

词条 2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Samuel Alito
释义 {{SCOTUS-justice-listframe
|image=File:Justice Alito official.jpg
|startdate=October 5, 2009
|enddate=October 4, 2010
|mostjoinedby=Roberts (10)
|leastjoinedby=Stevens, Sotomayor (4)
|accessdate=October 4, 2010
| #=01
| case=Bobby v. Van Hook
| type=concurrence
| volume=558
| page=4
| year=2009
| issues= Sixth Amendment {{*}} ineffective assistance of counsel
| joined=
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=per curiam || otheropinion1link=2009 term per curiam opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States#Bobby v. Van Hook
| summary=Alito joined the Court's per curiam opinion, which had reversed the lower court for resolving an ineffective assistance of counsel claim by applying guidelines published by the American Bar Association nearly twenty years after the trial. Alito filed a separate concurrence to emphasize his understanding that the Supreme Court's opinion "in no way suggests that the [ABA Guidelines] have special relevance in determining whether an attorney’s performance meets the standard required by the Sixth Amendment." Pointing out that the ABA "is a private group with limited membership," Alito observed that its views are not necessarily reflective of American lawyers as a whole. It is instead the responsibility of the courts to determine what conduct by an attorney meets constitutional standards, and Alito saw "no reason why the ABA Guidelines should be given a privileged position in making that determination."
| #=02
| case=Wellons v. Hall
| type=dissent
| volume=558
| page=220
| year=2010
| issues=habeas corpus {{*}} procedural default {{*}} GVR orders
| joined=Roberts
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=per curiam || otheropinion1link=2009 term per curiam opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States#Wellons v. Hall
| otheropinion2type=dissent || otheropinion2author=Scalia || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Wellons v. Hall
| summary=
| #=03
| case=Kucana v. Holder
| type=concurrence
| volume=558
| page=233
| year=2010
| issues=Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 {{*}} ban on judicial review of discretionary actions by Attorney General
| joined=
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Ginsburg || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg#Kucana v. Holder
| summary=
| #=04
| case=South Carolina v. North Carolina
| type=majority
| volume=558
| page=256
| year=2010
| issues=state apportionment of the Catawba River waters {{*}} intervention by municipal entity in original action
| joined=Stevens, Scalia, Kennedy, Breyer
| otheropinion1type=concurrencedissent || otheropinion1author=Roberts || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts#South Carolina v. North Carolina
| summary=
| #=05
| case-article=Johnson v. United States (2010)
| case-display=Johnson v. United States
| type=dissent
| volume=559
| page=133
| year=2010
| issues=Armed Career Criminal Act {{*}} state battery conviction as predicate violent felony
| joined=Thomas
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Scalia || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Johnson v. United States
| summary=
| #=06
| case=Mac's Shell Service, Inc. v. Shell Oil Products Co.
| type=majority
| volume=559
| page=175
| year=2010
| issues=Petroleum Marketing Practices Act {{*}} constructive termination
| joined=Unanimous
| summary=
| #=07
| case=Bloate v. United States
| type=dissent
| volume=559
| page=196
| year=2010
| issues=Speedy Trial Act {{*}} exclusion of time granted to prepare pretrial motions
| joined=Breyer
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Thomas || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#Bloate v. United States
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Ginsburg || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg#Bloate v. United States
| summary=
| #=08
| case=Jones v. Harris Associates
| type=majority
| volume=559
| page=335
| year=2010
| issues=Investment Company Act of 1940 {{*}} investment advisor compensation as breach of fiduciary duty
| joined=Unanimous
| otheropinion1type=concurrence || otheropinion1author=Thomas || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#Jones v. Harris Associates
| summary=
| #=09
| case=Padilla v. Kentucky
| type=concurrence
| volume=559
| page=356
| year=2010
| issues=Sixth Amendment {{*}} ineffective assistance of counsel {{*}} legal advice on deportation as consequence of conviction
| joined=Roberts
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Stevens || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Padilla v. Kentucky
| otheropinion2type=dissent || otheropinion2author=Scalia || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Padilla v. Kentucky
| summary=
| #=10
| case=United States v. Stevens
| type=dissent
| volume=559
| page=460
| year=2010
| issues=criminalization of depictions of animal cruelty {{*}} First Amendment {{*}} free speech
| joined=
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Roberts || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts#United States v. Stevens
| summary=
| #=11
| case=Perdue v. Kenny A.
| type=majority
| volume=559
| page=542
| year=2010
| issues=Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Award Act of 1976 {{*}} calculation of attorney's fees
| joined=Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas
| otheropinion1type=concurrence || otheropinion1author=Kennedy || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Perdue v. Kenny A.
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Thomas || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#Perdue v. Kenny A.
| otheropinion3type=concurrencedissent || otheropinion3author=Breyer || otheropinion3link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Stephen Breyer#Perdue v. Kenny A.
| summary=
| #=12
| case=Stolt-Nielsen S. A. v. AnimalFeeds Int'l Corp.
| type=majority
| volume=559
| page=662
| year=2010
| issues=Federal Arbitration Act {{*}} class arbitration
| joined=Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas
| otheropinion1type=dissent || otheropinion1author=Ginsburg || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg#Stolt-Nielsen S. A. v. AnimalFeeds Int'l Corp.
| summary=
| #=13
| case=Salazar v. Buono
| type=concurrence
| volume=559
| page=700
| year=2010
| issues=Article III {{*}} standing {{*}} First Amendment {{*}} Establishment Clause {{*}} display of religious symbol on government land {{*}} land transfer from government to private owner
| joined=
| otheropinion1type=plurality || otheropinion1author=Kennedy || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Salazar v. Buono
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Roberts || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts#Salazar v. Buono
| otheropinion3type=concurrence || otheropinion3author=Scalia || otheropinion3link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Salazar v. Buono
| otheropinion4type=dissent || otheropinion4author=Stevens || otheropinion4link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Salazar v. Buono
| otheropinion5type=dissent || otheropinion5author=Breyer || otheropinion5link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Stephen Breyer#Salazar v. Buono
| summary=
| #=14
| case1=Nurre v. Whitehead
| type=dissent
| volume=559
| page=1025
| year=2010
| issues=First Amendment {{*}} free speech {{*}} student speech in public schools {{*}} public forum doctrine
| joined=
| summary=Alito dissented from the Court's denial of certiorari.
| #=15
| case=Graham v. Florida
| type=dissent
| volume=560
| page=48
| year=2010
| issues=Eighth Amendment {{*}} cruel and unusual punishment {{*}} sentencing of juveniles to life imprisonment for nonhomicide crimes
| joined=
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Kennedy || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Graham v. Florida
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Roberts || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts#Graham v. Florida
| otheropinion3type=concurrence || otheropinion3author=Stevens || otheropinion3link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Graham v. Florida
| otheropinion4type=dissent || otheropinion4author=Thomas || otheropinion4link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#Graham v. Florida
| summary=
| #=16
| case=United States v. Comstock
| type=concurrence
| volume=560
| page=126
| year=2010
| issues=Necessary and Proper Clause {{*}} civil commitment of mentally ill, sexually dangerous prisoners
| joined=
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Breyer || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Stephen Breyer#United States v. Comstock
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Kennedy || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#United States v. Comstock
| otheropinion3type=dissent || otheropinion3author=Thomas || otheropinion3link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#United States v. Comstock
| summary=
| #=17
| case=Samantar v. Yousuf
| type=concurrence
| volume=560
| page=305
| year=2010
| issues=Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act {{*}} immunity for officials of foreign states
| joined=
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Stevens || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Samantar v. Yousuf
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Scalia || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Samantar v. Yousuf
| otheropinion3type=concurrence || otheropinion3author=Thomas || otheropinion3link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#Samantar v. Yousuf
| summary=
| #=18
| case=Levin v. Commerce Energy, Inc.
| type=concurrence
| volume=560
| page=413
| year=2010
| issues=discriminatory state taxation {{*}} comity
| joined=
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Ginsburg || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg#Levin v. Commerce Energy, Inc.
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Kennedy || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Levin v. Commerce Energy, Inc.
| otheropinion3type=concurrence || otheropinion3author=Thomas || otheropinion3link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#Levin v. Commerce Energy, Inc.
| summary=
| #=19
| case=Carr v. United States
| type=dissent
| volume=560
| page=438
| year=2010
| issues=Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act {{*}} registration requirements for interstate travel {{*}} ex post facto application
| joined=Thomas, Ginsburg
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Sotomayor || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Sonia Sotomayor#Carr v. United States
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Scalia || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Carr v. United States
| summary=
| #=20
| case=Hamilton v. Lanning
| type=majority
| volume=560
| page=505
| year=2010
| issues=bankruptcy law {{*}} Chapter 13 {{*}} Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 {{*}} calculation of debtor's projected disposal income
| joined=Roberts, Stevens, Kennedy, Thomas, Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor
| otheropinion1type=dissent || otheropinion1author=Scalia || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Hamilton v. Lanning
| summary=
| #=21
| case=Holland v. Florida
| type=concurrence
| volume=560
| page=631
| year=2010
| issues=Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 {{*}} statute of limitations {{*}} equitable tolling
| joined=
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Breyer || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Stephen Breyer#Holland v. Florida
| otheropinion2type=dissent || otheropinion2author=Scalia || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Holland v. Florida
| summary=
| #=22
| case=Monsanto Co. v. Geertson Seed Farms
| type=majority
| volume=561
| page=139
| year=2010
| issues=Plant Protection Act {{*}} deregulation of genetically modified plants {{*}} Article III {{*}} standing
| joined=Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, Ginsburg, Sotomayor
| otheropinion1type=dissent || otheropinion1author=Stevens || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Monsanto Co. v. Geertson Seed Farms
| summary=
| #=23
| case=Doe v. Reed
| type=concurrence
| volume=561
| page=186
| year=2010
| issues=public disclosure of referendum petitions {{*}} First Amendment {{*}} free speech
| joined=
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Roberts || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Roberts#Doe v. Reed
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Stevens || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Doe v. Reed
| otheropinion3type=concurrence || otheropinion3author=Scalia || otheropinion3link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Doe v. Reed
| otheropinion4type=concurrence || otheropinion4author=Breyer || otheropinion4link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Stephen Breyer#Doe v. Reed
| otheropinion5type=concurrence || otheropinion5author=Sotomayor || otheropinion5link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Sonia Sotomayor#Doe v. Reed
| otheropinion6type=dissent || otheropinion6author=Thomas || otheropinion6link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#Doe v. Reed
| summary=
| #=24
| case=Skilling v. United States
| type=concurrence
| volume=561
| page=358
| year=2010
| issues=Enron scandal {{*}} Sixth Amendment {{*}} Article III {{*}} change of venue {{*}} juror prejudice from pretrial publicity {{*}} honest services fraud
| joined=
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Ginsburg || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg#Skilling v. United States
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Scalia || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Skilling v. United States
| otheropinion3type=concurrencedissent || otheropinion3author=Sotomayor || otheropinion3link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Sonia Sotomayor#Skilling v. United States
| summary=
| #=25
| case=Christian Legal Soc. Chapter of Univ. of Cal., Hastings College of Law v. Martinez
| type=dissent
| volume=561
| page=661
| year=2010
| issues=nondiscrimination policy for university student organizations {{*}} First Amendment {{*}} free speech {{*}} public forum doctrine
| joined=Roberts, Scalia, Thomas
| otheropinion1type=majority || otheropinion1author=Ginsburg || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg#Christian Legal Soc. Chapter of Univ. of Cal., Hastings College of Law v. Martinez
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Stevens || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Christian Legal Soc. Chapter of Univ. of Cal., Hastings College of Law v. Martinez
| otheropinion3type=concurrence || otheropinion3author=Kennedy || otheropinion3link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Christian Legal Soc. Chapter of Univ. of Cal., Hastings College of Law v. Martinez
| summary=
| #=26
| case=McDonald v. Chicago
| type=plurality
| volume=561
| page=742
| year=2010
| issues=Second Amendment {{*}} Fourteenth Amendment {{*}} Incorporation Doctrine {{*}} gun control
| joined=Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy; Thomas (in part)
| otheropinion1type=concurrence || otheropinion1author=Scalia || otheropinion1link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#McDonald v. Chicago
| otheropinion2type=concurrence || otheropinion2author=Thomas || otheropinion2link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#McDonald v. Chicago
| otheropinion3type=dissent || otheropinion3author=Stevens || otheropinion3link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#McDonald v. Chicago
| otheropinion4type=dissent || otheropinion4author=Breyer || otheropinion4link=2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Stephen Breyer#McDonald v. Chicago
| summary=




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