

词条 Draft:Enrique Masias Portugal

Enrique Masias Portugal was a Peruvian artist born in Puno, Peru in 1898, he died in Rio de Janeiro in 1928 (Jose Antonio de Lavalle, Werner Lang, Colección Artes y Tesoros del Peru: Pintura Contemporanea, Segunda Parte 1920-1960, p. 52, Lima 1976). His parents were originally from Arequipa, Peru where he lived most of his life according to the Lavalle, Lang source. Although he was born in Puno he is considered an Arequipenian painter.

Known Works

Paisaje de Arequipa (private collection);

Placita de Cayma (private collection);

La Casa del Moral;

Ruinas del Palacio de Sachaca;

El Balcon de Herodes (Tello collection);

La Calle de los Puentes

Reportedly Masias was a precursor of the "Circulo Pictorico Laikakota" or the Laikakota Painters Circle (some times spelled Laykakota), a group of artists which met on Sundays and enjoyed field trips to interesting places for the purpose of painting(https://revistaideele.com/ideele/content/rumbos-de-la-pintura-puneñ). The word laikakota stems from laika (warlock) and kota (water) from the Aymara language mostly spoken in southern Peru and Bolivia. In an article about Masias by Peruvian artist Aurelio "Mosho" Medina Pacheco (http://www.losandes.com.pe/oweb/Cultural/20110403/48194.html) he references various of Masias works as well as comments from fellow artists including one of the most celebrated Peruvian artists, Teodoro Nunez Ureta a Guggenheim Fellow (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teodoro_Núñez_Ureta). According to Mosho's report Masias took a liking to bullfighting. Mosho asserts the Arequipa and Puno were the leitmotiv for Masias. There is another reference in a doctoral thesis (https://eprints.ucm.es/23154/1/T34818.pdf) to a Salon held in Lima in 1922 where Masias participated. Other books mention Masias works (Tello Garust, Guillermo. Pinturas Y Pintores Del Peru / [por Guillermo Tello Garust]. Lima: C & C Servicios Especializados, 1971. Print.)

His namesake, works, and biography are often confused (http://punoculturaydesarrollo.blogspot.com/2014/02/e.html) with those of another Peruvian painter, Francisco Masías Rodriguez, (Lima, Perú, 1838 - Lima, 16 of August of 1894) (https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_Mas%C3%ADas).





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