate date/time. Also, determine if we have all of the necessary date/time componants. Minimal required

date/time is |year=.

For dates, these are required (all other variations emit an error message):

|year= or

|year= |month= or

|year= |month= |day=

If time is included, these are required (all other variations emit an error message):

|hour= or

|hour= |minute= or

|hour= |minute= |second=


local function is_valid_date_time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second)

if not year or (not month and day) then -- must have YMD, YM, or Y

return false;


year = tonumber (year);

if not year or 1582 > year or 9999 < year then return false; end -- must be four digits in gregorian calander

if month then

month = tonumber (month);

if not month or 1 > month or 12 < month then return false; end -- 1 to 12


if day then

day = tonumber (day);

if not day or 1 > day or get_days_in_month (year, month) < day then -- 1 to 28, 29, 30, or 31 depending on month

return false;



if ((minute or second) and not hour) or (not minute and second) then -- must have H:M:S or H:M or H or none at all

return false;


if hour then

hour = tonumber (hour);

if not hour or 0 > hour or 23 < hour then return false; end -- 0 to 23


if minute then

minute = tonumber (minute);

if not minute or 0 > minute or 59 < minute then return false; end -- 0 to 59


if second then

second = tonumber (second);

if not second or 0 > second or 59 < second then return false; end -- 0 to 59


return true;


--[[--------------------------< M A I N >----------------------------------------------------------------------

Supported parameters:

date and time parameters:

|year= (required), |month=, |day=

|hour=, |minute=, |second=

|utc offset=


presentation parameters:


wrapping-text parameters:

|event lead= – text ahead of countdown text while event is in progress; countdown text is time to end of event; default is static_text.ends

|event tail= – text that follows countdown text while event is in progress; default is empty string

|expired= - display text when event is in the past; default is static_text.passed; when |duration= is set then default is static_text.ended

|lead= – text ahead of countdown text; default is static_text.begins; overridden by |event lead= while event is in progress;

|tail= – text that follows countdown text; default is empty string; overridden by |event tail= while event is in progress


function p.main(frame)

local args = getArgs(frame)

if false == is_valid_date_time (args.year, args.month, args.day, args.hour, args.minute, args.second) then -- validate our inputs; minimal requirement is |year=

return static_text.invalid;


-- convert event time parameters to seconds; use default January 1 @ 0h for defaults if not provided

local event = os.time({year=args.year, month=args.month or 1, day=args.day or 1, hour=args.hour or 0, min=args.minute, sec=args.second}); -- convert to seconds

if args['utc offset'] then

event = event - utc_offset(args['utc offset']); -- adjust event time to UTC from local time


if 'none' == args.expired then

args.expired = ;


if event < os.time () then -- if event time is in the past

if not args.duration then

return args.expired or static_text.passed; -- if the event start time has passed, we're done


event = event + duration (args.duration); -- calculate event ending time

if event < os.time () then

return args.expired or static_text.ended; -- if the event start time + duration has passed, we're done



else -- here when event has not yet started or occured

if not args.lead then

if args.duration then

args.lead = static_text.begins; -- default lead text when |duration= set but |lead= not set


args.lead = static_text.eventtime; -- default lead text when |duration= and |lead= not set



args.duration = nil; -- event not yet started; unset so that we render text around the countdown correctly


local today = os.date ('*t'); --fetch table of current date time parameters from the server

local event_time = os.date ('*t', event); --fetch table of event date time parameters from the server

local hms_til_start = diff_time (event_time, today) -- table of time difference (future time - current time)

if hms_til_start.hour < 0 then -- will be negative if we need to borrow hours from day

hms_til_start.hour = hms_til_start.hour + 24; -- borrow a day's worth of hours from event start date

event_time.day = event_time.day - 1;


local ymd_til_start = diff_date (event_time, today) -- table of date difference (future date - current date)

local result = {} -- results table with some formatting; values less than one are not added to the table

table.insert (result, format_unit (ymd_til_start.year, 'year')); -- add date parameters

table.insert (result, format_unit (ymd_til_start.month, 'month'));

table.insert (result, format_unit (ymd_til_start.day, 'day'));

local count = #result; -- zero if less than 24 hours to event; when less than 24 hours display all non-zero time units

table.insert (result, format_unit (hms_til_start.hour, 'hour')); -- always include hours if it is not zero

if args.hour or 0 == count then -- if event start hour provided in template, show non-zero minutes

table.insert (result, format_unit (hms_til_start.min, 'minute'));


if (args.minute and args.hour) or 0 == count then -- if event start hour and minute provided in template, show non-zero seconds

table.insert (result, format_unit (hms_til_start.sec, 'second'));


result = table.concat (result, ', ');

result = mw.ustring.gsub(result, '(%d+)', '%1')

local refreshLink = mw.title.getCurrentTitle():fullUrl{action = 'purge'}

refreshLink = mw.ustring.format(' [[%s refresh]]', refreshLink)

if not args.duration then -- will be nil if event hasn't started yet or |duration= not specified

args.lead = args.lead or static_text.eventtime; -- use default begins text


args.lead = args['event lead'] or static_text.ends; -- event has started use |event lead= text or default ends text

args.tail = args['event tail']; -- and use |event tail= text


if 'none' == args.lead then -- here, if either arg.lead and args['event lead'] were set to keyword'none'

args.lead = ; -- set lead text to empty string

elseif args.lead then

args.lead = args.lead .. ' '; -- add a space


if args.tail then

args.tail = ' ' .. args.tail; -- add a space


args.tail = ; -- empty string for concatenation


return args.lead .. result .. args.tail .. refreshLink;


return p





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