

词条 Draft:Roti Day

  1. Roti Day

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A day emerged in India, for the Indians, by the Indians.

Roti Day, 1st March 2019 – 4th year (started in 2016)

It is a nice initiative ...

We are looking after humanity for the humankind.

Food is one of the basic and most important things to survive.

However even then, somewhere sometime somebody is sleeping hungry. It is the intention of ‘Roti Day’ to encourage to satisfy hunger by donating food and motivate everyone to do so. This initiative has been successfully implemented in last two years. On the first day of March, ‘Roti Day’ is celebrated by donating food to hungry people. All of us should also strive for giving food to dreaded animals.

Every day people get hungry in this world, but only a few people manage to get food and millions of people stay hungry. We can definitely reduce this number. We can bring happiness to someone’s life by sharing food from our plate.

We can make this world a happier place of brotherhood and humanity. If we come together nobody will be hungry again. Let’s start to donate food and share happiness from this day. Within short time our donations can be for 365 days.

Whenever we travel, there is a chance that we come across a signal. As a responsible citizen, when it’s red, we stop for it. As we wait for it to turn green, suddenly, we realize that there is someone on the road making gestures to tell us that they are hungry and asking us to give them something. It feels sad when we look at their begging hands and crying eyes. If you think about it, you realize that they are unemployed and in poor situation. However, they may not stay poor if they get something to eat every day. To motivate our countrymen to work hard, lets offer them food freshly cooked from our home. Food donations will satisfy their hunger, making them mentally and physically strong to work. As a result of this, slowly, you may not even see them on signal asking for food and in poor conditions.

21% of our population will be found in our own social organizations around the country, such as orphanage, old age homes, homes for blind, government hospitals or suffering form H.I.V/Cancer, etc. We can donate food to these organizations as well. These organizations are doing social work for our country, they need help. Even if we donate 2kg of sugar, wheat, rice, etc. it can be a significant help. You can search and contact nearby NGOs by typing ‘NGO near me’ on your mobile devices.

We make fresh food every day in our home. Possibly, we can cook some extra food and share with someone everyday who is in need without wasting the food. Please do not hand off money to those begging hands, instead give them some food to eat. You will feel more satisfied by giving them food instead of handing over money and they will also feel happy.

Give food to the devoured animals/birds as well. Give them appropriate food and keep water for drinking as well.

Tell this story to your family and friends at a personal level, and this is easily possible. Do not donate anyone food or money to do this initiative on your behalf. Celebrate this initiative for your self-interest.

We are celebrating March 1st as a Roti Day. Let’s start it from March 1st and continue this initiative beyond March 1st for all 365 days. Let’s begin this initiative from this day and let’s not stop after this. We must be successful in putting this idea in front of the whole world. Let the world know that, in our diverse country we have brotherhood for the basic thing which is food. Let's induce all Indians to donate food / grains.

Always have a roti day.

People will have self-respect if they are working. Without work people might get hungry with poor conditions.

These needy people will work if they get a helping hand from us. We can give them enough force by sharing food from our plates. You can make our country's population strong enough to be a great power and that day is not far away. By doing this a meaningful Roti Day can be achieved.

There is a little effort to do this.

Let’s start from one day ... 1st March ‘Roti Day’.

For more information:




Thank You. Amit Kalyankar

Roti Day





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